Haley shrugged and said noncommittally, "well, you know, I don't care about this."

"In short, it's no harm to be careful," said Ye Feng, looking at Edlin sleeping in the hospital bed. "I need you to take care of her during this time, Haley. Thank you very much."

"It's all right. Let's take it as a little effort I made for the safety of the new city. Anyway, I haven't found a place I want to go sightseeing recently. I'm also idle. I'll help you this poor favor." Haley said with a smile.

"Well, let's carry her to the car."

Ye Feng and Haley set up the sleeping Edlin. Although pedestrians were pointing at Ye Feng from time to time along the way, it didn't cause more accidents. Ye Feng put Edlin in the back seat of the car and asked Haley to sit beside her and take care of her.

All the way, when Ye Feng and Haley finally carried Edlin into the "base", Ye Feng felt relaxed at last. In order to ensure that no one is behind him, Ye Feng drove a car and walked a long way around the streets of the new metropolis. He could have run the distance in half an hour. Ye fengleng drove for nearly three hours to ensure that no one would follow him and know where the "base" is.

Due to the passage of time, the efficacy of Edlin gradually failed. When Ye Feng and Haley were still cleaning up the "base", she had recovered her mind. Because ye Feng didn't inform Edlin of relevant matters in advance, when she found herself lying alone in a small room, Edlin's first reaction was to pretend she didn't wake up. She slightly opened her eyes and looked at her completely strange environment.

In this way, after lying quietly in fear for a few minutes, Ye Feng, who knew nothing, walked into Edlin's room with a glass of water. After noting that the expression on Ye Feng's face was very relaxed, Edlin gradually relaxed. She opened her eyes and said to Ye Feng, "where did you get me?"

"Scare me!" Ye Feng almost threw the water cup in his hand at Edlin. "Are you awake?"

"I woke up long ago," adlin said angrily. "I thought I was hijacked."

"Who can hijack you from my hand? That's not a fantasy." Ye Feng sat next to Edlin and smiled at her. "In order to ensure that no one knows your exact location, I made this bad decision. You know, for absolute safety, I even have to hide it from you."

"Well, that's enough. You're really a little naughty." Adelin said helplessly. "You did the same thing to my coma just now? I wonder. I slept well last night, so I won't faint."

"Ha ha, unexpectedly, Edlin, this is a small lesson for you. Don't trust anyone easily, even me." Ye Feng said, "maybe someone will bite you when you relax your vigilance."

"Did you bite me?" Adelin looked at Ye Feng with all kinds of manners, "while I was asleep?"

"Of course not." Ye Feng said solemnly, "you don't know. Haley and I are tired to death in order to clean up here. By the way, Haley, Edlin woke up!" Ye Feng shouted out of the house. After more than ten seconds, Haley opened the door and came in.

Haili is actually a little helpless about her role positioning. After all, she is a psychologist, but Ye Feng has always treated her as a nurse. Although she is more familiar with the nursing process than many people, in fact, she is still reluctant to be a nurse

"Are you okay?" Haley asked.

"Fortunately, it's just that my head hurts a little." Adelin said, "Haley, I have to pay more attention to you in the future. Under your harmless appearance, you hide a heart that wants to be an agent. I didn't expect you to easily daze me." Adelin smiled bitterly, "This matter must not be known by my boss, otherwise, my year-end bonus will be ruined."

"Ha ha, well, no one will tell. Adelin, Haley will stay here to take care of you." Ye Feng said to Adelin, "after all, I'm in charge now, so I must be very busy. I can't come to see you every day. Just take good care of yourself. Look at me, there will be no crisis in Xindu."

"Hope." Edlin is very calm. She doesn't hold a very optimistic attitude towards the current situation. She knows one thing very well. There are imperceptible omissions in any perfect plan. Human efforts can only reduce the occurrence of such accidents, but in the end, it depends on the will of God if things can develop in the direction of hope.

After all, it's man who makes plans and God who makes them.

"Relax, now we are taking the initiative in this matter. Compared with the group that Gatsby is still walking around in the new capital, we will soon be able to grasp the exact location of the earth stabilizer. When we are waiting for the battle, we has the final say." Ye Feng said, "Aldrin, who did you send the alien manuscript to?"

"There's a list, and I sent those information to the people on the list," Edlin said. "Once they have the results, they will inform me as soon as possible."

"The shield bearer alliance will also know at the first time," Ye Feng said.

"Of course, I'm a member of the shield bearer alliance." Adelin looked at Ye Feng inexplicably. "You're a little strange, Ye Feng."


"No, there must be something," adlin said firmly. "You're not like this usually. Your performance today is not like you."

"Unlike me? But this is me, honey. I'm not the kind of man you can see through. Believe me, I'm just a bottle of aged wine and need you to taste it slowly." Ye Feng said.

"I really can't listen." Haley reluctantly shook her head and turned out of the room. "I have to go and clean up the house. How long has no one lived here? It's all spider webs..."

"Adelin, believe me, I will handle the crisis properly in my way." Ye Feng said solemnly to Adelin, "I want you to promise."

"OK, I see. I believe you," said Edlin.

After placing Adelin in the "base", Ye Feng finally understood a worry, but what followed made him busy.

There were several bombings in the new metropolis, and there is no doubt that these cases were directed at Gatsby and his gang. There's even a surveillance video of Gatsby on the scene! Ye Feng stared at the cold middle-aged uncle in the video. Although he kept talking with Gatsby in his memory, after all, several years have passed, but Ye Feng still recognized him at the first sight. Compared with previous years, Gatsby's appearance has changed a lot, but the gloomy and vicious look in his eyes has not changed at all.

To use jenma's words to describe Gatsby, that is: "how does this uncle look gloomy? I think he doesn't need make-up to play a eunuch. It's really outstanding."

In fact, Ye Feng always thought Gatsby's temperament was very special, but he didn't figure out where the special point was. After jenma's guidance, he finally convinced that Gatsby's temperament was the typical "eunuch chief manager" in the TV play, which was very consistent.

If Gatsby knew that he had become a eunuch in the mouth of Ye Feng and others since then, he would be angry to death. He simply didn't know that his code name had changed from "that bastard" to "that eunuch"

Ye Feng has been anxiously waiting for the experts to decipher the manuscript left by the aliens, but the Adelin mobile phone he carried with him has not received the relevant results. This makes Ye Feng feel a little anxious. In fact, he doesn't have a particularly good way to deal with this situation. Although Gatsby's group even made some explosions, it was obvious that their purpose was not to kill or money, or looking for something, and Ye Feng knew what they were looking for.

But Gatsby's group is like a group of ghosts. After such a long time, Gemma and Audrey have tried countless ways, but they still haven't found Gatsby's group. Even if they shot at another place, Ye Feng thought they should meet face to face. Unfortunately, the people on Ye Feng's side and Gatsby's side are like playing hide and seek, which will never end. Ye Feng sometimes wondered whether he and Gatsby will never meet like a straight line parallel to each other for two days?

However, the only comfort ye Feng felt was that Gatsby did not try to retaliate against Kate. In fact, Gatsby seems to have completely forgotten Kate's existence, and he doesn't care about Kate throwing him into prison. Ye Feng is well aware that he now has a more ambitious "goal" to "chase", so Ye Feng doesn't feel how surprised Gatsby gave up his revenge on Kate.

Of course, this will not let Ye Feng relax his vigilance. He knows very well that a crazy man like Gatsby is definitely a penny pinching bastard. He is busy looking for the whereabouts of the earth's crust stabilizer. He really has no time to take care of others. However, if he rings the festival between himself and Kate a little, Ye Feng is sure that Gatsby will come to Kate to settle accounts after autumn. Ye Feng is not sure how far Gatsby has progressed, so he can only take protective measures against Kate all the time.

If Kate wants to go out, Ye Feng will make Audrey or Jane one of them follow Kate. In fact, Kate's office has been greatly changed by Audrey and Jane. When Kate works hard, they stay in the office.

Kate refused at first that her office had become a place for others to relax. But after so many explosions, she realized that as her own safety, she still needed Jane and Audrey to protect her. In fact, although Gatsby is no longer interested in retaliating against Kate, Ye Feng and others don't know this at all, and even if they know, they have to prevent Gatsby's bastard from suddenly thinking of his holiday with Kate. Therefore, even though there were many inconveniences, Kate accepted to work with Jane or Audrey every day. It is no exaggeration to say that this greatly reduced Kate's office efficiency.

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