Early the next morning, Ye Feng and captain Shengli gathered at the mouth of the cave.

T-boy's face was very ugly because he stayed by the cave all night. There was a feeling of resentment in his eyes when he looked at Edlin and Ye Feng. However, neither Ye Feng nor Edlin paid attention to him, because they were all staring at captain Shengli's facial expression, trying to see some clues.

Seeing that everyone was here, Captain Shengli cleared his throat and said to everyone, "comrades --"

"You are a comrade." Huang Liang said angrily.

"Uh... Friends -"

"We are not friends. Are we friends with him?" Ye Feng asked Kou Bi, who shook his head. "Of course not. What's his name?"

"Captain Shengli. It's a funny name, isn't it?" said Ye Feng.

"It's really funny," Corby said expressionless.

"..." Captain victory's face was red and white.

"Did I say you were finished?" t-boy took a step forward for his big brother and said discontentedly.

"What's wrong with you?" Jane looked at t-boy coldly.

"No, nothing." as soon as Jane stood up, t-boy lost his temper and stepped back behind captain Shengli.

"In short, our goal today is to explore this cave." Captain victory waited until no one spoke again before he continued, "we don't know whether the future is dangerous -"

"We really don't know. As for some people, I think he knows very well," Ye Feng said.

"Who do you mean?" Captain victory looked at him with a particularly gloomy face.

"I don't know. If I knew, I would be the first to tell you who and who between us!" said Ye Feng.

"Really? Then I really thank you," said Ye Feng.

Captain Shengli suggested, "well, since we have no objection to the next action plan, let's start immediately. Don't waste time. There are many of you, so you'll be entrusted with the task of exploring the way -"

"Give it to t-boy. Those who can do more work," said Ye Feng. "Anyway, he has a double body that can be consumed at will. By the way, what about the real body of that bastard? Why don't I see it? It seems that there is only one t-boy here."

"He's hiding where you can't find him," said Portos, who looked as if he hadn't slept well, with two big dark circles under his eyes.

"Really? I really want to have a good chat with him, just my new arm." Ye Feng said contemptuously, "Captain, do you think my suggestion is reasonable? Let a person who is not afraid of death be a pioneer."

"Of course, what you said is very reasonable. Since you have just grown a new arm and may not adapt to the feeling of being a sound person, let t-boy explore the way alone." Captain Shengli said expressionless. He said to t-boy standing next to him, "you heard the order and go down."


U-boy was the first to put his body into the dark hole, even though a million people didn't want to. After half a minute, his voice finally came from the black hole: "you can come down and be safe for the time being."

"OK, you stay alert." Captain victory jumped out of the hole the second.

When everyone came down from the entrance, Ye Feng and others found themselves in an artificial tunnel similar to a mining channel.

"I'm a good boy. If it's a tower defense here, we all have to be buried alive in this ghost place." Ye Feng looked around. In the light of the cold flame, he could see that he was in the compacted dirt road. Ye Feng suddenly felt that he was absent from work. They didn't come to look for a crust stabilizer, but came here to dig coal.

"It looks solid here," said Edlin. She reached out and touched the boards in the passage, which are an important support to keep the passage from collapsing. "It seems that this place has a history of many years, and it may have something to do with the crustal stabilizer."

"Of course, everyone can see it," said Ye Feng. "If it doesn't matter, how can our captain find it so accidentally?"

"Come on, don't be sarcastic, Captain, let's move forward." Adelin took Ye Feng's hand and said to captain victory.

"Yes, t-boy, please." Captain Shengli turned to t-boy and said.

"Why do I have to do all these hard work alone?" t-boy muttered and began to walk deep into the channel.

Ye Feng has completely lost his sense of position as he keeps turning left and right, going downhill and uphill. He is just blindly following the steps of the people in front and walking mechanically.

At the beginning, there were voices of people talking to each other, but with the extension of walking time, everyone had no strength to talk. Walking in this changeable terrain is a huge consumption of physical strength and energy. Those with poor physical strength in the team, such as Edlin and Ye Feng, who has not yet recovered, gave out a rapid breathing sound, In order to keep up with the speed of these super people, they can only bite their teeth and stick to it. In fact, apart from them, Kou Bi and Jane can be described as walking like flying. They walked forward without fear and walked in the tunnel quickly. Ye Feng wanted them to walk slowly several times, but before he could say anything, it was found that the distance between them had been opened again.

Captain Shengli is also panting. No one can help him here. He must walk on his two legs. In fact, he hasn't traveled so far for a long time. His strong muscles, apart from being good-looking, are just useless furnishings.

In fact, Captain victory has not seriously exercised his physical strength and combat. His only exercise every day is to maintain the lines of his muscles that have no effect other than beauty. In fact, Captain Shengli's physical quality is not much different from that of ordinary adult men. Even compared with some professional athletes, he may be weaker. For this, Captain victory himself knew that he would never personally participate in the action if it were not for the action to determine the fate of the shield bearer alliance.

The party watched captain Shengli's wheezing embarrassment, and a contemptuous smile appeared on each face. Even Portos kept shaking his head and watched his boss move slowly like a snail.

This passage is very quiet. I can only hear their footsteps. In addition, there seems to be no sound

Source. Walking in the tunnel below, Ye Feng felt that he was constantly approaching the terrible and dark center of the earth. There might be the location of hell. Ye Feng couldn't help feeling a little hairy. He clearly realized that if there was a battle in such a place, there was no doubt that whoever killed anyone would have to be killed by a lot of broken stones. Even if he survived, he would have to be trapped alive in the dark.

Everyone seems to think of this. They keep quiet with each other, call all their senses, analyze all sounds, and try to catch the wind and grass before the possible danger comes.

But no matter how they listen, they can only hear their own footsteps.

Ye Feng and Edlin have fallen to the lowest end of the team, and captain Shengli is also panting in front of the team. Ye Feng looked at captain Shengli's sweat stained face and couldn't help laughing: "Captain, no matter how busy you are at work, you have to exercise, don't you? After all, you're the number one in the shield bearer Alliance -"

"You're the number one!" Captain victory said angrily. "I'm one of the leaders of the shield bearer alliance, that's all."

"Can you tell me about the other leaders of the shield bearer alliance?" Ye Feng asked. "I'm talking about the lucky ones who haven't left and haven't died in the universe."

"No!" Captain Shengli said angrily, "I'm the bare pole commander now. Are you satisfied?"

"It's OK," said Ye Feng. "Captain, you look a lot older than when we first met. It seems that your life is also very difficult. You can't show off like before. Aren't you used to it?"

"Hum." Captain Shengli's face was black and he didn't speak. He focused on the road under his feet. In fact, he had to do so. Otherwise, he would kneel on the ground at any time and fall on his feet because he stepped on a stone.

"Well, I know it's not a gentleman's job to drop a stone in a well, but unfortunately, I've never been a gentleman," said Ye Feng.

"You still have self-knowledge?" Captain Shengli said unhappily.

"Of course, I'm a wise and handsome guy. Of course, I know what kind of person I'm giving it to." Ye Feng said. "It's because I'm a real villain that I hate the guy who pretends to be a gentleman like you."

"Really? So I am such a person in your eyes?"

"Of course, in fact, you've reached this point. You'd better tell us your evil plan. Let's talk frankly." Ye Feng said.

"I have nothing to say to you. Ye Feng, go to hell." after captain Shengli finished, he quickly walked a few steps and opened the distance from Ye Feng.

"This boy can really bear it. I've said it to this extent. He can still keep his mind. Well, he's really a person I hate. It's really not an ordinary Yin." Ye Feng said with appreciation.

"Do you sympathize with him?" Adelin looked at Ye Feng helplessly. "I really don't understand you."

"I'm not the kind of man you can see through at a glance." Ye Feng said triumphantly, "otherwise, how can you fall in love with me?"


Edlin looked at Ye Feng reluctantly, although sometimes she really couldn't see through the man's thoughts in front of her. But sometimes, he is as simple as a big child. No matter what he says or does, he can understand everything at a glance. For Ye Feng, the living treasure, Edlin can only face his every unexpected move with tolerance. Although it is sometimes dangerous to be with Ye Feng, there is no doubt that when you are with him, you will not be troubled by boredom, because ye Feng can't be connected with boredom at all

"What are you thinking? Edlin, hurry up."

"Oh, wait for me."

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