"Portos, why are you with Captain victory?" Huang Liang asked Portos, who walked side by side with him.

"I'm not with Captain victory, I'm just a member of the shield bearer alliance," Portos said.

Due to the perfect cooperation in the death competition, Huangliang and Portos have a fetter similar to "Heroes cherish heroes", which makes them naturally talk together. After all, they have common hobbies, so they can communicate without obstacles. In fact, neither Huang Liang nor Portos is an extrovert personality who is good at communicating with others, but to Ye Feng and captain Shengli's surprise, they can talk freely.

For this, Captain Shengli felt more confused and embarrassed than Ye Feng, and he was also a little worried. He is afraid that this is not close to himself, but he has very important subordinates. Due to unnecessary contact with people on Ye Feng's side, it may cause unpredictable deviation and impact on his plan. However, Captain Shengli still didn't take any action. He could indeed call Portos away from Huangliang, but after that, how should he face Portos's doubts? Captain victory can only let it go. If the person standing next to Portos is Ye Feng, Captain Shengli will certainly pull Portos away from Ye Feng within three seconds. For nothing else, he will do so without hesitation in order to prevent Portos from getting the smell of Ye Feng. But the person who talked to Portos was Huang Liang who had just fought side by side with him. Captain victory really couldn't think of a suitable reason to call Portos away from Huang Liang.

Damn it... Captain victory walked with a gloomy face, completely ignoring t-boy who had been trying to talk to him.

"What's the difference between the two?" Huang Liang asked. "In this situation, the shield bearer alliance is just an empty shell controlled by Captain victory. You know captain victory better than I do. You don't need me to comment on his actions."

"In fact, I don't know much about captain victory." a bitter smile appeared on Portos's expressionless face. "I have only participated in the shield Alliance for a few months. To tell you the truth, after joining the shield alliance, I found that my previous view of the organization was one-sided, at least as far as the shield alliance is concerned."

"What's the reason you joined the shield bearer alliance? If you don't want to say, treat me as if I didn't ask," Huang Liang said.

"There's nothing to say," said Portos. "I'm tired. I was a bodyguard for a rich man before I joined the shield bearer alliance."

Portos's experience is very rich. He grew up in a rich family, received elite education since childhood, and showed his extraordinary talent in racing when he was very young. Of course, poltos' parents focused on the cultivation of poltos in this regard. At a young age, he became a racing driver and was highly expected.

Portos' life should have gone on like this. When you are a racing driver for a lifetime, or when you are tired, go back to your home and inherit your property.

But all this changed because of a hijacking.

His parents died in a hijacking, which changed Portos. For a long time, he couldn't accept such a thing happening to himself. Why did his parents, who had always been happy with charity, end up like this? It was a matter that Portos, who was just an adult, couldn't understand such a thing. He threw his own into the car. He is crazy to challenge all kinds of events with high mortality. But what made Portos collapse again was that the crazy and complex lanes did not send him to his parents, but took his best friend and his navigator away.

Portos has since retired from racing and is no longer a racing driver.

Although his love for driving made him unable to abandon his desire for the steering wheel, he never set foot on the racetrack for which he had hoped to fight all his life. He didn't set foot on the racetrack again until the death race just now.

Lost for nearly 20 years, Portos has changed from an ignorant and fragile teenager to what he is now, and his hair is becoming thinner and thinner with the increase of pain and age. But Portos found his peace. He found his own ability. He has been practicing hard in order to fight crime one day and make the tragedy that happened to himself no longer happen to others.

After unremitting efforts and his own special abilities, Portos finally got his wish to join the shield bearer alliance. But after joining, he became more and more confused, because what he did was not exactly the same as what he expected, or even contrary to what he expected.

"Running in the opposite direction? What have you done since you joined the shield bearer alliance?" Huang Liang frowned slightly and stared at Portos beside him.



"Yes, I have joined the shield bearer Alliance for more than half a year, and this is my first formal mission." Portos said. "In fact, I still don't feel like performing a mission. If I didn't need someone who can drive to pass the test just now, I might still just stand next to captain victory and say nothing."

"Well, you're right." Huang Liang held back his smile, and then he immediately became serious and asked Portos, "although I'm not a member of the shield bearer alliance, I know you may not be like us idle clouds and wild cranes. But you don't do anything for more than half a year. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"You're right. In fact, in my opinion, it's not that there are few things, but that there are too many tasks. And the shield bearer alliance doesn't have many people and can't work normally," Portos said, "Look at the kid named t-boy. Even such a person can join the shield holder alliance. You can imagine what the shield holder alliance has become like. That kid has nothing to do except his unique ability to split the double body, and he often makes mistakes. But he is different from me. Captain victory always gives him Assigned tasks, and I have been put on the shelf. "

"He doesn't trust you?"

"I've never felt the slightest bit of trust in captain victory," said Portos. "Of course he doesn't trust me. I suspect he doesn't know my full name at all."

"Sorry, what's your full name?"

"ARAS alamis Portos."

"Er... With all due respect, your name is too difficult to record. There are too many words..." Huang Liang said reluctantly, "by the way, since he doesn't trust you at all, why does he have to bring you here?"

"Because he has no choice," said Portos. "This involves some secrets of the shield bearer alliance and me. I'm sorry I can't explain it in detail."

"It doesn't matter," said Huang Liang. "In fact, these secrets have nothing to do with me. I just don't deserve it for you. Under the hands of Captain victory --"

"He is really not a man of high integrity," said Portos, "but he is definitely not an ordinary waste. He has unimaginable energy. Of course, I don't mean his strength, but his thought."

"His thought, hum," said Huang Liang contemptuously, "Captain Shengli is just a villain who is good at drilling camp. He is also the most unacceptable person with no bottom line."

"No bottom line is also a bottom line," said Portos. "You can't deny that Captain victory is really a cruel role."

"That's all..." Huang Liang said thoughtfully.

After listening to the words of Portos, Huang Liang's image of Captain victory has changed greatly. There is no doubt that Huang Liang still hates captain victory, but he will no longer despise that Captain victory is just an asshole, and he will be more alert to him.

"By the way, what's your plan?" Huang Liang asked, "since you've been doing nothing in the shield bearer Alliance for so long, do you think about what to do in the future?"

"I haven't really thought about it," said Portos. "To be honest, I don't know if I can get out of here alive this time."

"Why do you say that?"

"I have a very bad feeling."

"Hunch? Do you still believe in this kind of thing?" Huang Liang asked.

"Don't you believe in your sixth sense?" asked Portos.

"Hmm..." Huang Liang fell silent. In fact, he was very dependent on his sixth sense, but he didn't trust others' sixth sense.

"Don't you think? What happened here is so strange," said Portos. "What kind of power can build such a large-scale building in such a mountain. And you should also feel it. The test given to us by AI doesn't seem to be particularly difficult."

"Yes, isn't that a good thing?" Huang Liang asked.

"It depends on how you look at it," said Portos. "If it can only do this, it's really a good thing. But the difficulty of the test here, we haven't seen its ferocious side."

"Maybe," said Huang Liang thoughtfully, "if you are right, the next accident we face is likely to happen."

"The accident is not just a test. Do you remember another pair of intruders?"

"You mean Gatsby's gang?" Huang Liang asked.

"Yes, who knows where they are already."

Ye Feng's words raised Huang Liang's relaxed heart again. Yes, they can't help but face the problem of trial. The existence of another group of people is also a problem they can't ignore. In fact, GATS is much more dangerous than that group of people. He may be able to cope with an AI hundreds of years ago, but with a group of insane super soldiers It's extremely dangerous to be able to fight criminals.

Huang Liang looked at his teammates around him. Captain Shengli's figure was particularly dazzling. There was no doubt that if the worst happened, he would face off with Gatsby and his gang. The victorious captain could not help or even delay.

And this was on the premise that Captain Shengli didn't make small moves behind his back. Huang Liang knew one thing very well. He and himself were not on the same front.

How will things go? Huangliang felt that there seemed to be a huge vortex ahead, waiting for them to throw themselves into the net

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