However, because Gemma has not been in Kate's apartment, Audrey and others know that Gemma is with Ye Feng, so whenever someone can't find Ye Feng, Gemma's mobile phone rings.

Of course, it's no big deal for them to find Ye Feng. They just help get an express, pay when shopping, or let Ye Feng bring food when they are hungry

"Gemma, you're right. Has there been any movement on the other side of the crown prince?" Ye Feng asked nervously, leaning back on his seat.

"Not yet." jenma also kept an eye on the crown prince's private cell phone.

"Gemma, do you think the crown prince already knows that we are tracking his cell phone?" Ye Feng asked anxiously.

Ye Feng is worried that there may be no trace of the crown prince in the information he just risked his life to copy from Alfred's mobile phone. After all, according to an Lanna's description, the crown prince is a very cautious person. This means that the monitoring of the crown prince's mobile phone has become particularly important

"You don't have to worry about this. If he can think of it, he will turn off his mobile phone and destroy it directly." jenma's answer made Ye Feng feel a little relaxed.

"Well, I shouldn't be unhappy. My action is still successful. Gemma, do you know what happens when I finish the employment task? I will buy a lot of pancake fruits and lock myself at home. I won't go out unless I dry all the pancake fruits." Ye Feng adjusted his mood, Joking with the girls on the communication channel

Ye Feng, sitting in the co pilot's position, danced to ye leihanna about his unique way of celebration, but when she aimed at Rihanna, Ye Feng was startled. Rihanna was driving at high speed, her upper and lower eyelids were tightly intertwined, and she was almost asleep

"Drive well, I don't want to end up in a car accident!"

"Relax." facing Ye Feng's scream, Rihanna opened her eyes as if nothing had happened and continued to drive

Looking at Rihanna, who is calm and calm beside her, Ye Feng is speechless. In fact, he sometimes envies her. Rihanna seems to be so calm in any case. Unlike himself, he doesn't think about anything. He lives like a psycho all day. Er, he seems to be a psycho. Ye Feng is thinking in his heart.

"Ye Feng! There's something wrong with the crown prince." looking at the message popping up on the screen, jenma quickly said to Ye Feng.

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng asked quickly.

"The crown prince has run away." jenma looked at the red dot representing the crown prince on the screen and told Ye Feng that she was driving. She quickly reminded Ye Feng in her communication, "the crown prince is in the new metropolis! Damn it, I thought he would hide in that small country. The goods are here!"

"Oh... Really... It's fun now... Gemma, stare at him. Rihanna and I go back to the base first. Let's take a long-term view. Hey hey, thanks to the dead crown prince, I don't have to think about how to bring a large bag of contraband abroad." Ye Feng licked his lips and said with a sneer.

"Don't worry, I'll stare at him." jenma's face showed a charming smile. The girl with high IQ knew that the drama of hunting the prince would be staged in the new metropolis soon


"How do you do it? Ah? Alfred is still dead without being killed!"

In the study of a luxurious country villa, Prince William roared at the "imitation expert" - David limir. Prince William is almost mad at the death of Alfred, the old housekeeper who has been serving him

"I paid you to kill!"

"You're not right, William." "imitation expert" - David limir sat in his chair and calmly said to Crown Prince William: "as soon as I got the information, I took action immediately, but in fact, protecting your housekeeper is not within the scope of my task."

"Alfred is my most trusted man! You know what I mean!" roared Prince William

"Of course, I understand very well. After all, you have shouted at your throat several times." "imitation expert" said coldly.

"God... Do you know how much energy I need to spend to deal with this mess? My life has become a pot of porridge!" Prince William walked back and forth in his study excitedly, the death of the old housekeeper, the woman and the possible scandal. These things are in front of him, which make him unbearable.

"Damn it, I don't understand why you asked me to remove a large part of the guards. Now I think it clear. It's just to let the damn God of death invade the defense area, isn't it? You're using Alfred as bait!" Prince William turned his eyes to the "imitation expert".

"Why did you and your men lurk in the manor so early? And without my knowledge? Hmm? You used Alfred as bait. You thought I would be stupid enough to listen to your lie?"

After a night's careful reflection, Prince William, who recovered from the stress state, found many doubts. He also wanted to understand the relationship, which made him shudder. It is obvious that the "imitation expert" is making a bureau, a bureau to lure and kill invaders, and his old housekeeper is the delicious bait

"Like you, I wouldn't have prepared like that if I knew at the beginning that the visiting guest was the" God of death ". I would fill the time bomb in the room of Ah Fu who was killed. As soon as the" God of death "appeared, I pressed the detonating button, so there would be no so many broken things. Still due to the lack of intelligence, the" imitation expert "reluctantly spread his hand.

"Anyway, you don't think about Alfred's life or death, do you?" Prince William glared at the "imitation expert".

"Hum." "imitation expert" gave a noncommittal hum.

"What did Alfred get for his death?" Prince William continued.

"Intelligence," the "imitation expert" replied lightly.

"Intelligence?" Prince William snorted coldly.

"You'd better respect me. This is my territory. You know, without me, you can't use the right wine." death "will cook your eggs. But I guess you'll enjoy it very much." "imitation expert" said coldly to Crown Prince William.

"Your territory? Are you crazy? Imitation expert. If I want your advice, I'll ask. As far as I know, in this villa, those who breathe are all my men!" Prince William stared at the "imitation expert" who spoke unkindly to himself.

"He already knows you're here." the "imitation expert" watched Prince William with interest.

"What are you talking about?" Prince William was like a cat with its tail stepped on. He was in a state of hair blowing.

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