"Who?" Lisa looked so sure.

She couldn't help feeling a little depressed, because if it was true, Ye Feng didn't just want to have a meal with her and talk about the past. But after all, she was engaged in special work. Lisa quickly adjusted her mood and looked up calmly at Ye Feng.

"Lei Zeyan." Ye Feng said positively, with a very serious expression, without a hint of banter.

"... you should know that he is my boss."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Lisa's face was a little ugly. Through the previous rescue operation, Lisa has vaguely noticed that there seems to be some hard to tell past between Lei Zeyan and Ye Feng,. To be honest, she was really curious about what happened between them. But investigating her immediate boss is another thing. Lisa never even thought about it, and she didn't dare to think about it.

"Lisa, just because he is your boss, you should help me." Ye Feng looked directly into Lisa's eyes and said firmly.

"Why?" Lisa asked.

Now she has some impulse to escape from the restaurant. If she didn't wear high heels that are inconvenient to run, Lisa might really run out

"Because you must trust your officer unconditionally, you are working for him." Ye Feng looked directly at Lisa, and her words were very persuasive, so that Lisa could not easily refute.

"... you need me to investigate rezeyan for you."

Lisa must admit that Ye Feng is right. If she can't trust Lei Zeyan 100%, she will question Lei Zeyan's orders in future actions. Having a grudge against the real-time commander will undoubtedly lead to serious consequences in special operations.

After all, even if Lisa doesn't want to admit it, Ye Feng has planted the seeds of questioning Lei Zeyan in Lisa's heart

"You should have investigated my background. How much do you know about the case that fired me?" facing Lisa's news, Ye Feng turned to ask another question. He knows that the woman in front of him must have investigated herself. Ye Feng has reason to believe that Lisa is even more familiar with his detailed files than herself.

"You mean the accident 11 years ago? Due to your wrong judgment, two soldiers were killed on the spot and one soldier was seriously injured -" Lisa recited Ye Feng's past resume. She did read Ye Feng's files, and she could even recite them on the spot

"John Snow died yesterday. He used to take care of me like my brother..."

Ye Feng tightly clenched his fist. His body trembled slightly because of his emotional excitement. Ye Feng gasped strongly, as if he had an invisible arm, clutching his throat so tightly that he couldn't breathe independently.

"I'm sorry to hear that. He's an excellent soldier, Ye Feng."

Lisa whispered. He knows who John is, the survivor of the accident.

"He is also an excellent man," said Ye Feng with difficulty. In order not to shed tears in front of Lisa, Ye Feng almost used all his strength.

"Yes, you're right, he's really a good man..." Lisa said softly, and her eyes looked at Ye Feng more softly, flashing a warm light.

"Yes, old snow is a very good person. You should know that in the post investigation report, as the only soldier in the two action that was unscathed, your boss, Lei Ze Yan, was that he pushed all the responsibilities on to me. In fact, it was not very accurate. I did take all the responsibilities at that time, but it can not be denied that at that time, Yan chose silence. He didn't make any excuses for me.

"At that time, because I was the first to get on the evacuation helicopter, I didn't know what happened to Lei Zeyan and other teammates who fell behind at that time. However, in the process of evacuation, I did let a female terrorist go. Lei Zeyan's testimony pointed out that it was the female terrorist who shot and killed them..."

Ye Feng seems to be telling other people's stories. His face is expressionless. But his trembling shoulders still reveal his true feelings. It is precisely because of this change that Ye Feng, who is disheartened and even disillusioned, voluntarily joined the experiment of human body transformation, which led to great changes in his life track.

The root of everything can be said to come from the accident.

For Ye Feng, he doesn't want to be associated with anyone in the past because whenever he sees those people and things in his past memory, Ye Feng will painfully realize that he actually has a choice. He once had the opportunity to spend his ordinary life. After returning home, he can meet a woman who makes him willing to be bound by marriage , he can form a family with her, have several lively and lovely children, and have an ordinary life.

Perhaps this kind of life is not really suitable for Ye Feng, but it is a choice after all, and this choice is not artificially damaged by others. Ye Feng has always been bitter about this. He is not dissatisfied with his current situation. He just has some questions. If there was no accident at that time, what kind of life would he be living now? Would it be like now In this way, do you meet all kinds of crazy people in all kinds of crazy events every day?

"What's the secret?" Lisa asked cautiously.

She actually knows the answer to the question she asked. It seems that there is something hidden behind every such tragedy, which has almost numbed Lisa. But after all, it's about her boss Lei Zeyan. It also involves Ye Feng and a poor man who has just fought for more than ten years and finally died. Lisa knows that she has the responsibility and obligation to intervene in this matter. Even if she really doesn't want to fall into this quagmire, she vaguely realizes that this matter may not have a happy ending.

"I accidentally saw that woman again when I was in banistan two years ago," said Ye Feng coldly. He knew Lisa could understand who he meant by the woman he said.

Sure enough, after listening to Ye Feng's words, Lisa was shocked and asked, "the female terrorist in those years? You met her later? How could it be?"

"Facts have proved that nothing in the world is impossible. That's right. Since then, after several years of exile, she went into exile to banistan. I happened to find her who has become a slave when I was cleaning up a group of gangs. You can imagine how excited I was when I saw the murderer of my comrades in arms again." Ye Feng said calmly, But Lisa knew that his heart must not be as calm as she seemed.

In fact, from Ye Feng's slightly trembling hand, Lisa can easily see that he is trying his best to suppress his strong emotional fluctuations at the moment. Lisa's eyes on Ye Feng are softer. She hopes he can get encouragement and support from her eyes.

"Did you kill her?" Lisa then asked. She knew that she was close to the real key. The next thing, no matter how unacceptable, was a naked fact, and she was ready for any possibility.

"I had planned to kill her myself. But before she died, she obviously recognized me. She shed tears to thank me for not killing her, but she also shed tears to let me kill her right now. She had no desire to live in the world. In the face of my question, she said what happened at that time without reservation It's totally different from what Lei Zeyan said. "Ye Feng said with a struggling look.

He has been subconsciously avoiding this memory, and even he repeatedly wants to forget this painful memory directly, but unfortunately, the brain is sometimes so disobedient. When you want to forget something desperately, you will find that you are still familiar with every detail of this matter no matter how long you have been here, It hurts you.

"..." Lisa didn't speak, but looked straight at Ye Feng. She knew that he was about to tell the truth.

"She said she didn't shoot my comrade in arms. It was an Atlanta soldier who shot other soldiers. When the soldier tried to shoot her, she narrowly escaped." Ye Feng said painfully. Without saying a word, he could feel his heart suffering, as if it was roasted directly on the fire.

Ye Feng hid this secret in his heart for many years. He never told anyone. This is the first time he told others. But like when he thought of it countless times, it made him unbearable and painful. The only difference was that the pain at this moment was many times more unbearable than before.

"!!! Ye Feng! You mean --" Lisa paused for a few seconds, as if she were understanding every word Ye Feng said. When she finally understood what Ye Feng meant, she suddenly raised her head with a look of surprise on her face. She couldn't believe or believe the facts Ye Feng told her. Her brain is in a state of downtime. She can only stare at Ye Feng in deep breathing.

"If according to the woman, everything Lei Zeyan said is a lie." Ye Feng said softly. He said to himself more than once that the woman was lying, she was lying, but unfortunately, Ye Feng knew that the woman was not lying.

"However, it's likely that the woman lied. She --" Lisa's first reaction was the same as Ye Feng, and she blurted out immediately.

"She has died under my gun, a woman who begged others to end her life. I don't think she has any reason to lie to me." Ye Feng said coldly.

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