DiCaprio shook his head, cleared away all the messy thoughts in his mind and began to focus on the next battle. After all, his opponent was also a difficult Lange.

Because the cantilevered double barreled Gatling machine gun has a leisurely room to play in the single challenge, DiCaprio did not equip it, but chose to go to battle light, except for a machete, an orc sudden gun, and an orc hand gun hung around his waist.

DiCaprio took out the hand gun hung at his waist and fired four shots at Lange's house, smashing the windows and walls of the house and smashing the top floor of the three storey building.

"Crazy!" a green Cyclops rushed out of the smoking wooden house. Lange is a little confused about his recent experience. How come the house he found is always blown up? This is the second time this week?!

"You're crazy!" Lange scolded, looking at DiCaprio with a gun in his hand. He was going to tear the orc to pieces, just as he did to the bone etching Ge who disturbed his sleep.

"I want to get rid of you today! Two goods." DiCaprio threw his gun aside, raised his sudden gun and fired three shots at Lange's head.

"Psycho!" Lange finished a roll test cleverly and avoided DiCaprio's shooting. Pulling out the oversized machete on his back, Lange lowered his weight and quickly plunged into DiCaprio in a forward posture.

DiCaprio saw that Lange was extremely flexible and did not dare to be careless. The muzzle of the sudden gun kept gushing fire. DiCaprio tried to surround Lange with a powerful fire net and strangle the enemy.

Only in the ordinary battle, countless continuous firepower kills the enemy, but it loses its effect in the face of Lange. Lange was only slightly surprised when he faced the bullet rain woven by DiCaprio, and his body instantly reacted: he stamped his right foot and moved his body to the left.

When the left foot falls to the ground at the moment, it slams the ground and makes the body rush forward like a shell. Lange continued to traverse and jump. While avoiding the bullet rain of DiCaprio, he quickly pulled into the distance with DiCaprio.

Fuck him! This Lange can complete this avoidance action continuously in high-speed movement?! Compared with the enemies encountered in the past, the control of the body is not a grade at all! DiCaprio regretted that he was too confident and didn't choose long-range attack as the starting point. Instead, he fought with a melee master of Lange's level at close range.

He's a mushroom. I hope I can deceive this Langer. Otherwise, I really want to fold here. DiCaprio tried to distance himself from Lange while thinking about countermeasures. It's hard to ride a Tiger now. Because it vowed not to let Ye Feng three intervene, Ye Feng and they really sat leisurely on the roadside and watched DiCaprio being hammered by Lange.

While the two sides were getting closer, several bullets fired by DiCaprio hit Lange. But the Cyclops, who is nearly 3 meters tall, can't stop Lange's sudden speed even if he eats a few bullets. In the twinkling of an eye, Lange has burst into a distance of only ten meters from DiCaprio!

Faced with the enemy in front of him, DiCaprio simply did not retreat, but stood and aimed, fired bullets madly, and almost completed the action of changing magazine with one hand.

Facing DiCaprio's last crazy counterattack, Lange chose to jump directly into the air and protect the vital points of his body with a huge machete nearly 2 meters long in his hand. Like a green coated missile, Lange smashed towards DiCaprio's position!

Seeing that Lange's machete was about to split himself in half, DiCaprio had to throw out his sudden gun and turned it a little. DiCaprio pulled out the machete tied to his back and met the heavy chop of Lange's machete.

Without any accident, the machete in DiCaprio's hand collapsed into pieces at the moment of contact. DiCaprio himself was directly shocked out by the great power of the machete in Lange's hand, and slid sideways on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping. A huge knife edge that spread over DiCaprio's upper body was bleeding. Fortunately, DiCaprio blocked it with a machete, otherwise the knife edge on DiCaprio would be deeper.

"Big bald, let your boy die, and don't ask who I am. Don't you want to live? Dare to challenge me, you brain crippled orc, are you crazy with guns?"

Lange saw that the enemy was subdued by his blow and leisurely walked towards DiCaprio, ready to give the orc on the ground one last blow.

The three of Ye Feng still leisurely looked at the play and didn't mean to help.

When Lange came up to DiCaprio and spit in DiCaprio's face, Lange raised his machete.

"You mushroom, remember, the man who killed you is DiCaprio!!!"

DiCaprio, lying on his side on the ground, suddenly pulled out the hand gun under his body, met Lange's surprised eyes, pulled the trigger with a grim smile, and sent it to his soul!

A loud bang of "Pang".

Lange's head was directly shot, and the body of the headless Cyclops shook convulsively for a few seconds before falling to the ground.

I drop a mushroom. Next time, I can't be so tiger. I still have to play Yin like brother Ye Feng and big dick... DiCaprio paid a bloody lesson for his contempt for his enemy. But fortunately, DiCaprio survived

"Ye Feng! Dick! Are you nearby? Come and help me quickly. I'm dying! Come and help!" DiCaprio shouted for help with the last strength of his body.

"You are very tough, why? Now you need our help." Ye Feng came to DiCaprio and asked teasingly.

"He's a mushroom. You finally came out. I'm like this. Do you still want to have fun with me?" DiCaprio looked at Ye Feng's appearance and felt like meeting his relatives.

After all, it does always call Ye Feng big brother


DiCaprio struggled for a while and fainted because of too much blood loss. When the orc opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a living room. The room is not the former safe house, but another room with more luxurious decoration. The big orcs are lying on the floor.

"Are you awake? You are in good health. You have shed several liters of blood and wake up after sleeping for so long." Ye Feng and DiCaprio joked. DiCaprio could see that Ye Feng was trying to hide his concern for himself, which warmed the orc's heart.

At least brother Ye Feng still cares about me. DiCaprio thought.

"By the way, where's my equipment? Did you bring it back?" DiCaprio suddenly thought that he was in a coma. Can't he just lose his baby sudden gun?!

"Look at you poor! I'll get it back for you. It's a big deal to let Dick make another one for you..." Ye Feng looked at DiCaprio in silence. The ORC was so badly injured that the first thing he thought after waking up was whether he lost his weapon

"That's different. I have fighting feelings with Tu Tu gun! You can't understand me who is divorced from low taste and has lofty ideals." even if I am seriously injured, it doesn't seem to affect DiCaprio's broken mouth.

After spending a long time with Ye Feng and Dick, DiCaprio, a big Orc who was not good at words, was also affected and began to run the train.

"Big bald lad, you've found it if you're not dead this time. But next time you pay attention to yourself, if you're cut like this again, I might turn around and walk away," Dick said. But DiCaprio has fallen into a coma again.

"A Lange makes DiCaprio look like this. The scavengers in the" dead city "are too strong. In the case of one-on-one, I can't beat milk bald." Ye Feng said with a smack of his tongue.

"So don't do anything to die." Dick pointed the spear at Ye Feng.

"... return the original words." Ye Feng gave two middle fingers to Dick to express his contempt.

For the next whole day, Ye Feng and his party stayed in the building at ease. On the one hand, they were waiting for DiCaprio to recover. On the other hand, Dick was busy collecting valuable things from Lange's body.

"I'll rub my shoulders. Why do you grab my head?" Ye Feng felt that his handsome head was caught by a big hand. Shriveled Gu's hand is not so big... Ye Feng suddenly thought. Ye Feng turned his suddenly stiff neck and looked at DiCaprio behind him with an extremely bright smile.

"I miss you!"

"PIA", DiCaprio's expressionless face shining on Ye Feng's forehead, is a powerful diamond palm. Ye Feng was directly slapped to the ground by DiCaprio from the recliner and began to roll with his forehead covered.

"Have a good time, Leonardo, is the injury all right?" DiCaprio looked at Ye Feng's performance on the ground with a funny face and stretched on the couch. DiCaprio has been working for several days and nights, and his body is very tired.

"Your hands are too dark!" Ye Feng got up from the ground, pulled over a chair and sat on it.

"You're obviously better. I can hurt you with this strength," DiCaprio said casually after drinking.

"Can you not have B number in your heart?" Ye Feng couldn't help but make complaints about himself. He was also a heavy casualty.

"You are willing to go out of the workshop this time. It should be fruitful." Ye Feng is most concerned about the improvement of DiCaprio's strength.

"Well, I have a strong presence now." DiCaprio said with a smelly face, but the two huge black circles on DiCaprio's face destroyed his seriousness, making Ye Feng and several shriveled coos standing beside him want to laugh.

"Yes, you are strong. You are the big leg in our team. We all have to rely on your play. Thank you for closing your mouth and taking a break."

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