There was a loud bang of "Peng!" in the bathroom, followed by a series of "poof Lala" sounds. Ye Feng and Dick looked at each other with shocked faces, and then turned to look at the direction of the bathroom at the same time.

"How many tons of shit did NIMA pull?" asked Ye Feng. He didn't expect such a development.

"This guy has definitely been constipated for days, damn it! It's so smelly!" Dick pinched his nose and walked out of the room.

After a few minutes of silence, the bathroom opened. Nai bald came out with his stomach covered, silently took his things, turned and walked out of the room. Although Ye Feng had a black question mark on his face, he quickly took his things out of the room and followed naibald.

"What's the matter? Have you found the enemy? Leave in such a hurry." Ye Feng asked Nai bald, puzzled. although

"No, it's just that room can't wait." the face of milk and bald is red, the true meaning of "red with yellow, scrambled egg with tomato" color.

"You should not have blocked the toilet..." Ye Feng combined with the series of sounds just made in the bathroom to get the most reasonable possibility.

"En..." DiCaprio simply turned his head and didn't look at Ye Feng's gloating expression.

"Did you wash your ass?" Ye Feng is very concerned about this issue now, which is related to whether you can move forward with DiCaprio. Ye Feng doesn't like cleaning himself, but he is very clean to others.

"Ye Feng is right. Have you washed your ass?" Dick looked at DiCaprio coming towards him, stepped back in disgust and asked loudly.

"..." Kubi is not as ruthless as Ye Feng and Dick. She didn't say anything, but the armored palm gun has been charged and is shining at DiCaprio. Kubi's meaning is obvious. If DiCaprio doesn't give her a satisfactory answer, she will do it

"Go to your mushroom, I washed it! Suck it!!!" milk bald shouted at Ye Feng

After the previous episode, Ye Feng and his party found a room again. With the lesson of the last room, Ye Feng and DiCaprio are much more honest this time.

Put the door on top of the desk full of rust marks in the room. Ye Feng took rick-98 back into the bracelet and charged the armor (the energy comes from the primitive energy of the universe, but the armor will be charged automatically only when it is taken back into the bracelet). DiCaprio also took off his weight and laid down his heavy power armor against the wall.

Kou Bi never took off her hell bat suit (Ye Feng didn't see Kou Bi take off her hell bat suit in his impression), while Dick lay leisurely on the only single bed in the room. After a while, the old guy snored slightly.

Ye Feng and others found a comfortable place to rest. Ye Feng and DiCaprio sleep in turn, paying attention to the sound outside the door.

Fortunately, except for some small groups of marauders who make a living by robbing and fishing, only a small number of groups of scavengers passed through the small room, but they didn't want to enter the room to have a look.

Ye Feng, they are still in the periphery of the quiet Hill. Most scavengers will not stay in the periphery. Good things are waiting for the scavengers in the deeper part of the quiet Hill. Of course, it is more dangerous there.

The number of scavengers moving around the quiet hills is really small. Most of the people around here have been licked clean. In the past tens of thousands of years, almost every room outside the quiet Hill has been searched for hundreds of times. Maple ye can find a few cans of food in the last room, which is the probability that a blind cat will encounter a dead mouse. Almost most of the rooms outside the quiet Hill, except the bones, It's rubbish everywhere

Ye Feng and DiCaprio had a good rest in the room for more than a day. After all, relying on their recovery ability, Ye Feng and DiCaprio were greatly limited in the quiet hills. Due to the wounds on their whole bodies that had been blown up before, in order to ensure that there was no unnecessary staff reduction (mainly Ye Feng strongly requested to have a rest), the group stayed in the room for more than a day, When Ye Feng's body recovered, the party was ready to go, put on their equipment and prepare to advance to the depths of the quiet hills!

This scavenging harvest was quite fruitful. From that Arsenal, Dick and DiCaprio both picked up a lot of "transcendent" weapons. The direct impact was that DiCaprio's weight increased sharply.

This second cargo would rather stand up with his injured body than take less things. He was full of weapons he had found. Fearing that he would never come back after Dick took them into his Heterodimensional pocket, DiCaprio stubbornly hung the weapons he saw on its power armor, which made her look like a big hedgehog

Of course, others are not dissatisfied with DiCaprio's behavior. On the contrary, Ye Feng wants DiCaprio to increase his weight. Anyway, when it comes to running, there are big orcs at the bottom. Milk bald's walking speed became a little slow, but their forward speed was not fast. They needed to sneak cautiously, but they didn't delay the progress towards the depths of the quiet hills.

In Ye Feng's opinion, DiCaprio is like a little turtle, slowly moving back and forth. Somehow, it seems that there is a very cute illusion

Ye Feng and his party relied on the strong firepower in their hands and Dick's excellent enemy detector. When they met a small number of scavengers, they directly ate black and did it; If a large force is detected, it will be bypassed quietly in advance. All the way to the edge of the central area of the quiet Hill - that is, the city of the spaceship.

"I wipe, this place is OK... It feels a little cool." Ye Feng breathed the cold air in the spaceship.

"Don't relax your vigilance. When you come to this place, the scavengers you meet are not small assholes, and we may all be killed." Dick scanned the surrounding environment with the detection device on his arm. Fortunately, he didn't find anything.

Ye Feng and his entourage came to the urban area of the quiet hills. In short, Ye Feng and his entourage had previously acted on the periphery of the quiet hills. There was originally a circle of defense belt of the "transcendent", where the guards of the "transcendent" acted, so there would be an arsenal.

The dark and terrible steel city in front of Ye Feng is the place where the "transcendents" live or work, and most of the "transcendents" are concentrated in this area.

"I see. There are a lot of good things here?" Ye Feng asked Dick.

"Of course, but it's also very dangerous. There are countless scavengers buried in the city. I hope there won't be us." Dick's eyes were filled with excitement.

"Er... Why don't we withdraw..." Ye Feng looked at the dark dead city ahead, and so on! Ye Feng almost cried out, "that's! That's the light. Do you see it, Dick?"

"Relax, young man. We are not the only visitors here. The light will be normal. It's all right. Look, the light doesn't flash." Dick said calmly.

"... I believe your evil!" if it weren't for the disappearance of the light and a few violent explosions, maple leaf would really relax

"Ink what! Hurry up!" Dick kicked Ye Feng, and then took the lead to the dead city.

"Milk bald, what are you doing?" suddenly noticed that the big Orc beside him looked a little wrong. Ye Feng quickly stopped to see what happened to DiCaprio.

"Brother Ye Feng, it's all right. I'm going to advance." DiCaprio's big face was distorted due to pain, but his tone was something pleasant.

After Ye Feng blew up the steel husky, naibald completed its transformation from an orc big machine bully to a mechanical master. Milk bald's usual life consists of picking up waste, fighting and studying firearms. In fact, it has always been on the edge of promotion. This time, several battles in the quiet hills have accumulated a little hair, which makes milk bald directly break through to the great master of machinery, which is worthy of its name.

DiCaprio, who was promoted to the master of mechanics, did not become more burly. Instead, it looked smaller and shorter than before. Of course, this is just what it looks like. DiCaprio himself can feel that his body is stronger and his muscles are more explosive. Simply describe it: DiCaprio has changed from fat to solid meat.

More promotion will bring to DiCaprio the unlocking of deep science and technology genes. This change will improve the success rate of milk bald's refitting and manufacturing gun carriers, and will also imperceptibly expand milk bald's science and technology brain hole.

"Big dick! I'm a great master!" DiCaprio shouted excitedly to Dick.

"Is it helpful for us to scavenge this time? You are not a pure combat ORC. Once you are advanced, your combat effectiveness can make a qualitative leap. Stop the ink and hurry." Dick glanced at DiCaprio and then continued to move forward with great strides.

"..." DiCaprio was a little wronged.

"It's all right. The old man is a knife mouth and a shit heart. You don't have to pay attention to him. Let's go." Ye Feng's comfort made DiCaprio feel comfortable. The party walked towards the dead city.

"It's really a pity that you didn't kill the fat man named Frank." Ye Feng never forgets the short fat man Frank. Ye Feng always felt that he had lost something before picking up Frank's ORC.

"Nothing, there will be plenty of opportunities on the battlefield in the future." DiCaprio is more rational than Ye Feng. DiCaprio thinks that the orc named Frank does have two brushes.

DiCaprio decided to use Frank as a target when he caught Frank. It should be a good choice to test the modified gun.

Ye Feng and his party moved towards the "dead city" all the way. A few sporadic scavengers encountered on the way were knocked down by several shots from DiCaprio's cantilevered double barreled Gatlin.

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