Corby hasn't been so angry for a long time.

For her, she has lived a comfortable life since she met Ye Feng. Originally, she had no nostalgia for her life, especially after her fleet was annihilated by Dick pit - Kobi still didn't know it, Ye Feng didn't know it, and only Dick knew the truth - she didn't even want to return to her people, especially Veronica was dead, and she didn't blind her eyes because of hatred. For her, she has completely said goodbye to her past life. As a helpless person, she lost all her friends and comrades in arms after losing her relatives. Everything in the past has nothing to do with her. For Kobi, she has been relieved from her difficulties and began to try to meet a new life.

As a free person, she can get along with her loved ones day and night - although she has to endure the existence of others - but CORBI still feels very comfortable with life.

Her thinking is different from that of women on earth. Among elves, it is common for a strong man to have several wives. Therefore, although she is still uncomfortable, the existence of Audrey and others is not unacceptable to Kobi. Although she still feels unhappy because of jealousy, she can live with the people she likes every day and live a carefree life. Kobi still cherishes the current life in her heart. And she also gradually developed a friendship with Audrey and others.

So Corby hasn't been so angry for a long time.

She was excited by the battle with the invisible enemy. She was very angry, especially when she saw her friends bruised one by one. This made Corby explode.

The hell bat suit modified by dick on her body is also one of the best big killers in the universe. Because it is difficult to have the opportunity to display the armor performance at ordinary times, Kobi usually uses only about 30% of the performance of her hell bat suit. This is enough for her to deal with possible dangers and most battles. After all, in fact, if the fire is really fully open, Kobi won't last long. It's too heavy on her body. She can't keep the full power hell bat outfit for too long.

But the war was particularly fierce. Huang Liang had fallen to the ground and did not know his life or death. Ye Feng, covered with blood, stood in front of adlin and still leveled the wounds that the damn mechanical beasts had scratched on his body.

With Kobi's roar, this space of only a few hundred square meters was swallowed by a dazzling rainbow. Ye Feng looked up at Kou Bi, who was shining in the air. She saw that she had turned off the hiding system of armor and let the true face of the terrorist armor from hell leak out. He immediately realized that Kou bi was ready to open fire at the moment.

"Lie down!!! Lie down!!! Kobi is going to make a big move!!!"

After shouting at this voice, Ye Feng simply hugged Edlin and lay on the ground. He blocked Edlin's body with his own body.

With the increasingly dazzling red light, the air in the room seemed to be ignited by Kobi. An electric current flashed through the restless air from time to time. All the mechanical beasts in the room seemed to get an instruction at the same time. One head looked up and looked at Kobi in the air. They rushed at Kobi in unison. Several mechanical wolves jumped in the air and opened a sharp mouth at Kobi.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"


The screams and violent explosions made by CORBI echoed for a long time in the space. Smoke and dust came, and all the people present were lying on the ground, enduring the fierce explosion around.

After a long time, when Ye Feng shook the dust on his body and got up from the ground, the original bright and clean room had become a pitiful look.

"Are you all right?" Ye Feng pulled Edlin up. Because they were in the corner of the room and Kobi consciously didn't pour fire in this direction, although they looked a little disheartened, they were not affected by stray bullets.

"Fortunately, you look a little too miserable." Adelin looked at Ye Feng, who had become a blood gourd.

"Me? Nothing." ye Fengqiang squeezed out a smile. "I'm fine. I'll be back in a while. You know, I'm very resilient."

"Hate, it's this time. You still have the leisure to say such words." Adelin glanced at Ye Feng, and then held her body. Some shaky Ye Feng, she looked around the scene, looked through the dust in the room, and smacked at the mechanical debris in the room, "Kou Bi, she is so powerful that she killed all the enemies in one fell swoop..."

"She almost killed us too." Ye Feng frowned slightly. He noticed that Huang Liang was lying motionless on the ground. "Help me over, Edlin. Huang Liang seems to be in a bad situation."


He helped Ye Feng to Huang Liang's side. Ye Feng squatted down and explored Huang Liang's breath. He also wanted to know that Huang Liang's breath was still very normal. It seemed that he just fainted. It didn't matter, although he was about to drain a quarter of his blood.

"How is he?"

Portos, covered in dust, staggered to the side of Huangliang. He squatted beside Ye Feng and looked at the situation of Huangliang.

"Lose too much blood," said Ye Feng.

"What blood type is he?"


"That's good." Portos took a breath. In the blink of an eye, several packets of plasma had appeared on the ground and a first-aid kit. "Who of you would use these things?"

"I'll come," said adlin. "Ye Feng, are you better now?"

"It's OK. I can walk by myself."

"You go and gather all the wounded. I'll deal with the wound of Huangliang immediately. By the way, Portos, your wound also needs to be bandaged," adlin said involuntarily.


Ye Feng smiled bitterly and immediately walked towards Jane and Audrey.

"Hey, honey, are you okay?"

"It's all right," Audrey replied. She had only a few superficial minor injuries, which was not very troublesome. After all, she was always moving, and flexibility was her strength. As for Jane, she is even more fine. She may be the most undamaged person in the audience. After all, the nano robot in her body is even more exaggerated than Ye Feng's "self-healing gene" to some extent. Jane's defense has reached an amazing level, so Jane has almost nothing except some dirty clothes.

"I'll take care of Audrey. Don't make trouble here. Go and see Coby," Jane said.

"OK, I'll go now."

Ye Feng bumped to Kou Bi's side. At this time, Kou bi was sitting on the ground. The hell bat suit on his body still seemed extremely penetrating, which made Ye Feng a little afraid to approach. He carefully asked Kou Bi in the armor, "Kou Bi, can you hear me?"


"Can you hear me -"

Kou Bi raised a hand and stood in front of Ye Feng.

"Are you all right?" Ye Feng looked anxiously at Kou Bi in the armor. He couldn't see Kou Bi's face in the armor, which made him feel some palpitations.

"Nothing, just a little tired." there was a hollow Kobi voice in the armor. "Let me have a good rest alone."

"I'll stay with you."

"It's all right. I can do it alone," said Kou Bi. "I'm just a little tired. Hey, I didn't expect this armor to be so terrible..."

"Yes, it's really penetrating, Kobi, but thanks to you, otherwise we all have to explain here." Ye Feng said with lingering fear, "you haven't been hurt. I remember that dick old bastard refitted this armor and said that he upgraded the energy core and didn't need to burn the user's vitality."

"Yes, but I can't bear the loss of spirit. Damn it, I can't go all out in the future." Kobi said helplessly.

"Dear, let you suffer," said Ye Feng.

"Well, don't be hypocritical. I'm fine. Don't worry about me," Corby said.

"OK. I can't help you either. Just have a good rest here." Ye Feng scratched his head as he looked at Kobi's hell bat suit.


"What about captain Shengli? Why hasn't he jumped out? Is he dead?" Ye Feng muttered.

"I won't die if you die." Captain Shengli said angrily. He sat down in the corner of the room not far away. Because he was blocked by too many t-boy bodies, Ye Feng didn't find him at the first time.

"Ah, I'll go. You're really good at it. Come up with such a damaging move and use this little brother's body as a shield? You can't be so indiscriminate to protect your life." Ye Feng said.

"Hum, shut up." Captain Shengli struggled to stand up. He looked very embarrassed, but he didn't have any fatal injuries. After all, Portos and t-boys helped him share a lot of attacks.

"It's a pity to see you all right."

"Fart! You little white face." Captain victory said angrily, "what are you when you leave these women?"

"You're naked jealousy." Ye Feng calmly stared at captain Shengli. "This is a kind of ability, which shows that my brother, I'm a charming man. I can only stay with people who pick their feet all day. Oh, sorry, Huang Liang, Portos, I'm not talking about you."

"You TM -"

"I've said you're thinking about it? Do you envy me? Come out, there's no shame. Such an excellent man is standing in front of you. As a dark man, it's very normal for you to feel the bitterness of jealousy. Captain victory, I fully understand you. You always slander me because you are jealous of me. It's okay, I'm fine He is a magnanimous person, and I am completely used to such things. "Ye Feng said a lot to himself, while captain Shengli's face became more and more ugly with Ye Feng's words.

After all, Captain Shengli did have such an emotion in his heart. For him, Ye Feng was so attracted to women that he couldn't understand it and was angry.

"Why can't you do what I do? Give up, Captain victory. No one is the same."

In the killing eyes of Captain Shengli, Ye Feng boasted to himself.

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