"What's the matter with you?"

Noticing that adlin's face was not very good, Ye Feng rushed to her and touched adlin's forehead with his hand.

"No fever."

"I'm fine," adlin waved.

"What's bothering you?"

"There's always trouble," Adeline said helplessly. "I'm used to being with trouble every day."

"It seems that without me, only Mr. distress will accompany you." Ye Feng joked, "can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"How did you join the shield bearer alliance?" Ye Feng looked at Edlin curiously. "I just overheard Huangliang and the Mediterranean --"

"His name is Portos," Edlin corrected.

"- Mediterranean." Ye Feng insisted in some strange places. "In short, they talked about this topic. I just reacted. In fact, I don't know how you joined the shield bearer alliance."

"Is this important?"

"It's nothing important. It's just chatting. I also want to know more about you." Ye Feng shrugged. "For me, you still have many unsolved mysteries."

"I don't know much about you either." Adelin said reluctantly, "who knows how many things you've experienced, and you've hoarded a room of female friends..." Adelin's tone was a trace of resentment, but only a trace.

"Hahaha..." Ye Feng scratched his head, acting like a fool with a big mouth.

"Well, don't giggle. There's nothing to say anyway. I'll answer the doubt in your heart. It was after my divorce from my ex husband..."

After Edlin divorced his ex husband, he fell into a blank period for a long time. In the past few months, she has locked herself in the house. She doesn't go out or contact people. She orders takeout when she is hungry and sleeps when she is sleepy. After a period of time, adlin found that if she didn't want to rot in the room, she had to open the door and find something for herself.

But there are limits to what adlin can do. In society, it is difficult for her to find a job that can show her ability. After all, intelligence gathering and murder, these two skills are rarely needed.

In this way, in an accidental TV program - adlin sitting in a coffee shop killing time - she saw captain victory in the TV picture (yes, the protagonist of the general shield alliance advertisement is captain victory). In the picture, Captain victory is making a passionate, generous and urinating speech. The general meaning is that the shield bearer alliance welcomes people of insight to join.

With a try attitude, adlin submitted a resume to the recruitment official website of the shield bearer alliance. What she didn't expect was that she received an interview invitation from the shield bearer alliance a few days later. Then things will come naturally. After taking over a series of written tests, interviews and ability tests, adlin became one of the lowest agents in the shield bearer alliance.

But in only a few years, adlin was promoted from a small Z-Level agent to an e-level agent with his excellent performance and excellent ability. This is already the absolute mainstay of the shield holder alliance. The agents on the Internet are veterans or members who have made great contributions. For example, Captain Shengli is a B-level agent. There are only three real A-level agents, who were the three veterans who founded the shield holder alliance at the beginning.

By the way, two of the three have died in the battle with aliens, while the other is led by his heartfelt hero, who broke away from the shield bearer alliance. He runs counter to the concept of Captain victory and doesn't want to watch the shield bearer alliance continue to degenerate (that's his original words).

Throughout the promotion process, Captain victory undoubtedly gave Edlin a lot of opportunities to show her ability. In fact, if there was no victory captain, adlin might have been hovering at the agent level of H or j until today. After all, the former shield bearer alliance is full of talents. Many tasks are directly entrusted to capable people, while some less important tasks are entrusted to ordinary agents without special abilities. By completing such a task, it is difficult to stand out in the shield bearer alliance.

The vast majority of low-level agents in the shield bearer alliance are ordinary people who do not have any super powers, but have outstanding abilities. In fact, to some extent, these low-level agents have contributed much more to the shield bearer alliance than those high-level agents. After all, the crisis of destroying the planet is not staged several times a month, but such things as saving hostages and combating criminal organizations emerge one after another, which is closely related to most ordinary people. It is this group of hard-working, almost unknown low-level agents of the shield bearer alliance. Because of their efforts, the image of the shield bearer alliance in combating crime will always stand in people's hearts.

They are the fundamental reason for the development and growth of the shield alliance. Although not many people care about their affairs at all.

However, in order to develop his power and increase his voice in the alliance, Captain Shengli vigorously promoted agents without any ability, so that these agents who are ordinary people like him can play a greater role and influence in the shield bearer alliance, so as to increase his influence. Captain victory's strategy worked. As some capable people began to act recklessly due to their arrogance, while the agents trained by Captain victory maintained a high efficiency. With each passing day, Captain victory became the winner of the battle between the two forces in the shield alliance. He gained a greater voice and blocked the mouths of those who have always respected super capable people, This succinctly cleared the way for captain victory to ascend to the top management of the shield bearer alliance.

In the final analysis, everyone knows why captain victory will hand over important tasks to agents who have no super ability like him. He wants to make all those who despise him realize that an agent without inherent super ability can solve the problems that can be solved by those with perfect ability. The captain won for himself, but the edlins didn't mind that. They also needed a platform to fight.

"Hearing what you said, how do you feel that your shield bearer alliance is like a palace duel drama. Everyone is calculating each other." Ye Feng sighed.

"It's much more cruel than TV dramas," adlin said. "The current shield alliance has become a half dead and decaying image, which is directly related to the internal friction between the forces in the alliance."

Many of the broken things that happened in the shield bearer alliance were later known by adlin. For a long time, no one realized that the shield bearer alliance had become a leaky ship. When the steel commander and his men officially separated from the shield bearer alliance, adlin realized for the first time that the disintegration of the organization was inevitable.

But she still didn't give up hope at that time, because although the iron commander broke away from the shield bearer alliance, the two elders of the shield bearer alliance who fought with the alien invading army in outer space - axe king and strange woman - as long as they can win and return, maybe they can talk to the iron commander to make this hero change his mind.

But what happened later not only exceeded Edlin's expectation, but also surprised captain victory. All the heros who went to stop the alien invading army by the shield bearer alliance died in the battle, at least the news from the survivors who fled back to earth. That's the result. Although the aliens did not successfully approach the earth, the heroes who went to stop them were also dead

For adlin, this was the first time she had the idea of quitting the shield bearer alliance. After joining this organization, after so many years of hard work, adlin had no idea of leaving the shield bearer alliance, but when she learned that those heroes had died in outer space, adlin felt a burst of frustration and she was tired of it.

The internal friction of the shield bearer alliance exacerbated the disintegration of this huge organization to a certain extent, and the death of a large number of core heros in outer space became the last straw to overwhelm camels, causing the organization to collapse in an instant.

A large number of people broke away from the shield alliance, including those dissatisfied with the change of Captain victory, those disappointed in the shield alliance, and some speculators. Edlin also thought, forget it, but she still didn't make up her mind after all.

"I said why you were in a bad mood for a while. How can I ask you? You don't say what it was because of." Ye Feng said suddenly. "It turned out that you were worried about whether you could withdraw from the shield bearer alliance. You can talk to me."

"You?" Adeline snorted contemptuously. "You didn't have anyone at all during that time. I wanted to talk to you, but you have to be on the earth. But I used all kinds of means to find you, but I couldn't find your shadow at all. Now I know where you went. You're not on the earth!"

"Hahaha, OK, OK," Ye Feng smiled bitterly, "it's my fault, honey, it's my fault. I should be honest with you."

"Hum, it's good to know. If something similar happens in the future -"

"I promise that this will never happen again. I will let you know where I am." Ye Feng said solemnly, "But you also know that dick bastard may not give me time to react once he gets mixed up. If you find me suddenly missing, you can't find it anywhere. Don't worry, I must have been kidnapped by that bad old man..."

"All right." Adelin stared at Ye Feng helplessly.

"Hey, the shield bearer alliance has already this field anyway. Otherwise, you'd better consider quitting directly and coming to Xindu will live with me." Ye Feng said.

"And you?"

"That's right." Ye Feng nodded.

"With the you," adlin glanced at Audrey and them.

"Hahaha, anyway, you came to live in my house." Ye Feng said without emphasis.

"Say it again. If we can solve the crisis smoothly, I may consider your proposal," Edlin said.

"OK, let's make a deal." Ye Feng looked at Edlin excitedly. "I don't want you to follow captain victory's bastard for a long time, especially others may die here."



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