"Ye Feng, we must solve the problem of thunder as soon as possible."

Edlin called Ye Feng and the steel commander to his office and looked at them very seriously.

"Dear, it's lucky that you found the seriousness of the problem so quickly." Ye Feng said teasingly, with a touch of complaint in his tone. Edlin ignored him. She knew that Ye Feng was usually a little extreme, but he was undoubtedly right in treating shocking people.

Thunder is indeed a problem that must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"It's my fault, Ye Feng. What I thought before was too naive." Adelin said sincerely, "it's shocking. His counterattack was too fierce and completely exceeded my expectations."

"I didn't think of it either." the steel commander said thoughtfully, "Lei Ren is a person with a strong sense of revenge, but based on my understanding of him, he should not start the assassination so easily. This will completely destroy the room for mediation between the two sides and turn it into an endless situation. Lei Ren in my impression will not make such extreme behavior."

"People will become," said Ye Feng contemptuously. "Iron pimples. Because of the nonsense of your old friend, I can only let Audrey and her family stay at home. They don't have the good luck of CORBI and the strength of Rihanna. If thunder attacks Audrey and her, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Well, even if everyone knows that the person who did these things is a thunder man, we don't have conclusive evidence, or they can't do anything about it." Adelin said distressed, "they will never admit that they have anything to do with the assassination."

"There's no need to consider this problem. Even if their work is rough, it's impossible to leave us any evidence. Lei's experience in struggle is much richer than ours. Iron pimple, do you have any good ideas?" Ye Feng looked at the iron and steel commander. If anyone is more experienced in playing tricks, the iron commander is the most experienced in this office.

"There is no good way. Now I can only tear my face." the iron commander said reluctantly, "Lei Ren will certainly not admit that he has something to do with these assassinations. But there is no doubt that he will not stop, but will intensify. If he doesn't want to be killed by Lei Ren, he can only fight back."

"That's what I think. Kill them all." Ye Feng said with a sneer.

"It's not that simple. We don't know the exact location of Lei Ren at all now," Edlin said. "I haven't seen Lei Ren appear in the headquarters building of the shield bearer alliance since the meeting to fire the white dog."

"I haven't seen it either." Ye Feng recalled that he really hadn't seen Lei Ren's disgusting face for some time.

"Damn it, thunder is in the dark, and we are in the light. It's really unfair," Ye Feng said.

"I can only want cobby to leave all their tasks to other members of the shield alliance," Edlin said. "They'd better stay at home until things are settled."

"You should also stay at home." Ye Feng looked at Edlin anxiously.

"No, I'm the general manager of the shield bearer alliance. I must always sit in the headquarters building." Adelin shook his head firmly. "And thunder can't come up and start on me."

"Why? You are a thorn in his eye." Ye Feng asked.

"Adelin is right. Lei people won't attack her at the beginning." the iron commander said, "if he kills Adelin, he must jump out and take charge of the overall situation of the shield bearer alliance. Otherwise, the vacant chief position will be quickly ascended by someone else. He won't make wedding clothes for the quilt.

"The most likely way to deal with thunder is to dispose of the people around Edlin one by one. Among them, you and I will be the ones he will focus on." the iron commander smiled bitterly, "After killing us both, he will then clean up the people who firmly stand on Edlin's side in the shield alliance. When Edlin becomes a bare pole commander, Lei Ren will shine on the stage and kick Edlin out with an unwarranted charge. He doesn't even need to kill Edlin, because doing so will make you suspect that he did it."

"According to what you said, Lei Ren, the people he wants to get rid of most now are you and me, not Edlin? Damn, I am so important." Ye Feng laughed at himself.

"Of course, you are very important." the iron and steel commander said, "if you die, even if you can't assassinate Kobi and others, they will be in chaos and lose their combat effectiveness. At that time, no matter what they want to do, the resistance will become very little." the iron and steel commander looked at Ye Feng reluctantly, "Although it's hard to say, you are the only one who can maintain the shield bearer alliance. Without Kou Bi and Jane, the combat effectiveness of the shield bearer alliance will be reduced by one level."

"Damn it, I knew it would turn into today's situation." Ye Feng said helplessly, "honey, when I advised me to join the shield alliance, did I tell you that if I came in, it would bring countless troubles. One of them is that the shield alliance will rely on Kou Bi and Jane." Ye Feng's expression is very serious, "I don't exaggerate to say that Kobi and Jane are different from Audrey. If I want to leave the shield alliance, Audrey and Huang Liang will stay here and continue to help the shield alliance fight crime. But Jane is different from Kobi. The only reason why they stay here to help is because of me." Ye Feng nodded to the iron and steel commander and Adelin. The proud expression on his face was difficult to hide. The iron and steel commander could only smile helplessly, while Adelin rewarded Huang Liang with a big white eye.

"Of course I know that," said the commander of iron and steel. "The whole shield holder alliance knows this. The strength of Kou Bi and Jane is obvious to all in Ou city, but there is no doubt that they do not have a sense of belonging to the shield holder alliance. In fact, neither I nor they have any sense of belonging to the earth, if they are not here."

"They are really not the aborigines of the earth. If you know what I mean, yes, they are living here temporarily because of me. I just keep them in the guarantee of the shield bearer alliance. If I die or leave here, they will go with me without hesitation," Ye Feng said, "If I was assassinated by the thunder man, believe me, they will kill the thunder man, and maybe destroy the shield holder alliance together." Ye Feng shook his head reluctantly, "their temper is still very bad. I have a deep understanding of this."

"Needless to say, Coby and Jane, if you are killed, Edlin will turn the shield alliance upside down. And your friends. I'm very sure about this. If you encounter an accident, the shield alliance will fall apart. Even if he still exists, Lei Ren will continue to keep the signboard of the shield alliance, but certainly not Now this vibrant shield bearer alliance has become a completely different organization, "said the steel commander." according to the information I have, Lei Ren is in contact with several other hero organizations. What big action is he planning. "

"Contact other hero organizations?"

"Yes, it's like a family of Justice -"

"The fag organization whose members are all men?"

- Black Rose -

"A group of aunts in tights?"

"- resistance line -"

"The one with many members but weak combat effectiveness?"

"- there are many organizations whose scale is not comparable to these. Lei Ren is contacting the senior management of these organizations. He seems to want to unite all forces that can be united to fight against the shield bearer alliance," said the iron and steel commander.

"He really has free time. Do these people pay attention to him?" Ye Feng asked.

"I don't know," said the steel commander. "It depends on what chips the thunder man promised them."

"What valuable chips can he have?" said Ye Feng contemptuously. "He just escaped back to earth from outer space - wait!" Ye Feng suddenly thought of something, "shouldn't it be..."

"I think so, too. Maybe when he was in outer space, he got some great benefits. Lei people can use these things obtained from aliens or some technology to let those who moved their minds join his camp. Ye Feng, Lei people lived on the alien planet for a period of time. During that period, everything happened It's possible. "The iron commander's eyebrows were frowned in an eight figure shape.

"Yes, is it possible?" realizing the seriousness of the problem, Ye Feng began to stumble involuntarily. "Is it possible for Lei Ren to unite the organizations you just mentioned?"

"I don't know. If he really has this ambition and has chips that can support it, maybe he can do it," said the steel commander.

For Lei Ren, an old friend he has known for more than ten years, the steel commander has never had close contact with him. Both sides know each other's true face, so they have not wasted time and energy on each other. In the opinion of the steel commander, Lei Ren is normal no matter what unexpected actions he makes. There is a think tank of giant Huang behind him In, any action made by Lei Ren is planned by giant Huang behind his back.

The steel commander is very afraid of the Yellow giant. He has never stood in the spotlight, but it is the enemy hidden in the shadow at this time that is the most frightening. The steel commander is afraid of thunder, but he is even more afraid of the Yellow giant standing behind thunder.

Ye Feng's view of giant Huang is almost the same as that of iron commander. He also thinks that this man is very terrible and must be treated carefully. Through the investigation of giant Huang's past experience, Ye Feng finds that the more he knows about him, the less he can see the essence of this man.

Giant Huang is an outstanding scholar, a respected hero and a seemingly gentle and easy-going person. However, all people who have had contact with giant Huang say that he always seems to keep a reasonable distance from the surrounding environment or people. This distance makes the relationship between the two sides not close, but it will not produce a feeling of alienation The giant is not bad at socializing. On the contrary, he can deal with everyone.

But no one has ever dared to claim that he can understand giant Huang's heart and understand him thoroughly.

Ye Feng suspected that even Lei Ren might not have a deep understanding of giant Huang. This man is like a shell, beautiful, but he can't explore his real heart.

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