Ye Feng and Rihanna don't know that great changes have taken place in the black rose tonight. After all, Rihanna has no access to the high-level of the black rose, so she doesn't know that a virgin chose to quit the black rose and was stopped when she left, which is equivalent to being under house arrest.

After a night's sleep in the guest room, it is a top luxury hotel after all. Although it is much inferior to Ye Feng's home, it is a good way of mediation to change the environment occasionally.

At least Ye Feng had a good sleep.

As she is now a daughter, Ye Feng is very wise not to sleep in the same bed with Rihanna. He couldn't do anything but stare. He really didn't want to endure this pain. He simply asked him who was in another bedroom.

After ordering room service, Ye Feng and Rihanna went out of the room after breakfast to inquire about the news. Their first stop was the bar in the hotel.

Since it is forbidden to go out after entering the hotel, almost all members of the black rose are worried about how to spend time before the dinner. No one spent the day alone in the bedroom, and most members did not know why the organization was eager to recall them. Women are like cats. Similarly, they all have the same strong curiosity as cats.

After entering the bar, Ye Feng and Rihanna did not make eye-catching behavior. They walked back and forth in the bar arm in arm, listening to the conversation of the members in the bar.

Most of them are gossip and speculation from no source. Some solemnly claimed that the reason for convening this meeting was that a couple of Notre dames were going to announce their marriage. Although this statement makes Ye Fenglei's outer Jiao and inner tender, this statement is not the most excessive speculation he has heard.

He even heard some people claim that the black rose is about to contact the alien intelligent race in order to reproduce a new generation of human beings with more potential! Yes, that's what a member of the black rose said, and she believed her speculation and thought she would be selected as the first group to contact with the alien wisdom race.

I hope the aesthetics of aliens will be different from that of humans. They may like your big open teeth. At that time, Ye Feng could only bless the whimsical big sister in his heart.

This ignorance makes Ye Feng a little uneasy. Generally speaking, if some things don't want more people to know, they are covered up until the moment when the answer is revealed. Such things will not be a good thing in general. At least for most people, it's not a good thing.

If it is very helpful to the black rose, why should the high-rise of the black rose hide it? This is a very simple logic.

Ye Feng tells Rihanna about her worries, but she doesn't have such worries as Ye Feng.

"The virgin of the black rose is like this. Everything is up to them." Rihanna said coldly. "That's why every member of the black rose wants to be the virgin. In fact, the black rose is only composed of twelve virgin, and the rest can only be regarded as outsiders. And I." she smiled at herself, "It can only be regarded as an acquaintance of black roses."

"Your organization is really special." Ye Feng said with emotion, "it has never been clear that there is no mountain and dew. I can't see what the core idea is. I thought it's just that your style of behavior is too mysterious, but I think you just don't have nuclear psychology these days. Maybe black roses can't be regarded as an organization."

"It's just a large-scale salon," Rihanna said with a bitter smile. "I've always felt this way."

"Hey, Rihanna, Yezi, what are you talking about?" Barbara came over with a glass of wine.

"Nothing, Barbara, don't you have to be busy receiving the sisters today?" Rihanna asked quietly.

"Everyone has arrived, and my work has almost been completed. No, I'll come here for a drink in my spare time." Barbara said, "Ye Zi, when today's dinner is perfect, I'll arrange your entrance test as soon as possible." she looked at Ye Zi seriously and seemed to be waiting for his response.

"Er... Of course," said Ye Feng.

If you can find me, Ye Feng thought in his heart.

"It seems that most people don't know the theme of tonight's party," Rihanna said casually.

Barbara looked nervous. She lowered her voice and said, "Rihanna, you didn't talk about the theme of tonight's party with your sisters everywhere, did you?"

"No, you know I'm not a loose lipped person," Rihanna said.

"I can testify to that." Ye Feng said with a smile. Rihanna stared at him helplessly.

"That's good." the tension on Barbara's face didn't completely dissipate.

"Isn't it a good thing?" Rihanna asked. "Alliance with Lei people can make our organization stronger. Otherwise, why did the Virgin Mary make such a decision? Am I right?"

"Of course, the virgin must consider the interests of the black rose." Barbara smiled reluctantly. "Don't say it. I remember there are still some things to implement. I'll be busy first. Rihanna, have a good time with your friends." after that, Barbara left the bar in a hurry.

"... there's a problem," said Ye Feng, looking at her back. "This woman seems very upset. By the way, what's your relationship with her?"

"We were sucked into black roses in the same year," Rihanna said, "so we can say a few words."

"Are you students of the same level? Is that what you mean?" said Ye Feng.

"It's not bad. Forget it. These are not important." Rihanna looked at Ye Feng. "If Lei Ren really appears tonight, do we really want to fight him head-on?"

"Of course, the tip of the needle is on the wheat!" Ye Feng said. "Don't worry, it may not play a big role, but at least it can make the bastard sick and disgusting." the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a bad smile. "As long as he doesn't live well, I'll be satisfied."

Rihanna smiled helplessly: "you, I can't help you."

The day passed quickly. In fact, Ye Feng felt that the past was too fast. He had almost no feeling, and had reached the time for the dinner.

What makes Ye Feng very embarrassed is that Barbara clearly came to Rihanna once, gently but firmly stating that Ye Feng can't attend the dinner, which makes Ye Feng have to change her action plan.

"Don't worry, honey," he said to nervous Rihanna. "I'll find another way to get into the dinner hall."

"How are you going to get in?" Rihanna doesn't doubt that Ye Feng can do this. What she is interested in is how Ye Feng will act?

When the party began that night, Rihanna knew the answer. Ye Feng mixed into the dinner scene in a very natural way. He disguised himself as a trumpeter in a live band.

Yes, Ye Feng can play the trumpet, which is beyond Rihanna's expectation. Of course, Ye Feng's trumpet is very ordinary, but in the face of the trumpeter's sudden vomiting and diarrhea and unable to perform, the conductor of the band had to catch Ye Feng who happened to pass by playing the trumpet. He didn't have time to think about why a woman (Ye Feng is a woman now) would keep playing the trumpet in the corridor of the hotel. He only knew one thing, To the satisfaction of the employer.

The performance reached a climax when Lei Ren appeared on the scene. Most people in the venue didn't know that thunder would appear. Although most people don't have a good impression of him, it's very surprising to see a big man on the news all day (basically thanks to Ye Feng).

"Ladies and gentlemen." Lei Ren's opening remarks were very boring. For some reason, Ye Feng suddenly felt that the Lei Ren looked strange. He seemed stiff when he raised his hands and feet. He shook his head, put the trumpet aside and quietly found Rihanna in the venue.

"He really appeared." Ye Feng whispered in her ear.

"Yes, do you think there is something wrong with Lei Ren?" the woman's intuition has always been very accurate. When she heard Rihanna, Ye Feng immediately paid attention to it.

I haven't seen you for a long time. Lei looks radiant and elated. But there was a slight imperceptible stiffness in his actions, which seemed to be like a set procedure, acting in accordance with the specified steps.

"Why does this guy look like a robot?" Ye Feng couldn't help saying.

Standing on the temporary podium at the banquet venue, Lei Ren warmly addressed the confused members of Black Rose: "black rose is a respectable organization."

"Of course, otherwise, why are you here? Do you hold women's sympathy activities?" Ye Feng said sarcastically. "

"- similarly, the shield bearer alliance is also a respectable organization -"

"If it weren't for you."

"- if the two organizations can go hand in hand -"

"It's bound to make a big joke."

"The world will be better"

"Oh, it's another set of words to change the world. I want to say to you for the world: don't worry about it." Ye Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Today, I take this opportunity to announce --"

"At last, do you know how long it took you?"

"On behalf of the shield bearer Alliance -"

"Are you qualified?"

"Can you stop whispering?" Rihanna glared at Ye Feng discontentedly.

"Sorry, honey, I can't."

"-- form an alliance with you of the black rose -"

"What?", "what's going on?", "is what he said true?"

The ladies in the venue were shocked and talked to each other. The noise sounded in the venue, so that Ye Feng could make a mockery of the shocking speech. As Ye Feng expected, the sudden announcement of the alliance made all the members of the unprepared Black Rose feel unimaginable. At the same time, the first reaction was a surge of resistance. He was very happy to see that almost all the members were talking about it head to ear, and they were obviously not optimistic about it. Many members of the black rose are outspoken in expressing their opinions, trying to hold several Notre dames who decided this matter accountable.

In the face of this situation, the Virgin Mary seemed to be a little unprepared. They were just reluctantly resisting the confusion sent by the people and looked very embarrassed. Ye Feng looked at all this coldly, and his heart gradually settled down. At least he can confirm that most of the members of the black rose have a very bad impression of thunder.

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