When the convoy broke into the prison, Ye Feng and Jane immediately realized that these people were definitely not members of the justice society.

Because after entering the prison, these people immediately began the slaughter of all prisoners and guards who fainted on the ground. They aim their weapons at these unconscious people and reap their lives.

For a time, dazzling fire filled the playground, and countless people were killed at the same time.

"I'll be good..." Ye Feng was completely stunned by this scene. He covered his mouth and quickly looked at Jane beside him. Jane's expression did not change, and kept her face expressionless, but Ye Feng noticed her hands trembling slightly, and it was very idle. Jane's heart was not as calm as he was.

"Damn it, what should we do? Who are these people?" Ye Feng had no idea for a moment.

"No matter who they are, there is no doubt that they are our enemies," Jane said. "We must act immediately and place Xinheng Zhiyan, Xinheng Zhizi and Chu Qian in a safe place."

"Is there any place safe in this prison?" said Ye Feng with a headache.

"Anyway, we can't leave them here. Come on, let's hide them in a hidden corner and never let them be found," Jane said.

"Damn it, what's this..."

After complaining, Ye Feng picked up Xinheng Zhizi and Xinheng Zhiyan's sister and brother one by one. He followed Jane and looked for a room where people could hide.

Finally, Jane made a decision. She asked Ye Feng to return with her to the room where James delivered materials, and then connected the three new hengzhizi who were still in a coma with a strong rope found. Then Jane personally sent the three people back to the warden's office underground. As for the nominal warden James, he was still sitting in the damaged instrument. He didn't know whether he fell into a coma or fell asleep. In short, he didn't respond from beginning to end.

More than ten minutes have passed. When Jane returns to Ye Feng along the pipe, Ye Feng is squatting by the window and secretly looking at the form outside the window.

"How's it going?" Jane asked softly.

"Almost all the people on the playground have been killed by them. They are checking whether there are any escaped fish. Soon they will attack these buildings. Damn it, we don't have much time." Ye Feng said anxiously.

"We really don't have much time," Jane whispered. "We must use our limited time to create some little trouble for them. I believe Edlin and the justice society have taken action. As long as we can hold on to their people, there will be a glimmer of vitality."

"We should all be fine," said Ye Feng. "I can hardly die, and so can you. To some extent, you are much better than my self-healing ability."

"We're fine, but where are Chu Qian and them?" Jane said angrily. "The top priority at present is to hold these bastards to ensure Chu Qian's safety."

"OK, what do you say? I'll listen to you." Ye Feng said.

"Well, it seems that we must surprise the people who enter the building," Jane said. "Do we have any weapons?"

"There's only one stun gun, three bullets in it, and all that's left is some electric batons." Ye Feng said. He gave Jane the weapon he put on his body and left only one electric baton.

"That's enough. Let's act separately and try to destroy each other's living forces." Jane told, "Ye Feng, make sure the enemy is alone. You can do it again. Otherwise, once you get alert, all the people will pour into the building at that time. Chu Qian's situation will be really dangerous. Remember? Don't rush in."

"I see. When did I disappoint you?"

"You often drop the chain at critical moments," Jane said expressionless.

"Er... I promise I won't let you down this time," said Ye Feng.

"... all right."

Jane's expression was a little helpless.


Bearing in mind Jane's advice to herself, Ye Feng only selects the single person for surprise attack in his action. His technique is actually very simple, but it is also very efficient: hide high and watch the change.

Ye Feng went up to the ventilation duct and looked at what happened below through the gap. Once he found that someone was alone, he would lift the cover plate, silently jump down from the ventilation duct, and then use the electric stick in his hand to make the person faint.

It was very effective at first. But before long, Ye Feng found that these people seemed to learn well. They could hardly be alone. At least they were in groups of two, looking for survivors in the stairs.

In fact, this is because the people he and Jane mixed up with suddenly disappeared from the communication channel, which aroused the vigilance of others. Immediately, someone realized that this was because these people were attacked, so soon the action team members of the armed front began to organize nearby and start coordinated action.

After all, this is a group of fighters who have experienced many battles. In terms of combat quality, they can still pass the test.

After realizing this situation, unlike Ye Feng, who immediately began to shrink, Jane's playing method became unusually unrestrained. No matter how many people she met, she rushed up alone, laid down all the enemies with three fists and two feet, and then withdrew before the rest of the reinforcements arrived.

Jane's idea is very simple. Since the enemy already knows the existence of her and Ye Feng, they should kill the enemy's effective forces as much as possible before they fully grasp the situation.

Moreover, after several previous hunting, Jane's weapons have been changed. She has already left the pieces of garbage handed to her by Ye Feng in the corridor, with powerful weapons given to her by the enemy in her hand.

Jane felt very helpless when she took the walkie talkie from the enemy. This time, Ye Feng was very obedient. When she found that no one was alone, he really hid in the place where she didn't know and didn't move. Through the dialogue on the communication channel, Jane can roughly sort out the location of each enemy in her mind. She tried to kill all the enemies close to the delivery room to prevent anyone from discovering the whereabouts of Chu Qian and others.

However, it seems that the enemy has also found this situation. More and more enemies want Jane to surround. Jane's situation has become more and more difficult.

As for Ye Feng, he was lying leisurely in the ventilation duct at this time. He thought happily in his heart: I did well this time, and Jane will look at me with new eyes.

Ye Feng was so stupid that he didn't bring an enemy walkie talkie. That's enough


"What's the matter? Jiheng, have your people controlled the situation?"

Edlin sat on the plane and received a communication from Jiheng. She immediately connected and asked the other party for the latest situation.

"No, I'm on my way to prison. Damn it, the team I excluded has disappeared -"

"Lost? How could it be?" exclaimed Aldrin.

"I don't know what happened, but something big must have happened. I doubt those players should have been killed." Ji Heng said. "What's the specific situation? I can only go to the scene. I'm about to feel prison. Adeline, what about you? Where are you now?"

"I've flown into the airspace of Los Angeles with my men, and I'll be near the prison in about five minutes," Edlin said. "Jiheng, you --"

The communication suddenly broke. One second before the communication hung up, adlin heard a violent explosion from Jiheng.

"Damn it... It should be a big deal..." Adeline whispered. Then she went to the cockpit and asked the pilot, "how long will it take to land?"

"It depends on finding an open space for landing," the pilot said. "The target location is in the mountains. It's difficult to find a landing location."

"Damn it, I know." Edlin returned to the cabin and said to the 18 crew members, "get ready to parachute!"


Cobby went up to Edlin and asked her, "is the situation serious?"

"Very serious."


"Maybe we should bring Audrey and them together," Adeline said with some regret. In order to prevent the shield bearer alliance from being leaderless, she only brought 18 action members and Kobi this time, and the others were arranged by her in the headquarters building to guard the rear.

"I don't think it's from the armed front," Corby said.

"It can only be them." Adeline said. "The dog jumped over the wall. This should be their last madness. Damn it, I didn't expect that they actually did something against the prison of the justice society. How did they do this? After all, that prison is as solid as gold."

"We can't attack from the outside, so we have to start from the inside." Kou Bi said calmly. "The characteristic of the armed front is to infiltrate. It's likely that they infiltrated their own people into the prison. With the cooperation of inside and outside, they can do what others can't do."

"You're right." Adeline frowned. "If this is really the case, Ye Feng in the prison will be very safe. From the current situation, people on the armed front should have occupied the prison, and a team of people in the justice society have lost contact and should have been killed."

"... the situation is very tense."

"Very nervous."

Edlin's heart is very anxious. She can't imagine what situation Ye Feng and they are facing. Now she just wants to fly to them immediately and face the suffering with them. And she can't imagine whether something has happened to Ye Feng and them. If Chu Qian and any of them were seriously injured or had died, she would never forgive herself.

If she could act more quickly, perhaps things would not develop into this situation. But who can know that a small thing will develop into this situation, which is beyond everyone's expectation.

Even in Ye Feng's crazy mind, he never thought of such a situation now. He can only say that things are changeable.

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