According to the man's private complaint, he really didn't know the inside story. It was just that someone found him and hoped he could help a little.

This little favour is really not worth mentioning. He needs to meet with a specific person - Ye Feng, and then take these three people to a specific place. When the trap is triggered, he needs to make sure that everyone faints - the liquid in those needles is a powerful anesthetic enough for adult elephants to sleep for hours.

After that, he just needs to wait for time. Someone will appear and pick up the fainted person. There will be no business for him here. He just needs to take his share of the money and forget all about it.

"---- that's all I know. Really, I never lied to you." after the man finished talking, he stared at Ye Feng pitifully.

"Who is the person asking you for help?" asked Ye Feng.


"SANOS? His name is very domineering." Ye Feng said, "do we know this SANOS?" Ye Feng asked by satellite phone in his opponent. He was communicating with Gemma. The girl with high IQ seems to have no accident with the experience of Ye Feng. She uses her words to describe: "go out with Ye Feng. It's strange if there's no accident. Sprinkle water."

If the little girl is around, Ye Feng will give him a brain jump.

"Do you know him?" asked Shin Heng Chi Ko.

"Who? SANOS?" the man shook his head. "No, I don't know at all. All those who know him are either killed by him or killed by him. No one knows his details. We don't even know whether his real name is SANOS. We only know one thing."

"What's up?"

"Never be an enemy with him," said the man.

"..." Ye Feng slapped the man directly, "I don't like others to boast about how NB others are in front of me, do you understand?"

"Uh... Understand...?"

"Who am I with SANOS, Nb?" Ye Feng looked at the man seriously. "I have been in contact with him. I believe your judgment is fair."

"Er... When, of course, you NB!" the man hesitated for less than a second and said simply.

"Good, how can we meet this SANOS? Do you have his contact information?" Ye Feng asked with a smile.

"Er... No, he contacted me on his own initiative. I can't find him."

"Yes, it's a failure for a small man like you to find him at will. He needs to keep a sense of mystery." Ye Feng said and knocked the man out. Such a man is not worth killing.

"What shall we do with him?" asked Shin Heng Chi Ko.

"Find a nearby prison and we'll throw him in directly." Ye Feng said, "it's up to you. You like driving and I like rest."

"...... You're so lazy." Xinheng Zhizi stared at Ye Feng silently. Then she picked up the car key on the table, picked up the fainting man with one hand, pushed the door and went out.

"I just have no resistance to such a powerful and beautiful woman." Ye Feng lay comfortably on the single bed in the house and looked leisurely at the sunset outside the window.

Although this day had ups and downs, for Ye Feng, the most important harvest is who can be in a comfortable bed. As for this SANOS, Ye Feng didn't pay much attention to it.

Do you think about someone who is destined to be killed? Of course not.

Chu Qian came back soon after xinhengzhizi left. Ye Feng and she enjoyed some local food. Although the environment here is very beautiful, the food, um... Can only be said to be living in front of you. If it is put at ordinary times, ye Fengning can be hungry, and he won't go to the hole.

But after running around all day, he had a big appetite. Even some coarse food was swept away by him.

Anyway, the two people still left some food for xinhengzhizi. When xinhengzhizi finally came back with his tired body after driving all day, it was completely dark.

"What should we do next?" Xin hengzhizi looked at Ye Feng and Chu Qian while eating the cold food. She was a little depressed. In her opinion, maybe this trip could not achieve the original purpose. The person probably didn't know the location of the headquarters of the armed front at all, "go straight back -"

"Go straight back? Are you kidding?" Ye Feng glared at her. "I will never leave here before killing this damn SANOS. What do you say, dear?" he looked at Chu Qian and asked her for advice.

"I think it should be properly solved." Chu Qian said thoughtfully. She looked at Xinheng Zhizi. "Maybe this SANOS really knows something? I believe jenma's ability and the people she finally screened out will know something."


"Don't be so depressed," said Ye Feng, "Our trip is not a complete failure. In my opinion, this shows at least one thing. SANOS has two abilities, although it is far from enough to deal with us. But think about it. If another group of people face our situation today, they will follow his way. Now they should have been tied up and waiting for sanosti's conditions."

"Also..." said Shin Heng Ji Ko.

"I've asked Jemma to investigate this SANOS. Don't worry. We'll find him soon and let him tell everything he knows." Ye Feng said, "I sincerely hope he's a tough guy."

Facts have proved that Ye Feng thinks too much and doesn't need jenma's help at all. SANOS himself appears. Early the next morning, when Ye Feng was still asleep, the door of the guest room they lived in was pushed open from the outside. When Ye Feng left, he woke up. He turned over from his bed to the ground and aimed 'valkiri' in the direction of the door. A big and thick man was looking at him with a big mouth, as if he was very interested in Ye Feng's reaction.

"I don't remember calling room service, big man, who are you?" the movement of Ye Feng woke Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi. They both saw the intruder standing at the door. While secretly scolding themselves for their slow reaction, they also pointed their weapons at the strong man.

"I'm SANOS. You should want to talk to me." the strong man pulled down the lock of his old coat. There were dozens of high explosive detonators on him. There is no doubt that if ye Feng's bullets hit him, he would pull everyone in the street to hell.

"Yes, let's talk. Do you like coffee?" Ye Feng simply put away his weapons. Xinheng Zhizi and Chu Qian hesitated and put down their weapons. But the three men's attention was fixed on SANOS, with high concentration.

"I don't like it. It feels like shit." SANOS shook his head.

"You've tasted what dog shit tastes like? Life experience is very rich." Ye Feng looked at SANOS with great interest.

This strong man with a round chin and bulging clothes with all his muscles. There is no doubt that this is a personal tank. The power of collision is no less than that of an angry bull.

"Hahaha, your boy will die in this mouth sooner or later."

"I killed all the people who said this." Ye Feng said calmly, "SANOS, why do you want to attack the three of us? We came to this damn place with sincerity. This is your way of hospitality?"

"Just test you," SANOS said. "Congratulations, you passed this little test."

"What if we fail? What will you do to us? Kidnap for ransom?" Shin Heng Zhizi looked at SANOS with a sneer.

"Almost," SANOS said. "If you're willing to spend a lot of money on an address, I'm sure you'll spend more on your own life, won't you?" he grinned.

"What you said is reasonable." Ye Feng nodded approvingly. "It's a pity that you didn't make a quick sum of money."

"No pity, we can talk about other business anyway, can't we?" SANOS said with a smile.

Ye Feng had to admire the rough man in front of him. Although he seems to have developed limbs and simple mind, it is enough to make Ye Feng look at him with new eyes just by virtue of his talking and laughing momentum at this time. Of course, being impressed doesn't mean that Ye Feng will be polite to him. He just will be more firm when he starts.

"Yes, the address. If you say it, we'll give you money," said Ye Feng.

"I always take the money first," SANOS said.

"I never remember to pay when shopping," said Ye Feng.

"In other words, we can't agree?" SANOS shook his head regretfully. "Then I can only --"

"Wait a minute." Shin Heng Zhizi couldn't help saying.

This sentence made Ye Feng secretly complain. As soon as xinhengzhizi interrupted, the situation between him and SANOS had been fundamentally reversed. From the buyer's market to the seller's market. In other words, SANOS can start from flat, while Ye Feng can only accept it.

The explosives have dispelled Ye Feng's idea of trying to solve the problem by force. He is not ready to risk the lives of Xinheng Zhizi and Chu Qian. And just for a little money.

Although some flesh hurts, Ye Feng doesn't care about spending the money in his account. But the premise must be value for money.

"How can I believe that the address you provided is correct?" Ye Feng said. "That's not a small sum of money, is it?"

"It's just a few million, isn't it? It's just a small expense for people like you," SANOS said.

"You really flatter us." Ye Feng shook his head. "You must first prove that the address you provided is indeed the headquarters of the armed front, or we won't talk. I don't believe we can't find a second person willing to share intelligence. Will anyone have trouble with money? If so, add more money."

For Ye Feng, this is just a business. If you can do it, you can't do it. Talk to another person. It was not his brother who was kidnapped. Ye Feng was not worried at all. Xinheng Zhizi was very anxious, but she couldn't do anything when she left Ye Feng. Her only choice is to follow Ye Feng's orders, close her mouth and wait for the final result of the transaction.

Ye Feng understands the anxiety in Xin Heng Zhizi's heart, but I'm sorry that the money is for him. In that case, Ye Feng has to consider his own problems. He doesn't want to be slaughtered at will as a wronged big head.

Ye Feng glanced at xinhengzhizi and hoped that she could understand his mood.

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