To everyone's surprise, there were no malignant events in the new metropolis. Of course, things are still happening, but it turns out that it has nothing to do with Gatsby's gang in the end. It seems that they disappeared directly after they couldn't grasp Kate's whereabouts, but neither Ye Feng nor others would think it would end like this.

In fact, Ye Feng is very worried and can make Gatsby give up his revenge against Kate, which shows that what he plans now is far more irresistible than the comfort of revenge.

What could it be? Ye Feng has no clue.

Others are also at a loss. Kate still can only stay in the house every day and frown. For a workaholic like her, not working for a day is a very new thing for her. If she doesn't work for two days, Kate will fall into deep boredom. She can't even raise interest to enjoy her rare holiday life. For her, work is everything in life. After taking off her work, her life suddenly went to the center of gravity, which made Kate a little overwhelmed.

Audrey, Jane and Chu Qian once again formed a trio to fight crime in the night sky of lansdenton City, as in the past. Audrey's idea is actually very simple. Mice are the people most likely to detect outsiders. She wants to ask for some information from the mouths of the mice in lansdenton city. However, this group of local snakes who are very well informed on weekdays know nothing about Audrey's problem. They just stare at Audrey and others who suddenly fall from the sky and beat them up after being beaten by fat. They shake their heads and say I don't know anything.

Audrey was never a quitter, but after almost repairing all the street gangsters in lansdenton, she had to admit that she couldn't ask valuable information according to her ideas.

After holding back at home for a few days, Ye Feng finally couldn't sit still. One night after dinner, he went out of the house. He was going to meet an acquaintance, an old man who couldn't be called a friend.

Beside the Bank of pier 4, Ye Feng looked at the dark river alone. The river in front of him was calm without a trace of churning. It was like a piece of asphalt, which made Ye Feng awe. After all, he didn't like the feeling of drowning. The pain was burning and drinking poison, which was an extreme pain that Ye Feng was difficult to get used to. In fact, if ye Feng is asked to choose a death method he doesn't like most, drowning can definitely be ranked in the top three.

"What's the matter with calling me out? Our relationship is not so familiar."

Ye Feng heard the man's voice behind him. He turned around and looked at the "Captain frost" walking slowly towards him.

"Hey, old man, I'm all right. I haven't seen you for months. You seem to be more prosperous than the same." Ye Feng said hello to "frost vs. long", as if they had been good friends for many years. In fact, they are both enemies and friends to each other. If they have the opportunity, Ye Feng and "Captain frost" will not give up the possibility of killing each other. Of course, what Ye Feng doesn't know is that "Captain frost" is not who he used to be. Ye Feng still thinks of him as who he was.

"Don't talk nonsense. You must be looking for me." "Captain frost" said unhappily.

For Ye Feng, he is one hundred thousand careful. If he despises Ye Feng too much, there is no doubt that he will come to a tragic end. Although "Captain frost" has frequent contact with Ye Feng, he still can't see through the man who seems to be able to see the end at a glance. For "Captain frost", keeping a relatively safe distance from Ye Feng is the best way at present. It's a very unwise choice to conflict with him. He has heard some rumors that, Ye Feng gathered a large group of very powerful people around him. If he is not very confident in his strength, it's better to avoid provoking this madman.

"Do you know about Gatsby's escape?" Ye Feng said bluntly. He didn't beat around the bush. There was no need. He believed that if "Captain frost" knew any news about Gatsby, he would tell him. Even if he doesn't want to say, Ye Feng has a way to make him say that the big deal is to fight. Anyway, Ye Feng's idle body itches hard. He wants to fight with a man of equal strength, "Captain frost" is a very good candidate.

"It's hard for me to know if I don't know about it on TV all day." "Captain frost" didn't face Ye Feng's question directly, and his answer was a little vague.

Captain frost heard of Gatsby and knew that he had just escaped from the heavily guarded prison. Since Ye Feng will specially ask him out to talk about it, there is no doubt that Ye Feng must have something to do with Gatsby. At the thought that Ye Feng and Gatsby might have a hard fight in Xindu, Captain frost had an impulse to move immediately.

In fact, if it weren't for his sister, he didn't want to see Ye Feng again. After all, Ye Feng once helped his sister, so even if he was very resistant to having a relationship with Ye Feng, the "cold frost captain" still came as promised. For him, now in a normal life, he no longer needs to let his sister worry about him. He is very satisfied. In fact, he feels inner peace for the first time. The feeling that he can walk in the sun without scruples makes him feel very comfortable. Being able to get out of the mire and get the chance of rebirth makes the "cold frost captain" cherish it very much.

These two madmen will turn Xindu upside down! "Captain frost" thought helplessly in his heart.

"Do you know his news? I mean the news after he escaped from prison." Ye Feng asked.

"How could I know." "Captain frost" immediately shook his head.

Captain frost really doesn't know about Gatsby. He is not what he used to be. To some extent, he has washed his hands in a golden basin. Taking advantage of his scientific attainments, for captain frost, crime is not a highly profitable job. He can make money in a proper way. In particular, his sister has a happy family. A reliable man can take care of her. Captain frost doesn't need to force himself to lick blood on the tip of the knife every day. "You are the local snake of the new city -"

"That was before." "Captain frost" said angrily, "I'm now a senior manager of a superior company. If there's nothing wrong, don't bother me."

"Ah? You're a white-collar worker?" Ye Feng's mouth grew, and the boss could put in a big grapefruit. "Why? Can't the life of killing and setting fire satisfy you?"

"First of all, I seldom kill people. Secondly, I don't play with fire." "Captain frost" said unhappily. "The life in the office is really not as exciting as before, but I enjoy the stable feeling of knowing what I will do the next day before I go to bed. Don't ask me for anything in the future. I've completely said goodbye to my past life."

"Er... I still can't believe you chose to retire." Ye Feng was still stunned.

"There's nothing I can't believe, Ye Feng. I'm not you. I don't have a good body of King Kong. With the increase of age, this day will come. Of course, I may die in someone's hands and end my life ahead of time." Captain Frost said with emotion, "I've never been a completely bad person, and I'm sure you should know that. I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person."

"Er... How does this line feel like I've heard it somewhere else?"

"In a word, Ye Feng, good luck. We'd better not meet again in the future. I don't want to have anything to do with people like you." "Captain frost" said, and turned away directly.

"Hey, man, I'll pull you black." Ye Feng shouted.

"Me too."

Bitterly, Ye Feng came home. As soon as he entered the door, he saw jenma sitting on the sofa with her laptop. She seemed to be busy with something.

"What did you do?"

"See a man."


"Of course not." Ye Feng hurriedly looked around. There was no one else around, "it's a man," Captain frost. "

"Why did you go to see him?" jenma looked up at Ye Feng puzzled. "As far as I know, he has been good for a long time."

"Congliang? You use this word very well." Ye Feng smiled helplessly. "No one told me about this. I naively thought that" Captain frost "was the local snake of the new metropolis. You can ask him for information about Gatsby."

"Even if the" cold frost captain "doesn't have a good conscience, he can't know the information about Gatsby." Gemma said, "even I find it so hard. Just him, give him another ten years of cultivation."

"Yes." Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully. "I haven't seen him for only a few months. I didn't expect that" Captain frost "had such a big change."

"It shows that he is really a smart man," Gemma said, "For a second-line villain like him, even if transformation is the only way out, otherwise he will die in the hands of some hero with awe inspiring justice but no light or heavy hand. More likely, he will die in the confluence between villains. Ye Feng, you should have a deep understanding of what it means to be a hero and what it means to be a villain. You have both Both. "

"Nonsense! I'm an out and out -"

"Hooligan? Congratulations. You used to know yourself so well. I really blamed you wrong before." jenma teased Ye Feng.

"We can't make friends with you, we have no friends!" Ye Feng glared at jenma and said unhappily.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I've seen the end of the people who make friends with you." Gemma said indifferently, "Ye Feng, you'd better stay at home. If you go out, sister Audrey will distract them."

"Will they worry about me?"

"Of course not. They are worried about women who may be shielded by you." jenma said solemnly. "You will hurt our morale. Ye Feng, you'd better have points."

"Am I in your eyes a gentle scum who will flirt with a good family woman as soon as I go out?"

"Remove the word Sven."

"..." Ye Feng looked at jenma helplessly. After a long time, he held back a word. He said to jenma, "you girl's film is cruel enough!"

"Thank you for your compliment."

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