Ye Feng was not quite conscious at this time. Although the environment was very abrupt, Ye Feng didn't have much sense of disobedience, as if all this was taken for granted.

"Man, how can you forget this event? This is the annual carnival in our city!" the middle-aged man's face is filled with a happy smile, as if he was the luckiest man in the world at this time.

"Excuse me, I have a headache. It may be amnesia or something," said Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shook his head, but his mind was as heavy as paste. He vaguely remembered that just a few seconds ago, he was still playing in the swimming pool with a group of beautiful women. Somehow, the next second, he was suddenly in a long queue at the door of a bank.

"Man, after participating in the three-hour activity, you must go to the hospital to have a look at your brain," the middle-aged man kindly advised, "well, there has been a traditional activity in petan city since ancient times," three-hour release from the bank "--

"Since ancient times, the emergence of modern banks has only been two or three hundred years?" Ye Feng asked vaguely.

"- it doesn't matter. The important thing is that in our city of petham, the annual" three hour bank release " It's the biggest event. During these three hours, as long as it's the local people in Bitan City, they can rush into the Bank of Bitan city and take money and gold at will. Of course, the valuables privately stored in the bank are not within the scope of the event. Every year, several fools want to take this part, but their end is not very good. "

The middle-aged man leaked an evil smile.

"Eh? You say again, take money and gold at will? Are you kidding?" Ye Feng thought he heard wrong.

"No, man, that's it. It can be a traditional activity. If you want to become the last" big winner "in three hours, that is, the person who takes the most money, there are many knockers. Do you remember Kobe James, the" big winner "last year? That guy's intelligence and physical strength are superior, which makes him the last" big winner ".

"Of course, luck also played a big role. The year before last, Nelson Sr. became the oldest" big winner "at the age of 72 , he relied on luck. The unlucky gold guy who took a lot of money had a heart attack due to excitement and fell right in front of old Nelson. The old guy directly got a lot of money in vain. Of course, I'm not complaining, I'm just a little envious, you know. "

The middle-aged man talked freely and talked endlessly about the past "three hour release from the bank".

"Er... Move forward." Ye Feng reminded that the middle-aged men who were engaged walked forward. The queue was moving forward slowly. People entered the bank one by one, waiting for the bell announcing the beginning of the three-hour activity.

"Oh, sorry." the middle-aged man walked forward. He turned his head and continued to look at Ye Feng. "Man, how did you come empty handed? Even if you don't carry weapons, you have to carry a strong big bag."

"Weapons?" Ye Feng was stunned for a second. "Do you still need to bring weapons?"

"Of course," the middle-aged man opened his backpack on his back, and Ye Feng opened several sharp machetes, wooden sticks and metal baseball bats, and even Ye Feng saw a pan. "Although hot weapons are forbidden to be brought into the bank, there is no restriction on cold weapons. Man, you are bare handed now. I advise you not to participate in this activity."

"Nobody cares after the activity starts?" Ye Feng asked thoughtfully, pointing to all kinds of killers in the middle-aged man's backpack.

"Nobody cares," the middle-aged man said casually, "This is an annual carnival. In these three hours, you can do whatever you want in the specified bank places as long as you abide by the basic rules. Didn't you notice? There is no female participant in the queue. In previous years, there were several female participants who were keen to break men's brains, but I didn't see any of them this year. Maybe they didn't go I lined up at the door of the bank. "

"Sounds cool..." Ye Feng didn't know what to say, so he had to mumble and respond casually. His eyes have been staring at the middle-aged man's backpack, but the middle-aged man immersed in the story didn't notice Ye Feng's eyes.

"There are quite a lot of such people. I mean, they participate in activities to break other people's brains. You know, there is too much competitive pressure now, and there will be many people you want to kill in life, and this" three hour release from the bank " It's a good way to decompress. Maybe you can meet annoying people. At this time, you can do whatever you want to do to them, hahaha. I'm looking forward to meeting my boss. He gave me 200 yuan last week because I sat in the bathroom for two hours. "

The middle-aged man smiled very, um, very scary. Ye Feng suddenly felt that this man didn't seem as amiable as his appearance. The uncle seemed eager to fight the next bloody fight.

"Hey, young man, why don't we form a team and follow me so that we can get more money and gold?" the middle-aged man suddenly suggested to Ye Feng.

"OK, please." Ye Feng deliberately pretended to be grateful, grabbed the middle-aged man's hand and kept shaking to express his gratitude.

Treat me like an idiot? Wait and see, Uncle... Ye Feng hummed coldly in his heart. He knew what the man was fighting in front of him. Note: let Ye Feng be a free labor force. When the collection was about the same, the middle-aged man had a guy in his hand. He didn't know how Ye Feng would die at that time.

But the middle-aged man ignores one thing. Ye Feng is not an ordinary silly boy, or Ye Feng is really a silly boy now, but he is a very good silly boy


When the bell rang to announce the official start of the "three hour release of the bank", Ye Feng was shocked by the crazy scene in front of him. Thousands of participants, almost most of them men, poured into the bank like a tide. Some people came for money, you pushed me to the depths of the vault and the bank, and the rest to taste the blood, Has begun to look for eye-catching opponents and fight each other with passion.

The middle-aged man took Ye Feng, who was always careful to stay behind the big army and didn't advance rashly. At the same time, he carefully avoided the chaos in the corridor. Ye Feng saw a high school student in school uniform smashing a Mediterranean uncle who fell to the ground with all his strength. The male students kept saying something like "let you not let me pass!", "Let you punish me to write a review!" and so on, Ye Feng was frightened.

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