Dick's method stunned Ye Feng. He succeeded in persuading father Ao Bing to use his magic to turn Ye Feng into a red horse, and TMD is still a mare!

Ye Feng couldn't think of such an unreliable plan even if he wanted to break the brain melon seeds. And why did you let him come? Ye Feng wanted to bring Dick and father Ao Bing to his face. Before talking, he gave them a hundred big mouths to ease his hatred. Why me? Why do I always bear such a bad thing? Why didn't I do anything, but I was always hurt? Ye Feng tried to resist the impulse of crashing to death on the floor and glared at Dick beside him. He was seriously considering the probability of pulling the old hooligan to die together.

After calculation, the probability is still very small. Ye Feng uses reason to control his body.

Of course, Ye Feng was not really turned into a mare. Ao Bing just applied an unfathomable magic on him. He was still the same as him, but in the eyes of outsiders, he looked like an elegant mare at this time.

"What does this mean?" Ye Feng stared at his new image in the mirror. In fact, when he sadly found that he had become a mare - at least it looked like a mare - Ye Feng had predicted what would happen to him. He asked Dick about his actions just because he didn't want to admit it.

Sure enough, Dick's old bastard's answer did not surprise Ye Feng himself. He said: "Of course, it's for you to give up laughing at me and become a better person. Relax, you just need to complete a small thing to get father Ao Bing's forgiveness and leave this damn place. I know you're a smart guy and will understand and agree with the following plan. Of course, if you don't agree, there's no way, unless you want to be forgiven by father Ao now C trampled to death. "

Dick whetted a lot, but didn't focus on the point. He knew how much the plan would cause Ye Feng's resistance, but he didn't care about Ye Feng's feelings at all - in fact, he never cared - it was just a good way to deal with the damn horse.

"You... Dick, if I'm right, do you want me to... Seduce ASTRI's horse? Seduce the male horse named stehaus? Is that so?" Ye Feng helplessly looked at his horse face in the mirror. He realized for the first time that the horse could be so feminine. He thought his horse face was very beautiful.

Ye Feng, you are completely crazy. Ye Feng is thinking.

"I knew you could figure it out by yourself, so I need to explain it to you again." Dick said with affectation of lightness. "The plan is such a plan, how about it? Isn't it a good plan." his elated expression made Ye Feng want to collapse his nose bone.

"Not so much!" said Ye Feng angrily. "Why don't you do it yourself, but let me do it?" he moved his body irritably, and the mare in the mirror shook her tail.

"You're young, so I'm in charge of mental activity and you're in charge of physical activity," Dick said.

"You're unreasonable!" roared Ye Feng. "You just don't want to do such a disgusting thing, so let me do it!"

"Yes, that's what I think. What do you do, quit?" Dick said with a sneer.

"... dry."

Ye Feng squeezed the word out of his teeth. He knew very well that disobedience to Dick's wishes didn't make any sense. The old bastard would always make his ideas come true. Even if someone resisted him, Dick himself would be the last person to laugh. Ye Feng, who knew this well, had long accepted his fate. When he found that he had been transformed into a horse by magic, he had accepted it Fate, he is just a little unwilling. In fact, I don't know when, obedience has become an umbrella for Ye Feng beside dick

Of course, he just wants to disgust Dick. Who makes dick, an old bastard, disgust him?

What makes Ye Feng moved and most angry is that anyone can do it. Anyway, it's the horse that seduces atsuo.

But Dick was very conscientious and left it to Ye Feng to finish. He could let father Ao Bing drag an insignificant person into the plan.

Wait... Ye Feng suddenly realized something. Am I the unimportant person? Damn it, it seems like this

Realizing this, Ye Feng was silent. He knew that he could not escape this fate, so he decided to enjoy it. First, let him agree to the plan. He needs to put forward several conditions.

"Dick, you must clarify to father Ao Bing that there is no dirty quarrel between me and Frey." Ye Feng said solemnly, "I don't want to be beaten to death by Luo Er who came back after solving the problem of atsuo."

"Of course, this can be discussed."

"It's not a discussion. You have to solve it for me." Ye Feng said angrily. "Second, I need father Ao Bing to promise me a request and a wish, which is much better and more appropriate than the three wishes of atzro. Moreover, I'm not interested in his daughter and daughter-in-law, and I'm not interested in Rolle's broken stick."

"Well... It's a little difficult. You'd better tell him yourself. Anyway, he's going to meet you later," Dick shrugged.

"OK, I'll see the damn old man now." Ye Feng turned gracefully and walked out of the room. To others, it was a beautiful mare that left the house lightly.

When he came to the temple of father Ao Bing, Ye Feng explained his intention and was warmly received by father Ao Bing.

"Do you want a wish? Eh... Stranger, are you a greedy person?" father Ao Bing looked at Ye Feng's expression and said solemnly, "father Ao Bing doesn't want to use a greedy person to deal with another greedy person."

"Of course not. The great priest Ao Bing, I'm not a greedy person by nature. What I want you to achieve is a small wish." Ye Feng took out his love gun and said to father Ao Bing, "can you bless my weapon? Every bullet it shoots can have magical power."

"Let me see your weapon." father Ao Bing stretched out his hand, and the love gun in Ye Feng's hand flew to father Ao Bing. He glanced at the pistol and then returned it to Ye Feng.

Magic is actually a more advanced technology, so father Ao Bing just looked at it and fully understood the structural principle of the pistol.

He pondered for a moment and said to Ye Feng, "this wish is very reasonable. It's not greedy at all. I can meet you now." with a wave of his thug, a bright light poured on Ye Feng's pistol. Ye Feng obviously felt that the weapon in his hand was different from before, and seemed to have a soul.

"Thank you for your generosity!" Ye Feng said excitedly.

This scene actually looks strange. A mare's face is a human excited expression.

"This weapon has been blessed by me. It's up to you to find out what effect it is. I gave it a name. Valkiri." father obin said.

"Thank you again. I will fight side by side with valkiri!"

Ye Feng put away the pistol valkiri and said goodbye to father Ao Bing. Time is pressing. He has too much to do. For example, to seduce a god horse


"Am I too small?" Ye Feng asked Dick next to me. At this time, they were waiting on the only way of the divine horse named stehaus. They could hear its pulling sound from a distance.

"It's all right. Your appearance now has an absolute attraction to a male horse. Anyway, the horse can grow bigger and smaller, just making it your normal size. I can try if I can kill it with one shot!" Dick said with a sneer.

"Well, I hope you can succeed. When I think of what may happen, I feel very ashamed," Ye Feng said.

"Don't be ashamed. Anyway, you know and I know this. After leaving the divine world, no one will know that such a thing has happened as long as you don't talk about it yourself," Dick said.

Dick will never mention it again. Because this means that all his efforts have failed, so he can make such a bad plan. Even for a man with no bottom line like Dick, it is too bad to deal with an animal in this way. An animal is an animal. It's intolerable for Dick to be forced to vote by an animal.

What a shame.

As usual, stehaus dragged dozens of tons of stones to his hard-working owner, but today it was different. He saw a charming mare he had never seen before. It was as if it had been punctured in an instant, and sturgeon's heart was only the little mare.

The little mare who was watching it seemed to have a magic in her eyes, leaving only this image in her mind. For Stuart house, the life of the past few thousand years is so dull. It seems that only the little mare can dye its life.

The original impulse made it put down the trailer. It walked towards the little mare step by step. Its body became smaller and smaller. When it finally came to the little mare, it had become almost the same size as it.

"Hey, man, how are you? What are you doing here? Making friends?" Dick said to it.

Stuart house hated this man very much. He didn't know why. As soon as he saw his smiling face, he wanted to give him a hoof. He ignored him and stared straight at the little mare.

Was it captured by this damn man? Sterhouse was thinking. Although it can't speak yet, its intelligence is no different from that of people because of its thousands of years of life. It seemed to feel the timidity and pain in the little mare's eyes - of course, Ye Feng felt very painful. He was a resounding pure man. Now he was pretending to be a little mare and flirting with a divine horse. He was about to explode in situ with grief and anger.

Stehaus did not understand the sadness and anger in Ye Feng's eyes. He understood it as the damn man who abused the little mare. At the thought of this, it feels that no business is burning in its heart. It can't be like this! It thought that it must save the poor creature from the evil man. This strong impulse made it pant.

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