"I still don't think we should talk too hard. You know, Captain victory is a penny pincher. If he does something bad in the process of action, it may threaten the whole plan." adlin looked worried.

It's not a day or two to work under captain victory. Adlin knows what kind of person captain victory is. Although he pretends to be magnanimous, in fact, Captain victory is a person who has a stronger sense of revenge than anyone. Adlin has seen the case that Captain victory killed a senior agent of the shield bearer alliance because of disagreement. In fact, Captain Shengli has always been cruel and ruthless in doing such things, and often can not let himself fall down after beating the people he hates. He has a wealth of experience in such things. Perhaps it is precisely because he is good at intrigues that Captain victory can occupy a place in the powerful shield bearer alliance, and is becoming more and more important. Although this makes captain victory unpopular, for conspirators, people are something that can be used and manipulated. As long as they can succeed, everything is nothing

"It's all right. I originally wanted to exclude Kobi and Jane from the plan, but since they have met captain Shengli once, it doesn't matter. With their participation, I don't believe captain Shengli can make any moths." Ye Feng said, "In fact, if he insists on doing some stupid acts, I don't mind letting him know what death is like." after Ye Feng finished, he smiled coldly, with a sinister and cunning look.

"You look really flat now." Audrey still said, "although the victory captain doesn't look like a good man, you don't seem to be a fuel-saving lamp compared with him. I'm very worried about the next action plan..."

"Don't worry, if everything has me, or you, and we all act together, we can adapt to whatever happens -"

"Wait, you mean our action plan is to be flexible?" Audrey looked at Ye Feng reluctantly. "Will it make any difference to captain's plan?"

"Of course, there is a difference. He led the plan, but now I lead the plan." Ye Feng said solemnly, "in fact, in our current situation, we can't make a decent plan at all, don't you think. Edlin?"

"Also, we actually know nothing about the exact location of the crustal stabilizer, and we don't know what challenges we will face. In fact, we just confirm that there is a crustal stabilizer in the area of Monterey mountain. In addition, we don't know anything."

"Damn it, if those aliens could directly write the specific location on the manuscript hundreds of years ago, we wouldn't have to work so hard. They are really idle, harming others and not benefiting themselves." Ye Feng complained.

"They didn't expect their immune system to collapse directly because of an influenza. I think their aliens must be very complicated when they are extinct," Aldrin said.

"Who knows, anyway, my mood is very complicated now." Ye Feng said. "At the thought of carrying out the mission with Captain Shengli, I was moved by a nausea. By the way, Adelin, in my impression, Captain Shengli didn't seem to have personally participated in several missions."

"In the early days when he entered the shield alliance, he was all the veterans who established the alliance. At that stage, he performed several missions with low risk coefficient. He hasn't heard of him going out of the field since then. You know, although I am a member of the shield alliance, I joined relatively late. When I joined, Captain victory was almost dead No more missions. "Adeline frowned slightly." in fact, if he hadn't done any missions privately, Captain victory rarely left the headquarters of the shield bearer alliance in recent years. Of course, he often went on vacation. "

"That bastard has been safely hiding in his turtle shell." Ye Feng said contemptuously. "When I heard that he was actually coming to the new metropolis, my first reaction was that I had the wrong number." Ye Feng's face was full of sarcasm, "In fact, until now, I can't believe that he would take the initiative to claim to participate in the action. In my opinion, this action must not be put forward from a good starting point."

"Well... I'm really worried about this, so I advise you not to tear your face with Captain victory, but you still didn't control your mouth." Adelin said reluctantly, "Ye Feng, really, although the shield bearer alliance is no longer the big organization it used to be, as the real leader of the shield bearer alliance, you'd better not underestimate captain victory. That man's brain is very clever. You should see a lesson from those who were kicked out of the shield bearer Alliance."

"Cut, what am I afraid of him? Can he kill me or expel me from the shield bearer alliance? Oh, sorry, I didn't join the big family at all, although the big family sent me a beautiful and sexy sister." Ye Feng said with a bad smile.

"Come on, you don't look right after a few words." Edlin blushed and glanced awkwardly at Audrey, who just snorted and didn't say anything.

At this time, Ye Feng, Adelin and Audrey came to the parking lot under the hotel. They walked to the sports car belonging to Gemma. Ye Feng unlocked the door and sat in the car. While driving the car away from the parking lot below, he spoke to Adelin and Audrey with great confidence: "Don't worry, no matter what kind of bad moves the victorious captain prepares, he won't succeed. I swear in the name of the most popular hero in Xindu."

"Will there be this award in Xindu?" Audrey said sarcastically.

"Of course, I sponsored it." Ye Feng said calmly.

The preparations are proceeding step by step. In fact, there are not many preparations to be done. What is limited is the personnel involved in the actual action. Ye Feng and captain Shengli needless to say that t-boy and Portos will undoubtedly accompany captain Shengli. Ye Feng has more personnel than the shield bearer alliance, Including himself, with Audrey, Jane, Kobi and Huangliang forcibly pulled by Ye Feng.

In fact, Huang Liang refused to come to save the new city. In his opinion, he would never easily believe such a fantastic thing, especially from Ye Feng's mouth.

For this reason, Ye Feng took Audrey to talk with Huang Liang. Huang Liang knew Audrey's character very well and confirmed that she would not say anything groundless. Then he was confused and believed that Ye Feng would face the crisis of Zhongxin city. In fact, Huang Liang didn't know Gatsby's past very well. After all, he was not a professional killer. Before this situation, Huang Liang In fact, it has nothing to do with this.

After Ye Feng's brief explanation, Huang Liang finally figured out the current situation. When he learned that there would be a victory captain in the operation, Huang Liang's expression was very unexpected.

"The shrinking turtle will also participate in the mission?" he stared at Ye Feng with shock and told him the news, "no..."

"I had contact with him?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"He asked me to finish some tasks for him," said Huang Liang lightly. "It's a very unpleasant memory. In fact, if I hadn't been unable to find the opportunity, I would slap him face to face."

"You have a chance now. Do you want his address?" Ye Feng said eagerly.

"Forget it. After all, it's time to act together. It's not time to slap him in the face." Huang Liang doesn't put on a cover at all. He said expressionless, "it's better to wait until everything is settled. It's not too late then."

"Cut." Ye Feng whispered, "you really can make excuses."

"What are you talking about?"

Noticing that Huang Liang had taken the pistol in his hand, Ye Feng simply shook his head and said to Huang Liang, "nothing. Welcome to join the action team, man."

Five to three, in Ye Feng's opinion, this is a good personnel composition. In fact, if you seriously calculate, Captain victory's poor strength will undoubtedly reduce the combat effectiveness of their shield bearer alliance in the confrontation. T-boy and Portos may have to be distracted to take care of him in the battle, so in Ye Feng's opinion, their own side and captain victory The comparison of combat power on one side is not at the same level. Ye Feng has made sufficient preparations for how to make fun of the captain in the course of action. For example, he has only made sufficient preparations for this matter

Chu Qian who stays behind is responsible for protecting the safety of others. In fact, Ye Feng is very tangled about not allowing Chu Qian to act with himself. He knows that Chu Qian's strength will be of great help to the action, but he must also take into account the safety of gemma and Kate. Therefore, in order to prevent Gatsby from attacking Gemma and others who stay in the new metropolis, Ye Feng asks Chu Qian and Kate Rihanna, who has always wanted to fight, two people ensure the safety of others.

Although he was reluctant, Ye Feng called Cao Yan and asked him to protect the safety of Kate and others during the implementation of the action. However, Ye Feng has always been skeptical about this. In his opinion, Cao Yan seems to be of no other use except being a sandbag. After all, for Ye Feng, Cao Yan is all in his heart A negative image, he is afraid that he will be infected by Cao Yan as an idiot

However, on many levels, he misjudged Cao Yan. Ye Feng had a deep misunderstanding about both his own strength and Cao Yan's IQ. Therefore, Cao Yan had a very serious face-to-face talk with Ye Feng, hoping to reverse his image in Ye Feng's heart. However, it is difficult for you to wake up a person who pretends to sleep. Ye Feng still hasn't changed his right Cao Yan's misunderstanding.

Things are advancing in an orderly way, and all relevant personnel are waiting for the moment when the action begins. Ye Feng, Captain Shengli, the two men and horses get together for the same purpose - at least it seems to be the same purpose. They will face unknown dangers, and the adventure is imminent

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