In the scorching sun, a naked man's limbs were tied to an X-shaped stump. He had just gone through a round of torture and had not regained consciousness from his fainting. His body was covered with several bloody scars, which was shocking.

In the process of being tortured, he didn't take soft clothes once from beginning to end. He was as tough as a hard rock without fear.

He is really a tough guy. Even when he was whipped, tortured and tortured, his mouth did not give in from beginning to end. The dirty words that didn't repeat for an hour and a half made the strong men in charge of torture have to use rags to block his mouth, even if the original purpose of the torturer was to coerce information

Ye Feng said nothing except a lot of dirty words that the mercenaries had never heard of. Because of the existence of self-healing genes and the existence of Kobi hidden in the dark, Ye Feng has no fear at all. He knows that he will be completely safe as long as it is dark.

With the cover of darkness, Kobi can quietly kill the mercenaries guarding Ye Feng without anyone noticing, and then Ye Feng and she can leave this stronghold of Shaq silently. He is not ready to consider the task and bast at all. Getting out of here first is the last thing Ye Feng cares about.


His mouth suddenly spit out a big mouth of congestion, and Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes. This was the first time he had been tortured in the past six months. Ye Feng thought with a bitter smile: the current situation is more optimistic than he had expected. He is still the man with pain.

Damn... How long has it been since I was so embarrassed? Ye Feng recalled when he was beaten into this miserable situation last time. This is the result of self-healing ability. When he was just finished, he was much worse than he is now.

"They want information."

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, Ye Feng slowly turned his head and looked at the direction of the sound, while Buster, with an expressionless face, was coming to Ye Feng.

Buster now looks very tough and different from him before. If this Buster told Ye Feng that the coward before was his brother, Ye Feng would believe it

"Ah?" Ye Feng stared at Buster dully and muttered in a low voice, as if he had been beaten and couldn't understand Buster's words.

When he came to Ye Feng, he pulled the rag out of Ye Feng's mouth. Buster said coldly, "don't pretend to be confused for me. I don't have time to go around with you. Shaq needs information. I'm helping you."

If Buster didn't slap Ye Feng in the face when he said this, maybe his words would be more convincing.

Ye Feng said breathlessly: "Man, have you ever thought that I'm not an agent at all? I'm serious. You've seen too many movies. Really, I mean, it's your fantasy. I'm really an innocent arms dealer and a conscientious businessman. I want to do a business with you and your dear Shaq. We finally drink happily together. I take the money and you get the equipment you need. Isn't that right Isn't that what you want? "

"Don't treat me like a fool anymore." Buster slapped Ye Feng in the face and said with a grim smile.

Ye Feng vomited a mouthful of blood and said hard, "I didn't lie and didn't want to play you as a fool. After all, you are."

"Make your mouth cheap!"

Several big slaps slapped Ye Feng's face. Buster looked at Ye Feng carefully. He seemed to see something wrong with Ye Feng. He said in confusion: "why don't you seem to be hurt? There are few wounds on your body..."

"Er... It's all your illusion..." Ye Feng said awkwardly. He didn't want Buster to see his self-healing ability, at least not now.

Baster looked at Ye Feng again, then sneered and said to Ye Feng, "you TM must be an agent. Normal people are not in the mood to joke after a severe torture. Asshole, do you think other people's IQ is at the same level as you? You are the mentally disabled, man!"

Ye Feng asked, "really? I think I performed perfectly. As an arms dealer, I may not be the most like, but I must be the most handsome. You can't deny that."

Buster nodded reluctantly, "that's right. To be honest, your face is really good, little white face."

Ye Feng was silent for a few seconds and continued with strong composure: "man, I have to say you have to prove that I am an agent, really, or I can only insist that I am an arms dealer. In fact, I am an arms dealer."

Buster sneered a few times, then said, taking off Ye Feng's shoes. "You really don't see the coffin..."

Watching Buster take off his boots, Ye Feng's heart was completely cold

Nimbly took out the insole of Ye Feng's boots. Buster took out several notes hidden under the insole one by one and said sarcastically to Ye Feng: "miniature map, Asian currency, note with joint code, and... Er, who is the man holding my daughter-in-law in this photo!?"

Buster pointed to the photo hidden under Ye Feng's insole and roared angrily at Ye Feng. The couple in the photo are close men and women, and the woman with a bright smile on the man's shoulder is bast's wife who hasn't seen each other for more than three years.

Watching Buster suddenly falling into madness, Ye Feng can fully understand his feelings at this time. His wife, who had not been in touch for a long time, was hugged by other men with a happy smile. This "it must be her" thing was clearly put in front of Buster, which made him miserable. Ye Feng looked at Buster with comforting eyes. The understanding and sympathy in his eyes made Buster more angry.

Buster roared, "laugh, NMB laugh! You're talking! What the hell is this man doing?"

"What else can it be? I'll give you a green hat." Ye Feng said with a smile, ignoring bast's eyes trying to kill, "In fact, as far as I know, this man is a plumber. One day, your wife asked him to come to the door for service, and then there was a plot that would happen in a small film. Dry firewood and fire, you and me. Buster, you can't blame your wife for this. She was told that you have died abroad, so she has the right to pursue her own happiness. And a simple mind and developed limbs The plumber? Well, it's a perfect match. Don't you think so? The two of them look very suitable. "

"You shut up!!!" Buster shouted madly.

Several mercenaries nearby looked at Buster curiously. They all pricked up their ears to listen to the dialogue between buster and Ye Feng.

Ye Feng comforted Buster: "Keep your voice down, man, if you don't let everyone know about your family first. You have to accept the naked reality, although it will make your head green. You can think of it. After you leave, your wife can't stand the lonely and cold life, and she runs bravely to the arms of another man. Although this man is only lazy every day, he can at least give it to you My wife's husband and wife life twice a week. By the way, according to incomplete statistics, the man in the picture is your wife's third boyfriend. Man, you should be happy. Your wife is doing well without you. "

Buster slapped Ye Feng in the face, "shut up!!!"

Ye Feng's comfort, like a saw tooth with some blades, tore the weakest part of Buster's heart

Ye Feng, who deliberately stimulated Buster, continued to talk nonsense: "Look away, man, the color of forgiveness is popular now. Look at Bao Qiang and Nai Liang. They have survived the green crisis. What you should worry about now is not your daughter-in-law who has jumped on sexual happiness, but your son and daughter. It's not my alarmism, buster. Your child will definitely forget your father in two or three years. It's hard to be absent in the process of children's growth It's a lifelong regret. "

"Don't mention my family!" Buster gave Ye Feng a hard punch. After being punched by Buster, Ye Feng felt that his internal organs in his stomach had shifted. But Buster himself didn't feel well. Due to the sharp pain in his hand, he kept jumping up and down in the original place, and his tears came out of the pain.

"Feel it? Man, this is a man's strong abdominal muscle. You can't learn it. You'd better hurry to treat your hand." Ye Feng said with nosebleed.

"You TM are lying to me. This picture is synthesized. I know it must be fake!" Buster roared.

Nearby mercenaries gathered around him. A man familiar with Buster came up to him and asked him, "Hey, old man, can I help you? I can break his teeth -"

"Get away! Get out! Get out!" Buster pushed the short eyed man away, and the mercenaries around him whispered and walked away.

"You should be friendly to your friends. Really, these are a group of murderous lunatics. You'd better not let them hate you." Ye Feng said coldly.

"Can you shut your mouth!" Buster's angry face has changed. He looks at Ye Feng ferociously, but Ye Feng still looks at him cynically, with no fear in his eyes.

"I know it's hard for you to be wearing a green hat. Really, men can't stand it. But in fact, your wife is not cheating in marriage. You're already a dead man. Only a few people know you're not dead, but your wife is not among them. So, man, be open. You're not green, at least not all."

Ye Feng deliberately said to Buster with a loud voice, which made the mercenaries driven away by Buster show ambiguous smiles one by one, and there was always a hint of banter and schadenfreude in his eyes.

Bast, who was in a state of extreme sensitivity, immediately felt this strange gaze. He looked around at the mercenaries listening to him and Ye Feng. It could be seen that bast had a high position in this stronghold. These strong men with thicker arms than him dared not make any eye contact with him at all, and avoided bast's angry gaze one by one.

"Do you have nothing to do? Ah? Do you want to run circles until midnight? Ah? Get away from me! You! Get away from me!"

In the roar of Buster, Yigan deliberately lingered, and the mercenaries around buster and Ye Feng scattered and ran away.

"You were so sexy just now." Ye Feng said sarcastically, looking straight at Buster's eyes trying to kill, and he gave him a brilliant smile.

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