After carefully reading the "situation four guidance", Kubi took out the anesthesia gun from the box expressionless and spit the lollipop aside.

"I dare say that your CORBI must know how to restore our memory." Dick said to Ye Feng next to him, "why don't we put down our weapons first, and I suddenly feel like I don't want to die."

"Er... Just listen to you." Ye Feng was forced to look at Kobi. Like Kobi seen in the memory picture, Kobi in the real world was also beautiful and could not be described in words. Ye Feng admitted that his heart had been killed and committed suicide at the moment he saw Kobi appear? Are you kidding? My girlfriend is so beautiful. Why should I die?

Ye Feng immediately threw his gun on the floor and stared at Kou Bi with a crazy face.

"Well, if you two do this, it will save me a lot of energy. To tell you the truth, if you don't come to your senses, I don't mind using force. I just want to move," CORBI said.

Ye Feng suddenly remembered the picture when he was beaten by Kou Bi in the memory picture. He suddenly shivered.

"Hi, Hello, I'm Ye Feng, your boyfriend -"

"You tell me about it?" Corby said expressionless.

"Well... I just want to confirm it."

"It doesn't matter." Kobi's cold tone made Ye Feng very uncomfortable. He thought Kobi would come up and give him a warm hug, and then help him kill Dick's old bastard directly. After that, she would restore Ye Feng's memory, and then live a happy life without shame. But in fact, it seems that this is not the case at all. Kobi's response to him is very flat, even though she just admitted that she is Ye Feng's girlfriend.

But who makes her so beautiful? Ye Feng comforted himself.

"How did you like Ye Feng?" Dick asked curiously.

"You have asked me this question countless times." Kou Bi is a little helpless. "Every time I will answer you with an answer I don't know."

"How can you not know what you like about me?" said Ye Feng discontentedly.

"It doesn't matter, young man. Who didn't see a few scum men when he was young? Relax." Dick comforted cobby. "At least Ye Feng is a person with lower IQ. He doesn't have the possibility to bully you. In fact, you repaired him very well. He is afraid of you from the bottom of his heart. Believe me, this is particularly important in gender relations."

"You are now a bad old man who has lost his memory. Do you still know what gender relations are?" Ye Feng said disdainfully. "Kobi, can you do me a favor? Knock off the old bastard's teeth, maybe he can shut up."

"No matter." Kou Bi shook her head, "you can do it yourself."

"..." Ye Feng stared at Kou Bi awkwardly. Then he looked down and seemed to want to find a stone crack in the ground. What a shame, damn it, how can I say that? I've been hanging around with this old bastard for a long time. The whole person can't speak anymore. Damn it, I should stay away from Dick. Ye Feng looked at dick with disgust, and then quietly distanced himself from him.

"A big man wants his girlfriend to help him beat another man. You've really gone unprecedented in counseling," Dick said contemptuously.

"Shut your mouth, Dick." Ye Feng said angrily. He knew what he had just done had fallen, but he still didn't want to admit it in front of Dick.

"It's your pain point, isn't it? Ye Feng, it doesn't matter. It's really not a shame to beat your girlfriend. In fact, I need to congratulate you on your ability to climb up to an excellent woman like CORBI."

"Hum, that's because I'm a charming person!" said Ye Feng.

"No, this only shows that Corby's fate is too ill," Dick sighed.

"Is your girl going to kill us?" Dick said suddenly.

"Oh? Really?" Ye Feng looked at Kobi.

"That's right." Kou Bi nodded at Ye Feng and Dick and started directly.

Kou Bi fired a shot at Dick and Ye Feng, who were staring at her. The two big men fell to the ground and both fainted. After that, according to the instructions, Kubi inserted the Yellow vial with "Y" capital letter into the helmet on Ye Feng's head. Just after a minute, Kubi put the helmet on dick and inserted the blue vial with "d" capital letter into the helmet

"I hope Dick remembers to update his memory regularly this time, otherwise I have to explain a lot of things. Hey..." Kou Bi sighed and looked at Dick and Ye Feng fainting with some headache. "Ah, I've had enough."

Kobi watched Ye Feng and Dick tangle on the floor. She sighed with emotion. These two people have the same bad character, but they can get along for a long time. Although it can't be said that they get along well, Kobi can see that dick seems to be worse when treating Ye Feng, but it's not. His tolerance for Ye Feng, Maybe only he and Ye Feng can't understand it.

As a bystander, Kou Bi actually has the most say in this issue because she has frequent contact with Dick and Ye Feng. In her opinion, the relationship between Ye Feng and Dick is like a father and son who usually don't pay, but she still doesn't deal with key issues. However, this non payment will continue to exist when it endangers the lives of two people.

Kobi suddenly realized that she seemed to have shaken the definition of the relationship between Dick and Ye Feng. The relationship between the two people didn't seem to be as close as she thought. It seemed that what tied them together was some evil relationship Kobi didn't understand, rather than the sublimation of their feelings after they had been together for a long time.

Damn it, the relationship between these two people is too abnormal. Kobi stared helplessly at Dick and Ye Feng. Maybe I should inject them with some other memories, the memory of two people living in harmony. But Kou Bi thought carefully. In her impression, such a memory doesn't seem to exist at all. She had to give up the idea and start the next step.

One by one, Kobi carried Dick and Ye Feng, who were like dead dogs, to the leader's office. Fortunately, Kobi was wearing a hell bat suit. Let alone carrying Dick and Ye Feng with his bare hands, it was nothing for Kobi to lift a two ton Cyclops with one hand. As an elf, Kobi's own physical quality is extremely strong. Coupled with the blessing of hell bat costume, it can be understood why Dick treats Kobi politely. Even Dick is difficult to compete with Kobi unprepared.

Corby knew that, and she knew that dick didn't know how terrible he was. After dozens of similar situations, Kobi knows what she should do at every step and how to deal with Ye Feng and Dick efficiently. For Corby, such a thing was actually very interesting at the beginning, but with more experience, she was a little boring. For her, is it a way to abuse Dick, or a very interesting way to decompress

After putting the two big men on the sofa where they usually watch the program, Kobi said to herself reluctantly. After turning on the cross latitude infinite TV, Kobi's smelling salt shook under Ye Feng and Dick's nose. The effect of this thing was very significant. After only a few seconds, Dick and Ye Feng opened their eyes one after another, and they woke up from anesthesia.

"Wow. I'll go. What's the matter, shit..." Dick didn't close his mouth since he opened his eyes.

"How did we fall asleep watching the trans latitude infinite TV? You stinky fool, Ye Feng?" Dick began to curse Ye Feng when he recovered.

"Shit! I don't know what the hell this is! You old man scolded me for Farting!" how can Ye Feng be wronged by you? It was a verbal abuse of Dick.

"Ye Feng, you stinky fool!" Dick cursed fiercely

"Dick, you are a stinky fool! Your whole family is a stinky fool in the trash can!" Ye Feng fought back unwilling to show weakness.

"Ye Feng, I TM never use garbage cans, because in my eyes, garbage should not exist. Of course, I can't clean up your big garbage, but don't worry, I TM will dispose of you one day! You're a stinky fool!" Dick showed no weakness in his momentum.

Hey, that's why I hate it. It's really annoying. Kobi stared helplessly at Dick and Ye Feng who were arguing fiercely. They are even more lovely when they don't even lose their memory.

"Do you know how long we slept? How many cross latitude TV programs did we miss? You fool, dick!" Ye Feng raised the decibel of his voice to a higher level

"Shit, I want to ask you! How many impromptu comedies and advertisements have we not seen? Ye Feng, you fool!" Dick's face looked as if ye Feng was his sworn enemy

"How can you make us fall asleep? Dick, you stinky fool!" Ye Feng scolded without fear.

Seeing nothing strange, Kou Bi walked to the chair mountain and looked at "Dick infinite TV program" with her face. She was not affected by Dick and Ye Feng. For her, this scene often happens. She can even recite the scolding contents of Dick and Ye Feng, because they scold almost the same dirty words every time they wake up

It seems that he is tired of scolding, or maybe he has let off his curse addiction. Dick took out the transmission gun from his arms, stood up from the sofa and said to Ye Feng, "forget it, Ye Feng, don't have a BB with you. Let's go out and have a classic adventure of Dick and Ye Feng."

"OK, Dick, let's go." looking at Dick and Ye Feng's exuberant preparation to jump into the space-time door hit by the transmission gun, Kobi, who sat aside and looked coldly, said to herself: "no wonder you two fight every day and never catch up with the plan."

"What?" Dick asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Cobbe had no comment on the two intermittent psychopaths. Because the fairy beauty knows that this will not be the last time she will face such a situation, nor will it be the last time she will explain to the two living treasures, so, why waste her tongue

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