"The main race in the universe? Are there humans in it?" Ye Feng asked blankly.

"There are human races, but humans don't. You didn't evolve completely at that time." Kou Bi glanced at Ye Feng, who also knew that he asked a very stupid question. Ye Feng smiled and motioned Kou Bi to go on.

"In a word, from 10000 years ago, entering the" quiet Hill "for scavenging has become the freedom of all races. After all, no one will stop you from dying. Because of its unique particularity," quiet Hill "has become one of the most dangerous places in the universe. DiCaprio is right. Every brave or crazy person dreams of going there "Quiet hills" rush, but as far as I know, 100 people go in and half a person can come out alive. It's lucky enough. "

"Half a person?" Ye Feng couldn't help laughing.

"It's hard for you to get out of the" quiet Hill ". Kou Bi looked at Ye Feng seriously. She knew what Ye Feng was thinking." the main material for building the "quiet Hill" has a special magnetic field to restrain carbon based biological self-healing. In other words, your self-healing ability will hardly work in it. "

"Er... If I go in, I'll be dead?" Ye Feng stared at Kubi with dull eyes.

"It's possible, but since Dick chose to let you go, he shouldn't let you die easily..." Kobi's tone was not so sure.

"I'd better ask him later..." he's already on the thief ship. Ye Feng knows that he's not so easy to get off the ship

"The most active and longest encountered people in the" quiet Hill "are generally divided into three types. The first is a large organic unit. They are usually professional waste collection teams sent by large races in the universe, and their main goal is the" transcendent "left in the" quiet Hill " I have a friend who has participated in similar scavenging operations. Generally speaking, this group of people is the most powerful scavengers in the "quiet hills".

"The second, and the largest number, is the waste collection team with several people, or more than a dozen people, and no more than 100 people at most. These teams are basically private teams. The goal of waste collection is very clear, that is, to pick up things that can be changed into money. Therefore, if there is no direct conflict of interests with these people, it will generally not cause unnecessary disputes End.

"The third kind is also the most unpopular existence in the" quiet hills ". As the name suggests, they wait for work by robbing the spoils of the scavenging team. These predators are true thugs. Even the regular large scavenging team will still feel difficult in the face of the invasion of predators. After all, this group of looting is very dangerous to the" quiet hills " Very familiar, "quiet Hill" is almost their home. "

"Kou Bi, the more carefully you say, the more I don't want to participate in this muddy water..." ye Fengsheng said lovelessly.

"How's it going? Are you finished, Cobb?"

Dick came over and asked cobby leisurely, "are you ready? All right, let's go now -"

"Wait!" Ye Feng quickly raised his hand and shouted, "why did you come to me? Kobi said that as soon as I entered the quiet Hill, I was no different from an ordinary human. Did you let me die?"

"Don't worry, you can't die," Dick replied casually. "Bald ladle, you hurry back and get ready for your equipment. I only give you ten minutes." while talking to milk bald, Dick opened a time-space door, opposite the big villa of milk bald.

"OK, I know." milk bald strides across the time and space gate and will prepare his own weapons and equipment for this trip at home.

"Hey! What do you mean I can't die? Your statement is very unconvincing!" Ye Feng complained angrily.

"Don't worry, you won't hang up if the big bald ladle hangs up, and the combat effectiveness of Kobi is amazing, and I exist. As long as you don't die, no one can take you. Give you this." Dick took out a yellow and black painted bracelet from his pocket and threw it to Ye Feng.

"What's this?" Ye Feng looked at Dick suspiciously. The metal bracelet in his hand felt cold. Although it didn't look very impressive, its surface was blooming with a layer of low-key and luxurious light, which made Ye Feng like it very much.

But you can't eat it when you like it. Maple leaf thought painfully.

"This is a good thing. You'd better thank me quickly, maple boy. In order to reassure you to participate in this operation, I've made a lot of money." Dick said with some pain. "This bracelet stores rick-98 fighter armor made of new nano materials developed by me."

"Rick-98? I seem to have driven your rick-54 before..." Ye Feng couldn't wait for the white hand ring to stay on the wrist of his left hand, but there was no change.

"Give me your right hand."

Dick walked to Ye Feng and picked up Ye Feng's right hand with a facial expression. In Ye Feng's puzzled gaze, the top of one of Dick's fingers suddenly turned up, revealing a small gun hole in his finger. Before Ye Feng was surprised, a laser shot out of Dick's thin gun hole, puncturing the palm of Ye Feng's right hand and instantly bleeding.

"Ah ah!!!"

Ye Feng screamed in pain. Dick calmly held Ye Feng's right palm, cruelly dragged the injured right hand to the bracelet worn by Ye Feng on his left wrist, and squeezed it hard, so that the blood in the palm of his right hand splashed over the black red bracelet.

"Done." watching Ye Feng's blood absorbed by the bracelet, Dick loosened Ye Feng's bloody right hand and said with ease, "I have to let this device determine your DNA information. Although I can input it manually, I still think this way is cooler, don't I?"

"..." Ye Feng suppressed his inner impulse and scolded Dick without covering his face: cool, your sister!

"All right, you have my newly developed powerful rick-98. The hell bat suit on Kubi is a great killer in the universe. I don't need to say more. I've never lagged behind -"

"Are you kidding..." Ye Feng whispered discontentedly.

"- although the big bald ladybug is the penultimate drag in our team, it is rough and thick. It is more than enough to be a tank, and it can be directly discarded at the critical moment. The configuration of this team is pretty good," Dick said with good interest.

"Big dick, can't you just want to abandon me so easily?" DiCaprio, who was preparing to wear a heavy power armor, just came back from the time-space gate. When he heard Dick's words, the big Orc had a black line in his head.

"The second from the bottom? Who is the first from the bottom?" Ye Feng asked this self-evident question. When he noticed that the other three were watching him, Ye Feng realized slowly, "it's me, 0.0"

"Anyway, it's time to pick up the garbage! Let's go and get on the ship." Dick walked to the broken aircraft parked in the garage.

"Er... Isn't it faster to open a space-time door directly?" Ye Feng asked suspiciously.

"The star region where the quiet hills are located is prohibited from space-time jumping, and the space jumping there is locked," Kobi explained.

"Oh... That is to say, if we really encounter any emergency, it will be difficult for us to run?" Ye Feng's face became more and more ugly.

"Don't worry, at that time, you just have to run faster than the big bald ladle," Dick said without looking back.


Ye Feng and DiCaprio stared at Dick's back in front with disdainful eyes.


Riding in a dilapidated spaceship with larger and more comfortable space after being transformed by Dick, Ye Feng and Kubi sit in the back seat, Dick, who drives the spaceship, and DiCaprio, a big Orc more than two meters high, in the co pilot's position, even though Dick has expanded the space in the spaceship in advance, But DiCaprio still had to curl up so that he could barely close the door.

The journey to the quiet hills is not as long as Ye Feng imagined. After flying into space in a broken spaceship, Dick directly opened a space-time door, flew a broken spaceship and jumped directly to the edge of the star domain where the quiet Hill is located. Then there was a monotonous voyage towards the quiet Hill.

Of course, if it hadn't been for Kubi and Ye Feng to obstruct Dick and DiCaprio's restless heart, the trip would not have been so smooth.

The orc and the old guy raised the attention of other ships they met during the robbery more than once. No matter the size of each other's ships, Dick and DiCaprio were ready to eat black as long as they met. Ye Feng and Kou Bi could only persuade them not to make trouble again and again, In the end, it seems that Ye Feng and Kou Bi are the initiators of this scavenging operation

"Hey, that's quiet Hill?"

Ye Feng pointed to a huge dead object like a steel fortress hanging in space and asked Kou Bi.

"Well, that's the quiet Hill."

The wreckage of an incomparably huge spaceship, like a steel city, lies quietly in the universe, as if the steel beast is just lying down and resting. Countless war damage gaps on its body show the tragic situation of the war. It fell into a lifeless star field and shocked every passer-by who saw it for the first time. The sense of science and technology and majestic are still gushing out of its body!

Ye Feng stared at the steel beast that had died for tens of thousands of years in the distance. For a moment, he was shocked and completely speechless. In Ye Feng's imagination before, this quiet Hill contested by countless races may be a spaceship that has been expanded countless times, but when he saw the quiet Hill with his own eyes, Ye Feng found that he was wrong. The quiet Hill is not a spaceship, it is more like a giant beast roaring with his head held high!!!

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