"Compared with him, we are fools." Ye Feng sighed.

"This man really has two skills. Did you see it just now? The cooperation between him and the horse can only be described as seamless. What's more, after working hard for several hours, I go. The stone of the dam is as big as a house. The horse has nothing to do. It seems that he hasn't even sweated." Dick gazed greedily at atzro's horse.

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't cheat father Ao Bing. He's obviously playing smart." Ye Feng said, "I don't like smart people. Such people are really stupid."

"Forget it, we're just spectators. Just watch where things will go." Dick looked indifferent.

Recently, he has been working to restore the broken parts of the transfer gun to normal use. But unfortunately, it was difficult for Dick to find a suitable replacement part in this strange place. He can only try the same, which consumes a lot of time.

In fact, Dick is not in a hurry. If he wants to leave here, he can achieve this goal in a short time. But Dick's pattern will not be so small. His goal is to be able to enter and leave the divine world freely. He has a good relationship with father o'bing. If he can freely enter and leave this magical continent, he has unlimited possibilities.

At least as a safe house from the enemy. Dick thought. Anyone with a little brain will not rush into the divine world. After all, this is the real place where gods exist.

Under the gaze of the crowd, father o'bing opened his mouth and said in his extremely dignified voice: "son, father o'bing will never tolerate greedy people, because it is the most cruel to him. You must change your wish."

"Well..." atsuo got tangled. "I want... Well, I want Rolle's short stick."

"You mean Rolle's artifact?" father Ao Bing was slightly moved. He had already announced the death penalty to this atxo in his heart. He hates this man.

"Yes." atsuo nodded, flushed with excitement.

"Why does he want that rolling pin?" Ye Feng asked puzzled. "I said, do people in this world have aesthetic problems? How can a God hold a metal rolling pin?"

"Who knows, Rolle can use it easily," said Dick. "And don't look at the rolling pin first. I heard that as long as you hold it, you can double your strength. I don't think it's a rumor, but you've seen with your own eyes how terrible Rolle's small power is."

Although he is a giant, Rolle is a little too short. His real body is only one-third as tall as father obin and one-half as tall as other gods, so Dick's calling him a dwarf is not all an insult to him.

"Double the power, no wonder rolle can break all the enemy's brains. It turned out that he relied on the plug-in." Ye Feng's tone was disdainful.

"It's true that without that rolling pin, his strength will be greatly damaged," Dick said solemnly. "But it's more than enough to crush a thousand of you."

"Cut, if I were to be a God, Rolle or something would be shrimp," said Ye Feng.

"---- do you know how serious the consequences of what you just said will be?" father obin said to atsuo. "All creatures know the meaning of that short stick to rolle. Even so, do you still want to use it as your third wish?"

Atzro respectfully said, "yes, because all creatures know that father o'bing attaches great importance to reputation. He said he would do it -"

"He really flatters people, uh, God." Dick make complaints about it.

"-- father o'bing will be kind to those who have completed his task -"

"Really? Then you really should see the fate of his second son soki. The boy is still digging popsicles in the ice and snow because he molested Frey you want to occupy." Dick's poisonous tongue.

"-- I believe I will be treated most fairly -"

"Yes, you'll see your eggs dancing on your forehead," Dick said.

"Hey, keep your voice down. If you are heard, you will get into trouble." Ye Feng said in his ear.

"Am I a troublesome person?" though Dick said, he still managed to keep the volume down, so that no one could make complaints about him.

"-- great father Obi, will you agree to my three conditions?" atsuo asked father Obi.

"It's about the order of the whole divine world. I need to discuss it with my family. Atsuo, good boy, can you wait patiently for a few days? Father o'bing will give you a satisfactory answer." father o'bing said solemnly.

"Of course, I have no doubt about it. You will satisfy all of us who admire you." atzro bowed and rode away on his tall horse.

Father obin led the gods back to the palace in asraton. In the lobby, father Ao Bing took off his mask. He angrily said to other gods: "this atsuo is really insatiable. He can really complete this task, but the three conditions he put forward are too much. I absolutely can't agree."

"Yes, father, that hick still wants my idea? You can't promise him." Hara said excitedly.

"Don't worry, my child, father aobing will never entrust you to such a brainless person. A greedy person is the most disgusting. A brainless greedy person, I can't imagine what it would be like to let such a person live in asraton."

In fact, in the heart of father o'bing, his little daughter Hara is indeed very important, but it is far from being as important as the short stick in Rolle's hand. That artifact is the basis for the showerhead Protoss to be invincible all the time. If the short stick is taken away by atzro, ror's divine power will be reduced by half. At that time, the most powerful God of war of the Warsaw Protoss will become worthless.

Father o'bing will never agree to these three conditions. He may also discuss the first and second conditions, but he will never agree to the third condition.

Maybe the dam needs to be released first. Father Ao Bing sighed and realized that the dam he dreamed of might take some time to start.

"Great father Obi. Why do you sigh?" Dick said aloud to father Obi. Ye Feng let Dick stand out from the gods without paying attention. He was a little annoyed at Dick's restlessness. There is no doubt that the old bastard must be thinking of some ghost idea.

"Oh, outsiders, nothing. Father Ao Bing only regrets that some creatures are so greedy." father Ao Bing said calmly.

"Oh, great father obin, it's not the creator's fault, but the souls of these gods have been stained with dust." Dick flattered, "atzro is indeed a greedy man, but he is really capable of helping you build a dam."

"That's the truth."

"We can take advantage of his greed," Dick said. "As long as we set him a time limit and give him an impossible task, we can let him build the dam around the divine continent without fulfilling his wishes."

"What you said is interesting, stranger."

In fact, father o'bing has thought of this for a long time, but he is the father of the gods. He can't say it so frankly. He always hoped that a God would stand up and pick it out, so that he could follow the trend and achieve his goal. But none of the gods thought of this. They were still angry at the three conditions put forward by atsuo, especially lore's wife Frey, whose golden hair stood up and wanted to kill atsuo angrily. If the other gods hadn't stopped her, she might have rushed out of asraton.

"Father obing, I think the suggestions of foreigners are very good," hadamur said. After seeing father o'bing's expression, he immediately realized that a God needed to stand up and support Dick's opinion. He decided that it was time for him to behave.

"Oh? Brave hadamur, do you think the suggestions of foreigners are very good? Tell me your opinion."

Hadamur said: "the great priest, o'bing, for greedy people, the biggest punishment is to let him lose his close interests. We can teach this atsuo a lesson. If he doesn't appreciate what he has learned in the end, there is rolle anyway. When he comes back, everything will be solved smoothly."

"We are gods, and every word we say is a sacred commandment for the living creatures in the world. If I promise atsuo's three wishes, if he really completes the dam, I must complete it!" father o'bing said in an indisputable tone, "I am father o'bing, and I will never go back."


Dick despised father o'bing in his heart. On the surface of the event, he smiled and said, "you can promise him that he will not finish it in the end anyway. We will let him finish the construction of the dam within one month. Do you think such conditions are suitable?"

"A month? He can't agree to this condition." hadamur shook his head. "As long as he has a brain. I don't think that greedy creature will agree to this condition."

"A month?" father obi's face became serious. "Will it be too obvious. The living creatures will think that father Obi is embarrassing atsuo."

"Do you still want to control every mouth? The great father, o'bing, even you can't make every living creature love you. I'm sorry I said so much, but just because I'm a foreigner from a distant foreign land, I can soberly see what happened on the divine land. Father, o'bing, do you put forward conditions and accept it as atlas What needs to be considered. "

The priest mused, "well... What you said is somewhat reasonable."

One of the issues that father o'bing is most concerned about is whether the dam can be built or not. He is most concerned about whether the image of his father o'bing's absolute justice will be damaged among all living creatures. Father Ao Bing is also a god living in face. For him, all creatures who know his true face must be controlled. As a foreigner, Dick will leave one day, no matter what way, so he will be more real in front of him.

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