Compared with Captain Shengli, considering many factors, Ye Feng's mood is very simple. While worrying about Huangliang, he is deeply aware that he is not a person who really likes driving and cars. At least to be fair, if he is in the current environment of Huangliang, he will swear at his mother instead of colliding with the surrounding cars with excitement.

Yes, Huang Liang's face is an excited expression. Ye Feng doesn't know how excited he is

For Huang Liang, his life is almost carried out in the car. Many times, Huang Liang can only sleep in the car for action or tasks. It is rare for him to spend the night in a motel. He is an extremely cautious person. Only in the safest and most relaxing place can he close his eyes and sleep deeply. For Huang Liang, the car is one of the few places where he can completely relax.

In the car, Huangliang can meet all his living needs. He likes cars, especially when his family drives away. His only partner is the car he transformed. If someone dares to start with his car, no matter what background the person is, Huangliang will let him taste the bitterness of regret. In fact, there was once a young man who was the boss of a gang. By chance - he was filling gas at the same gas station as Huang Liang - the young man saw Huang Liang's car and asked Huang Liang whether it was for sale. Of course, Huang Liang rebuffed him, and Huang Liang's temper was not very good. His tone was a little rough at that time, which angered the childe.

What Huang Liang didn't expect was that he drove into a motel in the suburbs. Then when he went to the parking lot the next morning, he saw that his car had been scratched with paint. It is conceivable how angry Huang Liang was when he saw this scene, so when he checked the video taken by the nearby monitoring probe, Huang Liang determined that the childe he met had done it himself. Huang Liang caught the boy and his gang, leaving almost no one alive.

For Huang Liang, car means life, and driving is all he can't give up.

In this death race of speed and collision, Huang Liang can be described as "like a fish in water". He turned the steering wheel crazily and slammed the front of the car into his opponent's car. His wild smile rarely showed his crazy side, which opened the eyes of Ye Feng and others.

Except Ye Feng, few people have seen such crazy sorghum. This time Audrey and others have a new understanding of the silent sorghum.

"Damn it, I knew that Huang Liang is not interested in women. Although he is a little stingy, he can't find other hobbies. Sure enough, only driving can ignite the high point of his life. This madman, look at him, Adelin, he really enjoys it." Ye Feng sighed.

"That Portos has the same expression as Huang Liang. It's unexpected that he also has such a passionate pembai side," adlin said with emotion.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the Mediterranean uncle looked a little handsome when driving..." Ye Feng sighed.

Portos is indeed just like Adelin and Ye Feng said. His performance in the field is just different from that in normal times. Although Ye Feng and Portos had almost no serious communication, let alone heart to heart. However, from this period of contact, he is certainly not an emotional person, at least not a person who is good at expressing his emotions. But Portos, who is fighting in the death race at the moment, is completely different from the usual gloomy him. Although there is still no big expression change on his face at this time, you can obviously feel that his mood at the moment must be restless, and can even be described as magnificent.

In the cab of the rear car of the three cars, he wholeheartedly controls the accelerator and brake of the three cars. It can be said that Huangliang is controlling the direction of the car, while Portos is controlling the heart of the car. He determines whether the car accelerates or decelerates. He determines whether he makes every effort to collide with other cars or decelerates to avoid the attack of the other party. From the expression of Portos, Ye Feng can clearly see that he has been completely immersed in the collision of speed and violence.

Ye Feng whispered, "Damn it, they're crazy..."

In fact, the three words "Crazy" are not enough to describe the performance of Huang Liang and Portos who are crazy racing with their opponents on the field. It seems that even AI is a little surprised at their performance in this test, if AI is surprised.

They were really born for this test

"Man, are you a little flustered?" Ye Feng asked.

Of course not. The holy seal has shown that you are qualified to contact the holy things. The test is just to confirm this point

"By the way, is the holy seal you always talk about a very important prop?" asked Ye Feng. He finally caught an opportunity and didn't ask for some information from AI. Ye Feng always felt that he had lost.

Of course, it is very important. Only outsiders who carry the holy seal can be tested

"Oh? How do you deal with outsiders without holy seal? Don't they need to be tested?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

They will face death directly

"Well, it's very penetrating to listen to you."

After listening to AI's explanation, Captain victory, who had begun to relax, once again showed a nervous expression on his face. Ye Feng looked in his eyes and thought that Captain victory was worried about what might happen to Portos in the field and died in it. What Ye Feng doesn't know is that Captain Shengli is not worried about the life and death of Portos - well, he is also worried, but after seeing his crazy performance with Huang Liang, he is not as worried as he was at the beginning - Captain Shengli is worried about the life and death of those people. According to AI, they should be facing death

There was a sudden change in the situation on the field. The two teams that had been besieging Huangliang and Portos. After a beautiful tail flick of Huangliang, their cars collided with each other, end to end, and a huge explosion broke out. The driver of one team died directly in the explosion. The team without direction control then directly crashed into a cement barrier in the field, In the deafening explosion, the remaining Racer also died in the raging fire.

"Good!!! As expected, he is the number two man next to the protagonist. He can be reliable at the critical moment." Ye Feng said excitedly.

"What are you talking about?" adlin said angrily.

"He always says something that makes others confused. Aren't you used to it?" Audrey said.

"You can't get used to this kind of thing..." Adeline was helpless.

"Sorry, sorry, we can't break the wall." Ye Feng said, "but Huang Liang is really awesome. I originally called him to come, but I want to make some of the masculinity heavier. After all, if he had not been here, I would have been almost a woman."

"He'll hit you when he hears that," said Audrey.

"Cut yellow sorghum, just him? I lend him two courage!" said Ye Feng.

"You don't have to borrow his courage. You just have to say the previous paragraph in front of him," adlin said.

"Cut, I'm not a repeater. Why repeat what I said! I'm Ye Feng, nicknamed death!" said Ye Feng.

When facing an opponent alone, Huang Liang and Portos had almost no pressure. With their exquisite driving skills, the opponent soon ended up in car damage and death in the collision.

The metal door opened, and Huang Liang and Portos came out. The excitement on their faces still didn't subside.

"Hey, man, I knew you could do it." Ye Feng excitedly gave Huang Liang a big hug, but was directly pushed away by the latter. "I never doubted your strength, man, you may not be the most beautiful cub, and certainly not the strongest among us, but there is no doubt that you are indeed a senior old driver! I Ye Feng admit you!"

"You admit I'm useless?" Huang Liang glared at Ye Feng angrily. Then he sat in a chair and looked a little exhausted.

Portos was also called aside by Captain Shengli. The two muttered something. Because the voice was too low, Ye Feng didn't hear it clearly, but Captain Shengli said nothing more than "you can't be so capricious next time".

But Ye Feng didn't think that Portos would listen to captain Shengli's advice. No doubt, he was a very independent man.

Congratulations, outsider, you have completed the second test. To tell you the truth, it surprised me

"Surprised that we are so excellent?" Ye Feng asked, "Hey, you don't need to be surprised at this. The fierce characters in the team haven't shown their strength yet. Sorry, man, I'm not aiming at you," Ye Feng turned to Huang Liang and said, "you know, you're only the middle class in our team."

"Hum, at least I'm not like you. I can only lag behind." Huang Liang retorted.

"Hey, it's too much for you to say that. If my arm hadn't just grown out, believe it or not, I'd let you taste my power!" Ye Feng said seriously.

"I'm waiting for your arm to recover, boy, I'm waiting."

"Look at you, and you'll face up when you talk. Hey, if this goes on, I'm not going to introduce you." Ye Feng pretended to shake his head. "Audrey, I heard you know some beautiful little sisters, that is, those in their 40s with the same height and waist size."

"Go." Audrey didn't pick up the stubble of leaf maple.

"All right, all right, I won't say." notice that Huangliang has put his hand on the holster, Ye Feng immediately regained his serious expression and turned his head to stop looking at him.

You are so humorous

"You see, I said the AI can only be very high," said Ye Feng.

You haven't asked me where the next exit is

AI reminds Ye Feng.

"Oh, by the way, forget this crop." Ye Feng patted on the forehead, "by the way, how should we move forward next?"

[from here, you can enter the following scene. Please help yourselves.]

The original empty wall was suddenly divided into two, and an endless channel appeared in front of everyone again.

"It's still very polite. To tell you the truth, I'm a little moved. I press an intelligent AI housekeeper in my house," Ye Feng said.

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