"Do you need to get rid of the two people who are in the way now?" Kou Bi's voice sounded in Ye Feng's ear.

"Don't be so anxious, Kou Bi. Let's go to the dragon's pool and tiger's den." Ye Feng said softly.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Buster shouted to Ye Feng, who was still standing there.

"I see."

Ye Feng walked to buster and the SUV with a sneer. At the moment when Buster turned to look at him, Ye Feng put on a bright smile. It seemed that he was going on an outing with his good friends. It was sunny and bright.

Ye Feng sitting in the car has been silent all the time. He knows that he is really an original Longtan this time, because he can't easily let Kobi risk the possibility of revealing his identity and help him at a not particularly critical moment. Ye Feng has repeatedly told Kou Bi about this. The confidentiality of her identity is far more important than Ye Feng's life. After all, Ye Feng has a self-healing gene. In theory, it is difficult to kill him, especially a group of people hiding in such a place. Ye Feng is not worried about what threat they pose to his own safety. What he is worried about now is whether Buster can take him to Atlanta safely. Ye Feng is about to despair about this matter.

Buster hummed a tune all the way. Sitting in the co pilot's seat, he was very relaxed. After all, he was going home, and he also took a guest he believed Shaq would like. This man who claimed to be an arms dealer was a gift from Buster to Shaq, a gift he would be very satisfied with.

When suc drove to the destination, Ye Feng, who had been mentally prepared, was still shocked by the scene in front of him. He was speechless, and his face became very ugly.

The reason why Ye Feng is so moved is very simple. In this stronghold of shak, professional mercenaries come and go. This group of animals who love war are the last people Ye Feng wants to meet. In this stronghold, even the guard at the door is composed of such people. It can be imagined how crazy and rich this shack is

Different from what he imagined, most of the people with weapons in the huge stronghold he saw were not the beards Ye Feng had seen next to Buster, but a group of people who were obviously mercenaries. Ye Feng has had too much contact with these people, and he knows the aura of these people. Yes, this stronghold is filled with a large number of people who emit this bloody smell. They are fat, muscular and angry. They look ferocious.

These muscular men with almost no neck look as if their heads are directly inserted into their bodies. Ye Feng knows that the muscles of these people are not just scary. From their casual eyes, Ye Feng can feel that these mercenaries are old timers and the last people who fight on the battlefield.

Damn it... This Shaq is so generous that he hired so many people to be his thugs. M, it may take some effort to escape safely from here this time. Ye Feng thought helplessly in his heart.

If it's just a group of beards with little combat effectiveness, Ye Feng can handle it easily alone. But after seeing the professional mercenaries in the stronghold, Ye Feng's confidence is not as full as before.

Looking at the surrounding environment coldly, Ye Feng got out of the car behind buster. Walk into this military stronghold built in an ancient castle. It has obviously been an ancient building for many years, but now it has become the stronghold of this group of murderous professional mercenaries. Let this place with rich historical connotation become a place for such people to relax. Ye Feng really feels outrageous.

Of course, the building can really be described as a legend if it can persist in this land with artillery fire until now.

After the security check at the gate, not surprisingly, the two pistols around Ye Feng's waist were confiscated. Now Ye Feng, like a delicate girl naked, accidentally walked into a male bathhouse full of muscular men. Don't be uncomfortable. He felt uncomfortable all over. Without weapons on him, Ye Feng would feel a strong sense of anxiety. He shook his head irritably to prevent this negative energy from making him lose his mind.

Slowly followed paster's back. In his small humming songs along the way, Ye Feng, who was in a very bad mood, walked all the way to the core position of the stronghold: Shaq's office. An open-air office. At this time, the top of his head is covered by a large canvas to prevent the hot sun from shining directly in the office. In the room, there are several strong men with weapons. Obviously, shack is a very insecure person.

Ye Feng looked at the layout of the office, which was his habit. Before entering a new place, he would look for an escape route at the first time. This instinct helped maple leaf escape from death several times. Of course, after having the ability of self-healing, this deep-rooted habit still hasn't changed.

Looking at the house, a group of Middle East beards were talking to a middle-aged man in a black suit. Buster didn't lead Ye Feng into the room. He whispered to Ye Feng, "tany ban has come to see us. The man who keeps BB is zuman, who collects money by extortion everywhere."

"Really? I thought you were the boss here." Ye Feng said coldly. His nerves were tense at this time. To tell the truth, Ye Feng hated the feeling of tension.

Ye Feng had to focus on the dialogue between the Middle East beard and Shaq. From the faint smile on Shaq's face and the angry expression on Shaq's face, Ye Feng speculated that the direction of the conversation must be in the direction beneficial to Shaq.

"We are indeed. Shaq doesn't like tanaban's style of doing things. In essence, Shaq is a good man."

As soon as Buster's voice fell, Shaq in the house took out a revolver directly from the drawer of his desk. When everyone didn't expect, Shaq shot zuman's head.

This scene not only surprised Ye Feng, but also surprised buster. Before he finished speaking, Shaq, the good man in his mouth, shot a man's head. The expression on Buster's face was very funny at this time. Ye Feng couldn't help laughing, but he turned his laughter into a cough at the last minute. He wasn't sure if he would become the second person to be shot by a good Shaq. Ye Feng didn't want to dirty his clothes now.

"You said he was a good man?" seeing this scene, Ye Feng had a black line in his head. "A good man needs to hire so many mercenaries? Go to your M's good man."

Ye Feng complained softly to buster. His low voice could only be heard by buster. The latter glared at him and said rudely to Ye Feng, "what nonsense, go in."

Not make complaints about Ye Feng's Tucao, Buster pushed Ye Feng into the office. Under Ye Feng's angry gaze, Buster showed a brilliant smile on his face, as if Shaq was his father. He walked towards killing him.

The guards in the house were carrying out several bodies on the ground with all hands and feet. Several attendants came in with buckets and rags and began to clean the blood on the floor.


Noticed the appearance of Buster who escorted Ye Feng, the middle-aged man warmly opened his arms and gave Buster a big hug. The two fags held each other for a long time, and Buster remembered to introduce Ye Feng to the middle-aged man, that is, Shaq.

"In this land, what you see is just a superficial surface. Are you Huang Shuo mentioned by buster in his text message?"

Shack smiled and stretched out his right hand. Ye Feng hesitated, reached out and held shack's hand, gently shook it, and then quickly released it.

Although the two sides shook hands for a short time, Ye Feng still involuntarily got a layer of goose bumps. Shack's palm was full of cold sweat. The palm fed back to Ye Feng's touch, as if ye Feng had just held a python

This man has a way. He is a cruel man. From the brief eye contact with Shaq, Ye Feng saw the crazy flame that Ye Feng was very familiar with in his eyes, which was the pursuit of power and the madness of supreme ability.

Another pretentious man. Ye Feng thought in his heart.

"You are the famous Mr. Shaq. Along the way, I was filled with your reputation by Mohammed."

Ye Feng exchanged greetings with Shaq in a generous and decent manner, without showing his inner disgust and tension. In the face of a large number of Sark, Ye Feng raised a strange feeling again, as if he was locked by a poisonous snake. It was waiting to rush to him, bite it down, and inject the venom in his teeth into Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng wanted to step back and stay away from Shaq, but Buster grabbed his arm and put his legs behind Ye Feng's legs. Ye Feng didn't open his distance from Shaq. Ye Feng took a faint look at buster. The latter smiled and looked at him. The pride in his eyes made Ye Feng fall into an ice cave.

He knows something... Although Ye Feng doesn't want to admit it, he knows that this damn Buster must have doubts about his identity as an arms dealer.

I am not sure if this is a trap... Ye Feng's helpless thoughts.

"That guy blackmailed my friend for 50000 Asian dollars, which was very unwise and rude. I promised my friends that I would give them safety. I've always been a man of my word, and Mohammed can prove it, so, well, I called him in and hope to hear his confession about it." Shaq pointed to the pool of blood on the ground that could be clearly seen, "his attitude is very bad, very bad. I advised him before that such a bad temper will suffer a lot. Alas, he just can't distinguish good and bad words."

Shaq shrugged regretfully, took a glass of wine from the office table and drank it for himself.

"Mohammed, do you want it? And you, Mr. Huang Shuo."

Like Buster, Ye Feng shook his head and refused Shaq's move to pour them wine.

"Besides women and power, my favorite is wine, oh, and you, Mohammed," Shaq said kindly to buster.

"Thank you for your kindness." Buster responded quickly, flattered.

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