"You don't care at all. Why are you meddling?" SANOS said angrily.

He now wants to drive Ye Feng out of his house directly, but he is a little unwilling. This indecision makes SANOS very unhappy. He is usually a man who wants to be, but this situation makes him a little helpless.

Of course, he can try to catch all three people, but after seriously thinking about the feasibility of this move, SANOS finally decided to talk honestly with Ye Feng. He should not be able to handle these three people

Ye Feng actually has a similar idea and wants to use force to make SANOS yield. But after thinking about it, there is no need to use a knife or a gun for things that can be solved with money. After all, we are civilized people.

But the problem is that money is not important to him, but he is also ready to give it to others!

"I'm free. I can't?" said Ye Feng. "I'm willing to float with 100000 yuan. I don't even listen to the sound. Why, it's your business?"

"... yes." SANOS stared at Ye Feng speechless.

Xinheng Zhizi said anxiously, "Ye Feng, you --"

"Shut up, you mindless bitch!" Ye Feng shouted at her, startling everyone else present. Even SANOS's face suddenly changed.

Xinhengzhizi's expression was like eating dirty things. There was a shock in her panic. She never thought Ye Feng would talk to herself like this.

"You, you, you."

"Shut your mouth." Ye Feng looked at her in disgust. "I warn you, if you dare say one more word, I'll kill you myself. Do you understand?"


The violence in Ye Feng's eyes frightened Xinheng Zhizi. She had never seen Ye Feng. Her body was shaking unconsciously.

Chu Qian couldn't see past her eyes. She reached out and grabbed Xinheng Zhizi's hand and calmed her down with her body temperature. She stared at Ye Feng, but said nothing.

Ye Feng ignored Xinheng Zhizi and Chu Qian, but looked at SANOS: "I think you should know my attitude, so don't play with me and say your reserve price."

"Five million."

"Half a million."

"Four million."

"Four hundred thousand."

"Four million, can't be lower." SANOS looked at Ye Feng coldly.

Ye Feng smiled back at him: "300000."

"There's no such thing as you!" SANOS cried out. "You don't play cards according to the routine!"

"Who stipulated the routine?" Ye Feng asked, "this is my routine. Do you like to follow it or not."

"... three million."

"Two hundred thousand."

"... I think we're in business," SANOS said.

"OK, see you later."

"Maple Leaf?!"

Chu Qian stared at Ye Feng who got up and left. She subconsciously wanted to stand up, but her hand was tightly held by Xin Hengzhi. Chu Qian looked at her, ruthlessly pulled out her arm, stood up from the chair, followed behind Huang Liang, and was about to go outside the door.

"Hey!" roared SANOS. "A million, that's my bottom line."

"500000." Ye Feng looked back at SANOS, "it's just an address, isn't it? I said, I don't think of 500 yuan. You know I'm real."


SANOS stared at Ye Feng with those fierce eyes. The latter was unwilling to show weakness and looked back at him. He still had a careless smile on his mouth.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome man?" said Ye Feng narcissistically.

"Ye Feng, don't do this. It's too embarrassing." Chu Qian covered her eyes and said.

"Is it embarrassing?"

"Very embarrassed."

"OK..." Ye Feng changed a serious expression and still stared at SANOS who was silent.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Ye Feng turned and walked out.

"Deal, half a million is half a million." SANOS squeezed this sentence out of his throat. Chu Qian and Xin Heng Zhizi had excited faces. But Ye Feng was very calm and seemed to have expected the result long ago.

In fact, his heart is dripping blood. That's half a million. It's gone for nothing

After the account number provided to SANOS was transferred to 500000, Ye Feng was watching SANOS on the sofa.

"Here's the money. Where's my goods?"

"Don't worry, here you are." SANOS stood up and went to the wine cabinet. I don't know what secret mechanism he pressed. The whole wine cabinet slowly opened, revealing a hidden iron door.

"Wait a minute, I'll bring someone to you." SANOS lowered his waist and prepared to drill into the door, "or you can send someone to follow up."

"Yes." Ye Feng glanced at xinhengzhizi with his eyes. The latter nodded comprehensively, stood up and followed SANOS behind. They entered the dark room with their front and rear feet.

Five minutes later, xinhengzhizi reappeared in the living room, and SANOS, who followed her, was carrying a thin man. He threw the man on the ground as if he were a pile of garbage.

"This is what you want," SANOS said. "If you want to ask anything, just ask him directly."

"What about your after-sales service?" Ye Feng looked at the man covered with mud with disgust. He was a savage. "Can this thing still speak human words?"

"I think so..." SANOS's tone was also a little uncertain. "I caught him near the forgotten village about a month ago. Since then, he hasn't said a few words. After all, I've been stuffing something in his mouth."

"It's amazing that you raised him for a month!" said Ye Feng.

"He knows something that others don't know. It's still valuable." SANOS said, "at least he made me 500000. Although it's far from my expectation." he still didn't let go of Ye Feng's crazy bargain. SANOS did this kind of loss trading for the first time, although he almost wasted a little time and didn't have a lot of food.

In fact, this man was starved and thin by him alive. He was a short and strong man before.

"Where did you get this man?" asked Ye Feng.

"It was a little accident," SANOS said with a smile.

It was on the way back to his residence when SANOS met a car. On the desert road, it is not common for SANOS to see a car he has never seen before. Riding a huge motorcycle, he caught up with the muscle car with great interest, and looked at the strange man driving through the window.

SANOS smiled at him, but the man responded with a disdainful sneer and a raised middle finger.

SANOS shook his head. He had not been treated so rudely for a long time. The creatures living in this land know one thing very well. Never annoy SANOS.

SANOS's reaction to such impolite behavior was very simple. He took out a shotgun and shot him directly on the tire of the muscle car.

The driving man never thought that his obscene gesture had triggered such a violent reaction. He turned the steering wheel wildly, hoping to stabilize the runaway vehicle.

But in SANOS's laughter, he could only follow the rolling muscle car.

But SANOS was kind. He didn't let the rude man die in the car explosion. Before the muscle car was completely scrapped and shrouded in flames, senos pulled him out of the car.

Carrying the booty, SANOS returned home. He put the man in the basement and simply treated his wound. After making sure he wouldn't die easily, SANOS left him in the basement for a whole day and night.

When SANOS entered the basement again, the man had awakened from his coma. In order to make the man aware of his extended situation, SANOS made some preparations.

After a "cordial and friendly" exchange, the black and blue man finally realized the reality. He told SANOS his story in detail.

Of course, one of people's fundamental evils is the existence of unnecessary fantasies.

Although he was severely repaired, and the water has not entered for more than 24 hours, in the process of telling the story, he still intended to avoid the important and light, and described himself as an ordinary passer-by.

SANOS's lie detection ability is excellent. In the face of this little trick, he just smiled contemptuously. After another "cordial and friendly" communication, the man gave up all his tricks and told SANOS his true identity.

In fact, if he dares to play tricks again, SANOS will lose his patience

In the man's story, SANOS learned that he was one of the core personnel of the armed front. I came out this time because I wanted to trade a batch of materials secretly.

But unfortunately, he just came out alone and ran into SANOS. What's more, I didn't expect that this big man would go straight away because he waved his middle finger to him

It was confirmed that this humble man was a core member of the armed front. At first, SANOS didn't particularly believe it. Maybe the man was talking nonsense and wanted to scare SANOS with the name of the organization. It suggested that after several rounds of "cordial and friendly" exchanges, the man still said this, and SANOS gradually believed it.

After finally believing the man's statement, SANOS immediately realized that he could make a profit with this man. For a wanderer like him, a general term for people who do everything, he will never let go of anything that has interests.

"You are really a born businessman," said Ye Feng. "It's very direct. I like it."

"Thank you for your compliment."

SANOS spread the obscure information. He didn't want to attract people from the armed front. Therefore, his practice was very obscure. Only those who really wanted to find out what he left. And Gemma found the trace left by him, which connected him.

In order to make sure that the visitors were not from the armed front, SANOS arranged a small welcome ceremony. When he saw Ye Feng's face, he was sure that he had seen it somewhere. Relying on his extraordinary memory ability, he remembered where he had seen Ye Feng.

Finally, he confirmed that Ye Feng and others must not be people on the armed front. Knowing this, SANOS took the initiative to show up and approach Ye Feng and the three of them.

In the final analysis, he still made a fortune, although 500000 was very far from his psychological expectation. But nothing is better than nothing, and being able to make friends with big people like Ye Feng is at least a much more important thing than making money.

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