Ye Feng saw his deep secret from captain Shengli's eyes. Captain Shengli also saw the deep suspicion in Ye Feng's eyes. However, for almost the same reason, they didn't speak to each other, but buried their strong killing intention in their hearts. When the right time came, they broke out.

In a word, I was surprised that so many intruders came suddenly

"Well, so you must have prepared rich activities for us, haven't you?" asked Ye Feng.

[fortunately, the original intention of my designer is to let all creatures who enter this area stay here forever and ensure that this secret will not be known.]

"The reason why a secret becomes a secret is that sooner or later the truth will come out, don't you think?" said Ye Feng.

I'm just an AI. I'm not interested in speculation. My program is not set

"Well, you are really boring," said Ye Feng. "Can you tell me what kind of welcome programs you have prepared for us" outsiders "in this huge space?"

OK, just as you wish

As soon as AI's voice fell, the floor of the space where Ye Feng and others were located began to vibrate violently. Everyone lit up their weapons. Ye Feng simply took Edlin's hand and hid in the center of the team with her, squeezing together with Captain Shengli with the same idea.

"Thanks to you being a big man, get out and fight!" Ye Feng shouted at him.

"I'm a resourceful hero, not a hard steel one." Captain victory said angrily, "you still have the face to say me? Don't you squat in the safest place?"

"Can we compare it? I'm the weakest person in the protection team and protecting Edlin." Ye Feng tightly hugged Edlin's shoulder and ignored the white eyes that the latter kept giving him, "and I'm still a sick man. I'm recovering from a serious illness and my combat effectiveness hasn't fully recovered. You wait, boy. In a few hours, I'll kill all directions alone -"

"All right, shut up, you mops!" Audrey said angrily. "Keep quiet and distract us. The enemy has come out!"

In the originally empty space, countless ferocious mechanical animals like giant earthworms suddenly emerged from the ground. These mechanical earthworms kept emerging from the ground, and then drilled under the ground again. They kept going in and out, dodging bullets and bows shot by Ye Feng and others. At the same time, they were fast below the place where Ye Feng and others were located, and the battle was imminent!

"Spread out!!!"

Kobi gave a loud shout and grabbed Ye Feng's arm, while Ye Feng hugged Adelin fiercely. Kobi suddenly flew into the air and dragged Ye Feng and Adelin into the air. Only half a second later, a huge mechanical earthworm broke out of the earth where the three were standing, and the large mechanical mouth covered with countless sharp blades, It was only a minute away from Edlin's shoes, which made the latter look pale. He kept raising his legs and clutching Ye Feng's arm. Ye Feng felt that his arm had been elongated by Edlin and was on the edge of being torn off.

"Ah ah ah!!! That's a new arm!!!"

Due to the severe pain from his arm, Ye Feng screamed in the air, while Kou Bi, who grabbed his other arm, kept shouting to shut Ye Feng up while trying to approach their mechanical earthworms with a laser beam attacker, but with little effect.

When Ye Feng was struggling in mid air, Audrey, Jane and Huang Liang on the ground were indeed moving in a huge space, killing one or two mechanical earthworms chasing them from time to time. Jane has the highest combat effectiveness among the three people. She usually rushes to help others when others are fatally threatened. Therefore, even if there are more than a dozen huge mechanical earthworms in the whole site, there have been no casualties so far, and each person has left several wounds, But it is far from collapse.

As for the three captains of victory, their appearance will be more miserable. They can't fly and don't have strong strength. Portos walked around the mechanical earthworms gracefully and fought, looking very calm. A sword danced like a silver snake, piercing all the enemies in front of him. But Captain victory and t-boy looked embarrassed. The two men were not very accomplished in fighting. T-boy could barely rely on his own skills to resist the mechanical earthworms, but Captain Shengli had no ability to resist. He could only escape passively. If someone didn't help him resist the mechanical beasts chasing after him occasionally, He had already been torn to pieces by those mechanical earthworms.

"Why do you pay attention to him? Let him learn valuable experience in actual combat, otherwise this goods will be like a loser in his life!" Ye Feng hung in the air and laughed at captain victory who was tired on the ground.

"Shut up!" Adelin said angrily. She was like a sloth, hanging her whole body on Ye Feng, and didn't dare to move.

"Hey!!! Try this!!!"

Kobi tilted her powerful firepower as if there were no one on the ground, which made the victory captain three very embarrassed. I don't know whether she did it on purpose or not. Kobi poured almost all her energy into the positions of Captain victory and others. Although this helped them solve those terrible mechanical earthworms to a certain extent, the firepower poured by Kobi was not divided between the enemy and ourselves, so the three captains of victory sent these heavy firepower to a large extent, and they became disheartened one by one, as if they had rolled in the mud, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Hey! Did you do it on purpose!"

Captain victory's wail was completely drowned by the explosion, and his shrill scream was not heard at all.

The battle ended quietly in a flurry of chickens and dogs.

Except that Audrey and Huang Liang's injuries were a little serious - in fact, they didn't cause much trouble - the rest of Ye Feng's team were almost intact. Ye Feng and Edlin, who were carried into the air by Kou Bi, were basically intact. Except that Edlin's face was a little pale, there was nothing wrong.

It's captain victory. They are a little miserable. T-boy doesn't know whether it's because of the mechanical earthworm, the fierce firepower of Kobi, or both. In short, he died.

"Although I know it's just the double body of the bastard t-boy, I have to say that I'm still inexplicably happy to see him turn into this miserable picture." Ye Feng walked to t-boy's body and looked at the unrecognized body with great interest.

"Hum." Captain Shengli didn't say anything. He was bandaging his wound with the help of Portos. He looked like a deserter who had just escaped from the gunfire battlefield. His face was black and his clothes were missing.

"Captain, are you all right? I haven't seen you for a few minutes. Why are you like this?"

Although captain Shengli wanted to keep a low profile, how could Ye Feng miss the opportunity to attack his opponent? He came close to captain Shengli and his face was full of schadenfreude.

"Go away. Portos, take out a uniform for me." Captain victory ignored Ye Feng's provocation. He ordered Portos, who nodded slightly. A clean meal of clothes had appeared in front of Captain victory, and a tent appeared. With a blue face, Captain Shengli got into the tent with his clothes and began to change.

"It's really convenient for you..." Ye Feng looked at Portos with envy.

Even for Dick, space storage technology has long been a common thing, but he still didn't promise Ye Feng to ride a cow and get him a device with huge storage space on his wrist. Dick's statement has always been the same tone: "you can't use it at all."

Ye Feng really can't use it, but as an important prop for installing B, Ye Feng still wants to have a device with huge storage space. Like Portos, he has such a convenient ability, which makes Ye Feng envy.

"You - I'll go!!!"

Just when Ye Feng wanted to talk to Portos, a lively t-boy suddenly appeared in front of him. Ye Feng was almost scared to fall to the ground. He looked at the active t-boy and the body of the unrecognized t-boy on the ground. He was forced to look at Portos.

"This thing," he pointed to the t-boy who was stretching, "did you release it?"

"Well," Portos nodded slightly.

"Your ability is the Heterodimensional space, doesn't it mean you can't store living creatures?" Ye Feng then asked. He remembered that he said it himself when he first met Portos, because Dick's Heterodimensional devices can't store living creatures, so he never doubted it.

"Believe what I say? I thought you didn't look so naive." Portos said expressionless.

"... that is to say, there is a t-boy double body stored in your different dimensional space? Is that right?" asked Ye Feng.

"That's right."

"Wait, can't t t-boy, that bastard, hide in your different dimensional space?" Ye Feng suddenly realized something. He went to Portos, grabbed his clothes collar and asked him fiercely, "am I telling the truth?"

"Yes? No?" Portos calmly stared at Ye Feng's eyes.

"How dare you frighten me?"

Ye Feng immediately realized that what he thought before was wrong. The damn t-boy was not hiding in a corner. In fact, he was always with them. He was in the different dimensional space of Portos! damn! Realizing this frightened Ye Feng. He was worried that this would make the operation very variable. But in fact, he doesn't need such fear, because boltos's Heterodimensional space can only allow a living body to survive in it, that is, only the t-boy's plasma is in boltos's Heterodimensional space, while the other t-boy's double bodies are stored in the Heterodimensional space in the state of suspended death. Because this false death state has a high probability that it cannot be resurrected again, other people will not agree with this method except that this precious double body can adopt this technology and store it in the different dimensional space

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