Kate's shoulders trembled slightly, which made her look particularly helpless. "Then Jane found a chance and finally subdued Gatsby, but the tragic price made the luster of this victory look dim."

"He couldn't copy Jane's ability," Chu Qian said. "If there were no Jan, we might have killed more people at that time."

"Of course, that bastard can't copy Jane's ability. Jane is an adult and she is not a normal human. I don't even know if she is human." Ye Feng said, "in fact, I believe this problem has been bothering Jane, but she is a strong female, so she hasn't expressed her concern about this matter."

"Yes, Jane has always been very quiet, and has made a sharp contrast with someone." while he was downstairs, Jane went to make complaints about Ye Feng.

"Gemma, stop it, Uncle Ye Feng -"

"Ye Feng's brother. Avril, you must call him brother, OK? It looks like I'm very old to call him uncle he." Ye Feng told little Avril who went downstairs with jenma reluctantly, "did that bastard Cao Yan protect you dutifully?"

Because Avril and Cao Yan studied in the same university, he was first appointed by Ye Feng as Avril's bodyguard at school. If Avril even lost a hair, Ye Feng would take Cao Yan out of his anger, which made Cao Yan miserable, but he didn't dare to resist and could only bear everything silently. In fact, Cao Yan has been seriously considering the transfer. Although the relevant procedures of university transfer are very troublesome, Cao Yan has begun to ask about this matter. If this road doesn't work, Cao Yan will consider taking a break from school for a period of time. When Avril finishes his studies, he will continue his further study. Anyway, Avril is a real genius. She must finish college very quickly. Cao Yan can afford to wait.

However, Huang Liang, who has always been the most admired by Cao Yan, is also on the side of Ye Feng. His attitude towards Cao Yan is even worse than Ye Feng's attitude towards Cao Yan. After all, he also attaches great importance to Avril, and Huang Liang has always been a meticulous person. His extremely serious attitude is in exchange for Cao Yan's protection of Avril, He spent almost every day in fear for fear that something might happen to Avril.

"Brother Cao Yan is very kind to me, Uncle Ye Feng -"


"-- brother Ye Feng, you don't have to worry about me." Avril said awkwardly.

"Well, how old are you? Everyone present knows, let alone your uncle. Even Avril calls you Grandpa Ye Feng, it's not bad. Who knows if you develop early." Gemma's tongue is getting worse and worse. With her age, she is also improving her skills in damaging others every day, Ye Feng is no longer her opponent. This matter made Ye Feng fall into deep meditation.

"Anyway, you must have developed late, or you have stopped developing?" Ye Feng looked up and down at jenma maliciously. The latter blushed and forced her chest, but her figure was almost interesting. Even she knew that Ye Feng's words were not all ridicule. Gemma hummed helplessly and sat next to Kate.

"Well, let's get down to business." Chu Qian said quickly.

"You go on, Kate." Ye Feng nodded.

"In short, after making great sacrifices, we caught Gatsby and sent him to Natalia."

"That prison specially built for super criminals? Damn it, I almost got sent there several times. I feel bad when I hear the name Natalia." Ye Feng said restlessly.

"Why were you almost sent to natalian prison? Uncle Ye Feng." Avril looked at Ye Feng curiously.

"It's my brother. The first time I was almost sent there, it was because I didn't say the name of one of my partners. It doesn't matter. The dead body of the goods had already sunk to the bottom of the sea. In my cooperation with him, he betrayed me, in short, but there were dozens of rewards on my head. This bastard was similar to what your father thought at that time. Use me to return these Money. "Ye Feng said to Avril," sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of that unforgettable memory. "

"It doesn't matter." Avril smiled strongly.

"Then at the last moment when I was sold and returned to him to count the money, I reacted. I came to a Jedi counter kill and threw the goods directly into the sea. Believe me, it is because we are acquaintances that I am so kind to him. People who know me know that I am the most annoying. Others betray me, which will make me look stupid." Ye Feng said lightly.

"In fact, you often encounter similar things," Gemma said.

"Indeed." Ye Feng nodded helplessly.

"Because of what opportunity, he thought he had to betray you?" Chu Qian asked curiously.

"He seems to want to wash his hands in a golden basin and quit his business. But you know, unless you are very strong, you don't come and go as you want. He may be afraid that if I know too many secrets, it will become a huge hidden danger," Ye Feng said, "Because of such a small thing, he will erase me from the world. Alas, he really chills me."

"Will you be a hidden danger in this person's retirement?" asked Gemma.

"Of course." Ye Feng nodded solemnly, "although his enemies are not as many as mine, many people want to spend a lot of money to kill him. So of course I will be his hidden danger."

"... I'm sure you will cooperate very happily." Chu Qian said helplessly.

"That's right. Although we were unhappy when we broke up, we always cooperated very well in the process of cooperation." Ye Feng said with emotion. "If he didn't do that in the end, it would be perfect. I once thought we were friends."

"... your definition of friend is really strange," Kate said helplessly.

"Anyway, I really don't have many friends. Besides you, Xu wenweak, the fat man, spent the longest time with me." Ye Feng said, "it seems that he hasn't betrayed me. Although he did pit me several times, he rarely did that after my conversation with him."

"What did you talk about?" jenma asked curiously.

"I smashed all the handicrafts and models he collected in front of him. Since then, he has rarely made mistakes again." Ye Feng said lightly. "For Xu wenweak, who regards collection as more important than his own life, he will instinctively restrain his restless heart only if he really makes him feel pain."

"... well, let's return to the current issue of Gatsby's escape," Kate said expressionless. She has completely lost interest in Ye Feng's past experience. There is no doubt that Kate doesn't want to understand the people Ye Feng used to contact and the way he handled them. She is really not in the mood to manage how a group of hooligans hurt each other

"By the way, how did Gatsby, who has a lot of skills in your mouth, run out of Natalia prison?" Ye Feng asked puzzled, "I heard that the prison is only possible to enter, but there is no possibility of escape."

"We don't know exactly what happened," Kate said reluctantly. "Anyway, a group of people suddenly appeared. They were all superpowers with some powerful ability. They suddenly appeared and smashed a big hole in the prison. The prisoners were controlled, but Gatsby ran away."

"He ran away alone?" asked Ye Feng.

"Yes, the purpose of the group was to get Gatsby out of prison. They concentrated all their strength and let the defense force not resist them for a long time," Kate said, "I don't know the specific situation. I just learned the story from a short report. It seems that all the forces in the prison were put on preventing the prisoners from breaking away from the open wall at that time, which gave the group an opportunity. There is no doubt that they must have planned very carefully, and they almost directly locked Gatsby's position , I saved him after I let him go. "

"I don't think they passed through that big hole, did they?" said Ye Feng.

"Yes, the purpose of the big hole in the wall is to divert everyone's attention, let the criminals in the prison get involved in the attention of the prison guards, and give Gatsby time to escape," Kate said, "A very simple but very effective plan. At that time, no one thought of the big hole in the wall. From the beginning, no one planned to pass through it. Only those criminals and prison guards who knew nothing about it have been competing for the big hole. They lost a lot in that battle."

"Don't think about it. A large group of capable people suddenly riot. I'm afraid to think about it," Ye Feng said.

"Do you know fear?" jenma stared at Ye Feng.

"Of course, it's not one or two bastards, but a large group of bastards." Ye Feng said, "but fortunately, Gatsby ran out alone. Natalia prison is as solid as it is rumored."

"Although it's a blessing in misfortune, Gatsby is an extremely cruel and cunning criminal. His escape will certainly lead to great accidents. And if there is no accident, he will return to the new metropolis in a few days to find our trouble." Kate pointed to herself and Chu Qian, "And Audrey and Jane Gatsby know we exist, and we sent him to prison. He will come and take revenge on us."

"He's really an asshole without Gentlemanliness," said Ye Feng.

"But we don't know nothing about it. I won't be caught," Kate said firmly. "I'll send this bastard to prison again!"

"Of course, I have no doubt about this." Ye Feng looked at Kate. "What do you want to do? I'll help you."

"You? Don't you need to go out recently?" Kate looked at Ye Feng suspiciously. "Don't you need to disappear for ten days and a half months from time to time?"

"No, I have no plans for this time." Ye Feng shook his head. "Don't worry, I will try my best to help you."

"OK." Kate is not interested in Ye Feng's active help. She seems to be more worried about the damage that Ye Feng will cause. The worried expression on her face makes Ye Feng very unhappy.

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