"It should be so. The black rose organization is a special existence, and the relationship between its members is not very close. In fact, I haven't received the recruitment of black rose for more than two years." Rihanna frowned, "I was surprised by this recruitment, but I didn't think it was Lei Ren who pulled the black rose. Just, why did he pull the black rose people to his camp? I don't think the black rose is a big organization, although it is really very special."

"That's a shocking problem to consider. For us, what we should consider is how to take advantage of this opportunity." Ye Feng said thoughtfully, "in fact, I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Opportunity? What do you mean?"

"In fact, for us, they certainly won't doubt you. As long as you dress up a little, I don't believe Lei Ren will not see you in person. That is to say, people with black roses can't realize your problem at the first time," Ye Feng said, "And I believe that even if they find this, they should also be on your side. Lei Ren can't admit that he once wanted to kill you, so even if he saw you, you can strike first!"

"Do you mean to get angry directly? Aiming at thunder?" Rihanna's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Ye Feng said, "if you don't leave the Black Rose's side, he certainly doesn't dare to take rash action against you. Moreover, if you have an accident and make a bad relationship with the black rose, an ambitious man like Lei won't do such a loss business." Although Ye Feng didn't dare to make a 100% guarantee, he changed himself to a shocking point of view. He was sure that his idea was correct.

Of course, what he speculates is the shocking idea, and the shocking idea has no meaning now

"You mean I should go now and join the black rose operation?" Rihanna asked.

"Of course, we must go, and as soon as possible, so as to seize the opportunity." Ye Feng said, "Damn it, which damn function may have to be used this time."

"What?" Rihanna stared at him in confusion.

"Er... It's a little awkward to say." Ye Feng didn't dare to touch Rihanna's eyes. He suddenly became pinched, "I'll go with you this time."

"You go with me? They'll recognize you. In fact, the headquarters of black rose, men who haven't been invited, can't be put in." Rihanna said seriously.

"I know this. I've done my homework about black roses, so I want to sneak in and protect you, so there's only one way to choose. Damn it, you must promise me that this thing will only happen between you and me, and no third person will know it." Ye Feng said solemnly.

"What? You're so serious."

"You must promise!"

"Well, I promise, I will never tell the third person about it." Rihanna turned her eyes helplessly and raised her hand to swear.

"Very good." Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, what is it that deserves you to make such a fuss?" Rihanna asked angrily. "Let me swear, Ye Feng, you give me a satisfactory answer and you know the end of making me angry."

"When, of course, I know how you behave when you are angry," said Ye Feng with lingering fear. "In fact, an old friend of mine --"

"That great Dick?"

"Yes, it's him. That old bastard transformed my body. Without my consent, he moved a lot of hands and feet on my body." Ye Feng said awkwardly, "in short, I can become a vehicle with the ability of sea, land and air. Of course, this is not important -"

"It's not important? It's important! You can turn into a vehicle. Are you an Autobot?" Rihanna was stunned.

"Of course not. I said it's not important, honey. Relax. The next thing is the focus. Er, damn it, I'm really embarrassed. M, I don't want to tell you this secret..." Ye Feng lowered his head in grief. He didn't expect that this day would come.

"Say, I'm so anxious." Rihanna can't wait to hear what Ye Feng's secret is. It will make him so tangled. This secret will not disappoint her.

"Don't force me, honey, I'm really hard to say, really, give me some cache time, damn it, that bastard Dick, I hate you!!!" Ye Feng roared up to the sky.

Jenma leaned down from upstairs and shouted to Ye Feng, "shut your mouth! It's so noisy!"

"..." Ye Feng closed his mouth awkwardly, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, lowering his head and playing with his fingers.

"Don't ink, Ye Feng, I'm going to be angry." Rihanna said expressionless.

"I can become a woman," said Ye Feng.

"What? I don't understand. What can you do?" Rihanna thought she might have auditory hallucinations. What? Ye Feng said he could become a daughter?!

"Yes, I can become a woman," said Ye Feng helplessly. He was looking at the analysis on the floor and wondering if he could get in, "Dick, that old bastard has tampered with my body. One of them is that he can turn me into a woman. In fact, it won't take more than five minutes if I like. But it's really painful. You know, watching some parts of yourself change will drive you crazy. I absolutely don't want to go through all this, but if I can guarantee it If you're safe, I -- "

"Wait! Ye Feng! Don't talk yet!" Rihanna screamed. "You said you could become a woman?"

"That's right."

"No external force?"

"I don't need anything, as long as I have an idea."

"Damn! How is this possible?" Rihanna stared at Huang Liang in a collapse.

"I know it's hard to accept. Believe me, I was much more serious than your collapse. But unfortunately, this nightmare is true. I can really become a woman." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"What are you talking about?!" jenma screamed from the beginning, "Ye Feng, are you a woman?!"

"I'm a man! Pure man, if you don't believe it, you can try!" Ye Feng said angrily, "it's just that dick bastard transformed my body so that I can become a woman in a period of time, that's all."

"For a while?"

While jenma ran downstairs in high spirits, Rihanna asked ye fengpan, "you can't guarantee women's state for a long time?"

"Of course, you think it's fun to change the body structure?" Ye Feng turned his eyes angrily, "Although my body won't be any different in the transformation process, after three days - I can only maintain it for so long - my body will enter the recovery period and my strength will become very weak. Therefore, I can only become a woman for three days at most, and I have to reach a safe position in advance, otherwise something will happen."

"What are you afraid of? You can't die anyway." Gemma said indifferently. She had run to Ye Feng and Rihanna and looked at Ye Feng's body with interest. "I really want to see what you look like when you become a woman. Will you be ugly?"

"You can see it in a moment." ye Fengsheng said lovelessly, "and what I just said is not alarmist. When I am relieved from the state of women, my own strength will decline a lot, which means that my self-healing ability will not go against the sky as before, that is to say -"

"You might die, wouldn't you?" Jemma became serious.

"Yes, you may die." Ye Feng nodded. "Everything must pay a price, and the price of becoming a woman is easier to hang up."

"Then you'll be a demon," Rihanna said. "Your safety is the most important. Let's give up the plan of mixing black roses. I'll call their people and tell them I'm going to quit -"

"No!" Ye Feng said firmly, "this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must seize it. Taking risks is inevitable. Only children think like this if they want to achieve their goals without taking risks. Rihanna, listen to me, as long as we act carefully, there will be no accidents. Anyway, we just sneak in to spy on intelligence."

"What you are involved in has never been associated with the word" caution. "Rihanna said reluctantly," do you need me to remind you of this again? "

"Er..." Ye Feng was speechless. "What you said is very reasonable. I was almost persuaded by you."

"Do you still want to stick to your own opinion?" Rihanna has read the answer from Ye Feng's expression. Of course, he will take risks, otherwise he will not be Ye Feng. Rihanna sighed in her heart. She knew that it was useless to say now. Ye Feng has been fully involved in the next action and can't extricate herself.

"Have you really thought about it?" asked Gemma.

"Of course, don't you know my character? I'm a man who spits and nails." Ye Feng said smellily.

"But you're about to become a woman, Ye Feng. Well, you should change your name. After all, even your gender has changed." jenma said positively.

"Er..." Ye Feng said wryly, "in fact, I have a female name."

"Ah? Tell me." jenma's interest has been fully aroused.

"Ye Zi... Beside the wooden words, a Xin." Ye Feng said with a pinch.

"It sounds pretty good," said Jemma with a bitter smile. "It sounds much better than the name Ye Feng. What do you say, Rihanna?"

"I don't want to evaluate anything now..."

Ye Feng feels that he is not who he used to be. He has avoided facing this problem since he was secretly transformed by Dick. If Rihanna and others had not found the shocking assassination this time, Ye Feng would never have thought of using this way to protect Rihanna. If he was beaten passively, there is no doubt that something irreparable will happen one day Surprised in his eyes, instead of lamenting why he didn't make enough preparations at that time, Ye Feng decided to take the initiative now.

Anyway, it's just a few days. Don't worry, it's okay. Ye Feng comforted himself. How can it be all right! Ye Feng screamed in his heart. The other is frantically venting and feels strongly dissatisfied that he has become a daughter. But reason is saying that Ye Feng is helpless and must make such a decision.

Damn it, I'm going crazy by myself. Er... I seem to have it all the time... Ye Feng thought helplessly.

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