Let's put aside the mood fluctuation on atsuo's side and let's focus on Ye Feng. What is he doing now?

What else can you do? Run!

Stehaus really took a fancy to Ye Feng and became this little mare. It is red eyes, Leng is chasing Ye Feng day and night. You know, Ye Feng is well prepared. Although Dick is very unkind, he is not short of weight in helping Ye Feng prepare, but takes out all his family assets. Apart from those things he thought important, he didn't contribute to Ye Feng - so in fact, Dick didn't come up with many plays, but it's better than nothing. What Dick despises is black technology in the eyes of others!

For example, the overclocking energy converter installed by Dick for Ye Feng can convert all the energy absorbed in the environment into bioenergy for Ye Feng. In other words, he can keep flying without eating, drinking and stopping, and the horse power is fully on.

There is also a micro ejector with a cooling time of about an hour, which can make Ye Feng soar in a short time to deal with emergencies.

Leaf maple almost once the device has cooled down and can be used, it will come to the last injection. But even so, he still couldn't get rid of stehaus who bit tightly behind him.

Stuart house is crazy.

It has never run so crazy in its life. For it, it is also an adventurous behavior of overdraft life. But it had nothing to care about at this time. The little black spot in front seemed to tease it, and it was willing to immerse itself in this chase game and enjoy this surging impulse that had never been experienced before.

Sturgeon vaguely realized why it was so indifferent. It was controlled by desire and instinct. Its body was no longer dominated by reason, but became an ordinary horse, acting on instinct. Generally speaking, he hates others to treat him as a thoughtless beast. He is indeed a horse, but he is not just a horse.

For the vast majority of creatures in the divine world, sturgeon is a very wise existence. Yes, he can't speak, but his thoughts are much deeper than those creatures who can speak; Yes, it can't vent its emotions with rich facial expressions, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have joys and sorrows.

He has lived with his master atsuo for thousands of years. He is used to seeing the ups and downs of life and countless landscapes. Oh, stehaus in running thinks of the master behind him, and a sense of guilt surges into his heart. But it was only for a moment. When he thought that he was only by his side in the long years, Stuart house had the illusion that his life was stolen by his master.

It knew that it was selfish to think so, and at the same time, it didn't want to let the guilt for atsuo distract its energy. It simply chose the most convenient decision, and it left its master behind again.


Dick was standing in his room. Opposite him sat the wife of the elf prince, who was also his old lover or ex girlfriend.

"When did you have sex with father o'bing?" Dick stared at her expressionless.

"How do you know? Oh, you're a great Dick. You know everything," said the charming prince's wife to Dick. "I thought I could keep it from you, or I thought too much."

"Answer my question." Dick looked at her with a heavy face. For Dick, he had loved the woman in front of him for dozens of hours - for Dick, it was long enough - although they were happy when they separated, it didn't mean that the woman could carry him around with other men, even if the other person was a damn God!

If she did such behavior elsewhere, Dick couldn't control it at all, and he didn't want to. But Dick's pride was unbearable when such a thing happened under his eyes.

"A month ago," said the prince's wife casually.

"... you are honest," said Dick with a sneer.

"I have to think about my future," said the prince's wife. "If you are unreliable, I can only rely on myself. What do you say, Dick, is there anything wrong with me doing this? We are not lovers now, but bed friends at most."

"..." Dick's face was blue, but he didn't refute her.

"Dick, you should thank me."

"Thank you? Thank you for what?"

"Thank me for saving your life," said the prince's wife. "If I hadn't spoken for you in front of father Ao Bing, you would have been executed more than half a month ago."

"..." Dick actually knew about it. He implanted a micro bug in the prince's wife's body. It was based on this that he knew that he was wearing a hat. Dick did hear the prince's wife say something similar to father o'bing.

"You should thank me."

"Yes, I sincerely thank you for everything you've done for me," Dick said with a smile.

Thank you?

I thank your eighth generation ancestors!


Looking at the distant shore, atsuo was desperate. He had dragged the wooden car all day. Even though he had thrown the general load out of the car and just pulled the general stones on the road, it was a great challenge for him to go further in each line.

Damn it, this car is too big. I should have made it smaller. Atzro was thinking. In fact, his biggest problem was not that he made the car too big, but that he was so confident in himself that he didn't expect what the enemy might do to deal with him.

Indeed, he is not afraid of any conspiracy. His own strength allows him to ignore all kinds of plans against him. He is a God and is not afraid of any challenge.

His horse is also a god horse. Normal means can never hurt it. The relationship between them has been precipitated for thousands of years, so it is impossible for anyone to provoke the relationship between them. Therefore, atsuo has never questioned stehaus. Just like his infinite confidence, he firmly believes that his horse will never disappoint him.

But he was wrong.

It was because he had been with him for thousands of years that stehaus was in a mess when he faced a beautiful mare.

If sterhouse could have a little more of his own life, it might not have been suppressed for so long that it behaved so crazy when it found a pour.


Stuart house is dead tired.

For it, this is the first time in its life that it feels tired. The black spot in front seems to be within reach, but it seems to be far away. It has been going all out without food or drink for two days. In these dozens of hours, he exhausted all his strength in order to catch up with the little mare. He was stunned by the amazing speed from the beginning. Therefore, he had to barely keep up with the speed by consuming his divine power.

These divine powers are a blessing given to it by athrou. It was originally just a very ordinary pony without any difference. But the goddess of fate brought it to atsuo and made its horse life different. It was atsuo who gave it new life, so it has always been extremely loyal to its master.

At that time, when the repressed wildness finally gushed out, this loyalty was forgotten by it.


Ye Feng felt he was going to hang up.

If he was not worried that he would be caught up by the damn crazy horse, he might face an indescribable situation. Ye Feng would have given up running away. This was the most painful dozens of hours of his life. No one is the most painful.

Continuous high-intensity exercise. Even with the blessing of various auxiliary devices, he still felt the pain he had never felt before, which has completely become a positive confrontation of willpower between him and the damn horse. Whoever can bite his teeth until the end will be the winner in this chase.

But what makes Ye Feng collapse is that he doesn't want to appear in this chase at all. In fact, if he fails, he will be doomed, but even if he narrowly wins the speed of life and death, what can he get? Life? It depends on the mood of father Ao Bing

M, what am I fighting for? Alive? Or not being caught by a stallion in heat? No matter which one, Ye Feng feels deeply sad. Since when on earth has he fallen to this point? From the moment I met Dick? No, Ye Feng shook his head. It should have been from the moment he was born.

I shouldn't have come to this world from the beginning! Ye Feng thought vaguely. What on earth did I come to this damn world for? Suffer? Yes, I can bear it. After all, most people suffer all their lives. Only a few lucky people can break free from the shackles of life and enjoy the beautiful side of life.

But why should I go through so many bad things? Ye Feng roared in his heart. Why would I be turned into a horse by father o'bing, and still a mare, to lure a male horse with obviously abnormal brain?

Damn it, why me? What did I do in my last life? Ye Feng wails in his heart. That crazy horse - huh? Ye Feng looked back, but he didn't find the huge figure who had chased him for dozens of hours. What about the horse? Where's stachouse? Why is it missing?

Ye Feng subconsciously slowed down and landed on the ground for the first time. After dozens of hours, Ye Feng stepped on the solid ground again. This practical feeling made Ye Feng burst into tears.

Could it be a trick? Ye Feng's heart, which had just been put down, was tense again. Then he shook his head mockingly. No, it's just an animal. No matter how clever an animal is, it's just an animal. Ye Feng didn't believe that this god horse with only one muscle in his head could come up with any tricks. But he is still very cautious and ready to distance himself from stehaus.

Ye Feng is really frightened by this stubborn horse. He has such a reckless madness. Ye Feng has only seen it in neuropathy. But it is ten thousand times more dangerous than neuropathy. It TM is a giant horse that can fly in the air!!!

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