"It's not exactly a special kind of attack. After all, I'm still safe in a safe corner. It's just my double body that died, just like this time." the duck tongue hat, that is, the boy called "t-boy" by Captain victory shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't seem strange that there is a dead body with his head exploded in front of him, He must have experienced a lot of similar scenes.

"It's really convenient," adlin looked at the body lying on the carpet. "Can you have a double anytime, anywhere?"

"Twice a day at most, you know, it's very convenient to use this ability, that is, no matter what it is, you have to prepare many sets." t-boy's tone was a little helpless, "thanks to the existence of Portos." t-boy stretched out his hand and pointed to the Mediterranean man, "His ability is very practical. Although he can play little role in battle, I have to say that he is simply the best companion for traveling."

"Mr. Portos, what's your ability? Is it convenient to disclose?" Ye Feng looked at the Mediterranean head man in a cheap suit. He looked ugly, but his whole body exuded a sense of awe. Compared with the t-boy who was a little off-line, Ye Feng was more afraid of the man named Portos.

"My ability is storage," said Portos with an expressionless face.

"Storage?" Ye Feng looked at Portos in a daze. He had never heard of this person and the ability called "storage". He couldn't imagine how this ability worked.

"It's like this," Portos said calmly, reaching out and taking out his ears. Then a lot of suitcases suddenly appeared on the carpet of the living room, making a loud bang, but it scared Ye Feng.

"Shit? Where did you put all these things?" Ye Feng looked at the suitcase and Portos in surprise.

"My body is an entrance to different dimensions," said Portos. "I can put something of a certain size into that space, but living creatures can't put it in. Of course, after becoming a corpse, there's no problem."

"Different dimensional space?" Ye Feng looked at the ugly Portos in shock. It was difficult for him to connect such cool ability with the bald uncle. "Your ability is really strange. Just ask, how big is the volume of that different dimensional space?"

"No calculation, but I think it's about the size of a football field," Portos said.

"Yes, yes." Ye Feng nodded after listening. This is a mobile human freezer! It's so convenient. Thinking of this, he tentatively said to Bordeaux, "can I have a bottle of beer?"

"No problem."

"Matcha cake?"

"No problem."

"Banana milk?"

"No problem."

"Durian cake?"

"No problem."

"Snail powder - ouch!" Ye Feng covered the back of his head and looked helplessly at Audrey who gave herself a big palm. The latter stared at Ye Feng and the pieces of food in his hands.

"There's no time for you to fool around. We're here to talk about business," Audrey said coldly.

"Well, Portos, nice to meet you." put the things in his hand aside, and Ye Feng said solemnly to Portos.

"Me? Me?" t-boy was dissatisfied with Ye Feng's disregard for him. "Mr. Ye Feng, you just killed one of my double bodies."

"Sorry, this beer is my apology." Ye Feng then threw the beer Portos just mentioned to him at t-boy, who happily owned it.


Captain Shengli looked at his two men and got along well with Ye Feng, which made him a little unhappy. He immediately pretended to cough a few times and tried to regain the initiative of speaking, but no one paid attention to him at all.

"I mean --" Captain victory raised his voice and said to the others present, "I'm glad you know each other better. After all, for our next actions, mutual trust is undoubtedly related to the success or failure of the mission. Compared with you, you already know the seriousness of this incident, this big city inhabited by tens of millions of people is in danger, but as long as we can find the crust stabilizer before Gatsby's evil people, we can ensure the new situation The safety of the city. Comrades, we must welcome the praise of the world! "

No one paid any attention to him, let alone the applause and cheers expected by Captain Shengli. Including t-boy and Portos, all the people present were just staring at captain Shengli's slightly exaggerated town arm without expression, which made captain Shengli feel very embarrassed.

"Captain, there is no spotlight here. Your show is meaningless. Everyone is real people who come to do business. As far as I am concerned, I'm not interested in incentive speeches. Similar film segments have rotted the streets. What do you say, t-boy?"

"Yes, before the moment of failure, there is always someone who jumps out and says the big truth of the last nonsense, and then everyone is excited like beating chicken blood. The routine of exploding the small universe and killing the villains is really not boring. Sometimes I even want to sympathize with the villains." t-boy said solemnly.

"Yes, that's how I feel," said Ye Feng. He noticed that Portos nodded slightly, obviously not interested in captain victory's nonsense.

Of course, this does not mean that t-boy and Portos have no respect for captain victory. On the contrary, being able to endure captain victory for a long time shows that they are impeccable in loyalty. However, on the issue of loyalty, t-boy and Portos are not exactly the same.

T-boy completely worships captain victory. For him, Captain victory is the person who finds him and enables him to use his ability to complete hero's dream. Therefore, t-boy has a million admirations for captain victory, even to the point of being blind. He thinks that as long as captain victory says, he makes actions, They must all be correct and actions taken from the perspective of protecting all mankind.

Of course, t-boy can't tell whether captain victory is the tall man he imagined.

As for Portos, he respected the shield bearer alliance, but now the power of the shield bearer alliance is in the hands of Captain victory, so he will obey captain victory. In fact, the alliance of shield holders loyal to Portos is committed to the idea of protecting the earth, and Portos will be regarded as his companion to anyone who implements this idea. Although in most cases, being regarded as a companion by a humble Mediterranean uncle is not a very obvious thing.

"Captain victory, this plan --"

"Adlin, don't worry. I've planned this action plan. You just need to follow the plan and everything will be fine." Captain victory said confidently, "I'll personally participate in this action -"

"Has the sun come out from the west?" Ye Feng exclaimed with exaggerated exclamation. "No, Captain victory, who has never stepped into a dangerous place for half a step, is ready to carry out the task himself? I'm good. It seems that this operation must be foolproof. It's impossible to encounter any danger."

"Hey, Mr. Ye Feng, it's too mean for you to say so." t-boy looked at Ye Feng discontentedly. "Listen to you, you think captain Shengli is a shrinking turtle who can only hide in a safe place, right?"

"Have you seen him personally perform the task?" Ye Feng asked.

"Er..." to t-boy's great embarrassment, he couldn't refute Ye Feng, because even he had never seen captain Shengli personally participate in the mission. In the formation of Captain Shengli every day, the only thing that has something to do with the battle is his daily muscle training, After all, to maintain his good-looking tendons that have not been on the battlefield, we still need unremitting equipment training.

"Shut up, t-boy," Captain victory said with a gloomy face. Because his subordinates said the adjective "shrinking turtle", Captain Shengli couldn't even get angry directly, which made him very uncomfortable.

"..." t-boy was also very embarrassed.

"In a word, I will participate in the whole process of this operation. Ye Feng, at that time, I still need your full support." Captain Shengli said.

"Now that you have a complete plan, you can't leave everything to the people of your shield alliance. What do you have to do with me and my friends?" Ye Feng asked.

"Because the shield bearer alliance is undergoing great turbulence," adlin said. "Those heros belonging to the shield bearer alliance sent to the universe have died in the battle with the skurus, but they also smashed the enemy's mother ship and successfully prevented their plan to invade the earth."

In fact, the tragedy of this war exceeded everyone's expectations and stunned the captain who was originally glad to be in this crisis. After all, it can let many backbone forces in the shield bearer alliance leave the earth, which gives the victory captain staying at the headquarters more space for activities. But Captain victory doesn't want to command an empty shell, but a powerful alliance of shield holders. But it is a pity that for captain victory, he has certainly become the leader of the shield bearer alliance, but he has become a thorough bare rod commander

"What does this have to do with us?" asked Ye Feng.

"In short, the shield bearer Alliance on earth has become an empty shell, especially when several elders have left," adlin said reluctantly.

"Adeline, don't bother our friends with these unimportant things," said Captain victory with a gloomy face. "Although the shield bearer alliance is no longer strong, I believe that as long as the heart of justice is still there, we will rise again!"


Still no one echoed captain victory's words, and the atmosphere in the living room fell into an embarrassing situation again.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone has separated from the shield bearer alliance and is continuing to punish traitors and eliminate evil. I just feel heartfelt regret for those predecessors who died in the universe," t-boy said.

"Yes, may the heroes rest in peace," said Portos.

"..." Captain Shengli's mouth twitched slightly.

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