Banaya is located on an independent island. It is said to be an island, but the area of this island is not small, with an area of 750000 square kilometers.

This is an alien place. It's a place where normal people can't live. Here, only paranoid madmen can barely survive, and endure the dangers and challenges that do not know when they will come. On this island, before Mr. skeleton, there has been more than a century, and no one or organization can fully control the island. This beautiful island is heaven and hell. For ordinary people, this is a hell full of danger and death, but for those crazy people with unique skills and fearless difficulties, this is a paradise full of opportunities and possibilities. Just see from what angle you see the island of banaya.

Ye Feng had only one simple feeling about banaya before: it was not a tourist resort.

In fact, the natural scenery of banaya is very beautiful. As for the title of "Paradise Island". But under the beautiful environment, it is an extremely harsh environment.

It's really hard for people without some skills to survive on this island. Only a real madman who can make others fear can be qualified to live on this island. Most of the residents on the island can only be called survival, or struggle, struggling in the fear of death all the time, and making every effort to see the sun every day

There are not many permanent residents on this island, only accounting for a little more than half of the number. On the one hand, because the death rate of banaya island is particularly high, almost no one can live above the age of 60. Unless he is a rich man who can afford to hire a large group of bodyguards, he can only live to his fifties, and then meet his death in a sudden conflict.

But for the rich and capable, banaya is really a paradise.

In this outlaw place, you can get almost everything you want with money and fist, both goods and people, which can be obtained on the island with these two common currencies.

But the problem is that there are too many people here, and all of them have unique skills, so that in banaya, how to ensure the safety of their lives and property is absolutely the difficulty that most people must face.

Especially after Mr. skeleton mastered the island, the situation became worse.

The emergence of Mr. skeleton has fundamentally changed the pattern of banaya, which has reached a delicate balance in the past few decades, from the previous Warring States period to the same level as that of Mr. skeleton and his men.

He is the king of this island. It is precisely because of him that banaya, who was still connected with the outside world, is becoming more and more closed.

Now it is more and more difficult for criminals to get on this island. Once Mr. skeleton's men saw an unknown person approaching the island, without any warning, the bullet would shoot at the unknown person as if he didn't want money.

Mr. skeleton also knows that although he has banaya, he does not fully control the situation. There are too many people and forces peeping at the island.

In order to prevent potential threats, Mr. skeleton plans to impose martial law for a period of time until he can build his power so that he can meet all challenges.

Because Mr. skeleton closed the sea around the island, Ye Feng could not directly land on the island by plane.

But the problem is that the island is located in the sea. The nearest continent is too far away. There is no other way of transportation except by boat.

So after the plane landed, under the guidance of a contact person contacted by the red house, the three of Ye Feng took a yacht disguised as sea fishing prepared in advance.

The contact person is a woman, a woman with short hair and a strong body. She can definitely lift Cao Yan up with one hand. Even Ye Feng and Huang Liang look a little slender in front of her.

The elder sister's name is Lamia. According to her own words, she is a mechanical of banaya. When Mr. skeleton launched a riot, her son was killed by one of Mr. skeleton's men in the riot, which made her hate Mr. skeleton. She has only one goal for the rest of her life: to send Mr. skeleton to hell.

Lamia is not a good speaker. She is silent most of the time, but in the process of getting along with her, Ye Feng finds that she is actually a very warm-hearted person and is not difficult to get along with.

Cao Yan, a self familiar person, certainly gets along well with Lamia. But what Ye Feng didn't expect was that even Huang Liang, who has never talked much with women, would chat with Lamia from time to time, which was a surprise.

On their first day at sea, Cao Yan and Ye Feng were also very excited. For both of them, flying and taking a car are too familiar, but taking a boat is still a very novel experience for them. In particular, although the yacht is small, it is comfortable and has all kinds of facilities.

Ye Feng asked Lamia who the yacht belonged to. Lamia just smiled and didn't answer him. Ye Feng vaguely felt that the ship must not be red house or Lamia.

But after driving on the endless sea for three days, Ye Feng and Cao Yan were completely excited. They were so bored and had an uncontrollable fear of the endless ocean that they stayed in the cabin most of the day.

Huang Liang is different from them. He has been helping Lamia control the yacht. Someone must work, and Lamia can't be busy alone. Therefore, the existence of sorghum makes the trip go on smoothly.

After sailing on the sea for five days, Lamia finally told Ye Feng and others to prepare for the login.

"Log in? We can't see the shadow of land at all. Are we playing too much in advance?" Ye Feng looked at the endless sea level around him in confusion. In his eyes, he couldn't see how far the land was above him.

"If you can see the land, it means that people on the land will see us," Lamia said coldly. Ye Feng is used to this unsmiling woman. After all, he and Huang Liang have thought about it for a long time. He is no longer familiar with this poker face.

Just think of Lamia as a female version of sorghum.

"You mean --"

"That damn bone has taken the island of bayana as his own back garden. Any ship and plane without his permission will be shot down and sunk immediately when they approach the island of bayana. He is a hopeless madman." Lamia said without emotion, "If you plan to become a wreck with this ship, you can continue to hide under the splint."

"Since the situation is very serious, how are we going to deal with it? Do we just rely on two legs to cross the upper reaches of the sea? Sorry, I can swim, but I can't swim too long." Ye Feng said without weakness.

"Who told us we had to swim on our own?" Lamia said. "The ship is not out of oil."

"But you didn't say --"

"Yes, this ship will be a live target for Mr. skeleton's men," Lamia said. "But as long as we are smart, we won't be affected."

Ye Feng said sarcastically, "I can't think of any good way to log in to banaya safely."

"Then shut your mouth and don't make trouble," Huang Liang said.

"I said whose side are you on?" Ye Feng looked at him discontentedly. "How can you turn your elbow out?"

"Brother Feng, don't be angry. What brother Liang said is not unreasonable. Lamia must have her plan." Cao Yan said ha ha, "am I right?"

"Hum." Lamia shrugged, found out some ropes and threw them to Ye Feng.

"What's this for? Let's hang directly?" asked Ye Feng.

"Tie it to yourself and connect the other end of the rope to the stern of the ship," Lamia said.

"See? This crazy woman is really going to hang us, but it's not the rope, but the propeller of the yacht." Ye Feng said, "I said, elder sister, is your brain OK? I didn't even think of this way of death. You're really a genius."

"The rope is long enough. As long as you obey my orders and don't die yourself, you won't get involved in the propeller." Lamia stared at Ye Feng coldly.

"Oh, OK." Ye Feng shrugged indifferently, "I don't care. Even if I'm made into dumpling stuffing, I can't die. It's my two companions, Huangliang and Cao Yan. If you shake your hands, except for a little mistake, they will die. They will become a lunch for fish, and then be digested into feces to return to the cycle of nature in another way."

"Brother Feng, don't scare me." Cao Yan looked nervously at the rope in his hand. He looked at Lamia, "Lamia, what brother Feng said will not happen."

"Of course it will."


"The probability of your survival is about six layers," Lamia said easily. "Regardless of my personal factors, it should be about 40%

"... brother Liang, I think what brother Feng said is very reasonable. Lamiyati's way is a little dangerous." Cao Yan asked Huangliang for help.

"Let's do it." Huang Liang said coldly, in the same tone as Lamia. Ye Feng suddenly wanted to ask whether they were brothers and sisters who had been separated for many years, but considering that neither of them had a sense of humor, it was probably not a burst of laughter, but a bullet, and Ye Feng suppressed the idea.

"Well, since there is no objection -"

"I object..."

There is no reason for Cao Yan's weak voice. Ye Feng then said, "just do what Lamia said to see if our luck is good and can raise the success rate of 40%


"You follow my orders, or you won't even have a 40% success rate." Lamia said coldly.


Cao Yan has regretted for the 126th time. He really shouldn't take his life for hundreds of thousands. Now think about it, he is really obsessed.

Damn it

In addition to complaining about himself, he didn't dare to complain about being hurt. He couldn't provoke Ye Feng and Huang Liang.

Cao Yan, Cao Yan, what do you say you're doing here? I'm really uncomfortable.

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