Instead of passive defense, naibald waved his machete and cut with the crowd around him

"Big dick, if you don't show up again, I'm going to see the orc God?! I can't hold it!!!" milk bald madly shoots at the scavengers like moths to the fire. The ground was full of bullet casings and bodies, announcing that the banquet had just reached its climax.

"What are you yelling about? You've been yelling to see the orc God?" a beating voice came into DiCaprio's ear.

"Dick?!" DiCaprio was surprised and delighted. He turned and saw the old man standing behind him.

"I'm just asking you to do a little damage? I didn't tell you to go to heaven..." Dick said reluctantly. All the scavengers who jumped at him were bounced out one by one. It seems that there is an invisible protective barrier around Dick, drawing a no entry area.

"You ask Ye Feng! Damn it, I hate my teeth when I think of it!" DiCaprio said gnashing his teeth.


"Let you chase me. Are you sick?"

Ye Feng calmly looked down at Estes, who fell to the ground and was about to die. Estes's body was cut off by Ye Feng's hand gun. The once handsome Elf Warrior did not die in the hands of his old enemy on the battlefield, but fell into the hands of a human monkey he had never faced.

"You, you are sick. I was killed by you and you. You are fierce and powerful, poof..."

Estes spewed out a mouthful of blood, his eyes began to relax, and his consciousness gradually separated from his body. On his deathbed, Estes heard what Ye Feng said to him, the last voice he heard before he died:

"I will forget, but I will never forget. How dare you call me a monkey. Bye."

"Dry, what do you mean?" Estes's idea suddenly stopped. He was also a dignified upper elf, who died hastily and desolately

"Is this Estes?!" Kobi rushed to the sky and stared at the incomplete elf body on the ground in shock.

"I said, elder sister, can you come earlier next time? I was almost killed by your boyfriend." Ye Feng sat down on the ground and felt the pain every time he breathed.

"He's not my ex boyfriend." Kou Bi gave Ye Feng a white look. "How did you kill him? He's a middle-class knight in the temple, and his strength is definitely stronger than you."

"Wisdom." Ye Feng stood up unsteadily, "after the details, we said, let's get out of here. M, we were really killed by dick! By the way, where's the old bastard?"

"Go find naibald. Hold on." Princess Kobi picked up the seriously injured Ye Feng, ignored Ye Feng's protest, and jumped into the sky with Ye Feng in her arms.


"I didn't take it! What do you want me to take out? I'm tired and mentally retarded..."

Back in the temporary safe house, Ye Feng saw Dick standing in front of the big Orc and questioned him.

"Brother Ye Feng, you're not dead?" DiCaprio said with some regret when he saw Kubi flying into the house with Ye Feng in her arms.

"Go away, I won't die if you die." Kebi put it on an armchair, and Ye Feng only sucked the air conditioner in pain.

"Don't change the subject, give me the thing, hurry, I know it's on you." Dick glared at dicapri fiercely.

"I didn't take it. On that goblin -"

"How do you know what I'm going to ask you for? You found it from the goblins? Go back and replenish more calcium. Your IQ may be saved." Dick looked at DiCaprio with caring eyes.

"Just not!" the red faced Orc simply played.

"Give it to me."


"Give it to me."


"Give it to me."

"Here, here you are."

Dick very simply changed his left arm into a black barrel and directly connected it to DiCaprio's big chin. The latter took a small pot of light cyan liquid out of his backpack and threw it to Dick.

"This is the last time you've lied to me, okay?" Dick put the little jar away and stared at DiCaprio silently.

"When, of course, I won't dare next time..." DiCaprio is almost scared to pee, although it doesn't have the function of peeing.

"What's in there?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Nothing, just a precious material that is difficult to find, only in the" quiet hills ", which is an indispensable raw material for transmitting the night." Dick sat down in a chair.

"Is that why you're here?" asked Ye Feng.

"Almost," Dick said vaguely.

"Can we return?" Ye Feng expected to look at Dick.

"Of course not." Dick directly extinguished the small flame of hope in Ye Feng's heart. "What's your hurry? It's only been out for less than a week."

"Life is like a year in a broken place here!!!" Ye Feng wailed. Suddenly he listened and looked at dick with an abnormal look. "You asked me and naibald to do damage. The real purpose is for that small pot, isn't it?"


"You know milk bald will poke a big basket, so you let it go with me, don't you!"

"You think too much, maple boy. I know you will poke a big basket." Dick said expressionless with a pair of dead fish eyes.


"You've come back safely. I advise you to hurry up and have a good rest. There are still many battles waiting for you after that." Dick said without salt and water.


"... adhere to the theory that" daring to do is the strongest combat effectiveness "and make every Orc's" blood blade dream "a reality!" Suddenly DiCaprio shouted loudly. Ye Feng looked at it and found that the big ORC was asleep and talking in his sleep.

"When can I be as good as you..." Ye Feng looked at the heartless Orc and said to himself.


The temper of the goddess of destiny is the same day by day. Today, she has a little temper with Ye Feng and others.

After resting for dozens of hours, the scavenging operation continued. When the four of Ye Feng, like runaway wild dogs, caught up with more than a dozen black iron beasts in a large shopping mall, they finally got a little angry that they were entrapped by Frank's short and fat ORC.

"He's a mushroom. He died too fast. It's not fun..."

DiCaprio looked at the black iron Orc corpses everywhere, with some regret.

"Don't worry, the army is coming," Dick said expressionless, looking at the terminal screen on his arm.

"Fuck him!" this is a sentence DiCaprio learned from Ye Feng. He likes to say it very much.

"Keep alert and keep an eye on the enemy! Damn it, my injury hasn't healed yet..."

Ye Feng and DiCaprio went to the window and observed whether there were signs of black iron troops nearby. Sure enough, the black iron army did not disappoint DiCaprio. A few minutes later, a gust of wind and sand galloped in the distant street appeared in Ye Feng's sight.

"He's here at last. I hope the bastard named Frank is in there!" said DiCaprio.

"Aim, aim! Dry!" Ye Feng seized the opportunity and shouted out the attack signal.


A huge fire net made of a large number of bullets shot at the black iron orcs. DiCaprio's cantilevered double barreled Gatling machine gun directly lost one-third of the black iron Orc's team!

"Dry, let you have a good taste of the gun this time! Black iron garbage!"

The boss of the black iron beasts roared and looked at the bullets all over the sky. He grabbed the orc rage boy who was driving the vehicle next to him and used the unlucky guy as an explosion-proof shield to protect his body

Ye Feng and DiCaprio had a fire level that was unexpected.

After fighting so many battles, it's the first time that two people can weave such a dense fire network. Roaring, watching the wild boys fall one by one, angry and extremely shocked: what are these goods from?

"Brother Ye Feng, we've blown up, and the black iron garbage suffered a great loss as soon as they came up!" DiCaprio shouted excitedly beside Ye Feng.

"Shh, don't make a noise. I aim at that."

Ye Feng also ignored the excited DiCaprio beside him. He sniped and killed the black iron hurricane boys driving the vehicle opposite one by one, with high efficiency. The black iron orcs who died directly or indirectly under Ye Feng's strong Feng gun have reached double digits.

Ye Feng saw that there were only two heavy troop trucks left in the black iron mobile force and a dozen scattered hurricane boys still driving vehicles. Ye Feng did not hesitate to push directly into the mall with DiCaprio and prepare for street fighting!

"The garbage on the opposite side counselled. Black iron warriors, sacrifice the dead soldiers with the enemy's blood! Rush in!"

Roaring was bullied by Ye Feng's shameless tactics. Seeing that the two people opposite withdrew back to the building, roaring didn't think deeply. Leading the surviving black iron beasts, they crashed into the mall and vowed to skin the two bastards.

Heavy trucks crashed directly into the mall and knocked down five or six houses in a row before the two trucks stopped. The black iron beasts jumped out of the truck and worked with Ye Feng, who had already been prepared. The whole mall became a happy ocean of fighting.

Roar, trying to find Ye Feng. Ye Feng is also willing to accompany. You ran after me and spread joy in the black iron mall. With his agile body, Ye Feng has been running cool on the empty shelf. From time to time, several cold shots hit the roaring body, leaving several gun holes for the roaring.

Roaring and driving a giant motorcycle in the mall is very inconvenient. It can only hit the wall. The goods are not willing to abandon the car. They can only be yelled by Ye Feng and run behind Ye Feng's ass.

Because neither Kubi nor Dick are good at fighting, and DiCaprio is full of fire, he wants to cut the black iron orcs. Therefore, the battle between the black iron orcs and Ye Feng fell into anxiety for a while.

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