"Can't find it? What do you mean? Can't you even find the body?"

"It's said that nothing was found," said bettick. "Only the mark of the ship's landing was left. There was no blood or body."

"It's really evil." Ye Feng muttered.

"Yes. But it's just a legend that can't be verified. I don't know whether it's true or false." bettick said. "You have the right to listen to it."

"Said no, the spaceship flew away with people." Cao Yan said.

"Fly away? Why take people away? Breeding?" Ye Feng stared at him angrily. "I don't understand. Why did Lamia ask you to follow me?"

"I don't want to follow you. Brother Feng." Cao Yan said helplessly, "no way. I also have a task. I have to investigate the airport on this island."

"Since it's your task, why should I participate?" Ye Feng was still angry with Cao Yan.

"Go and ask Lamia," Cao Yan said helplessly. "Maybe I'm afraid you and brother Liang don't know the way. Something wrong happened when you evacuated."

"Fart, Huangliang and I have been mixing for many years. Can't we understand the map?" Ye Feng grabbed a handful of soil and lost Cao Yan, "let's go tonight."

"I'm alone?"

"I'm looking for a little sister to accompany you and let her beat your back and rub your shoulders? Hurry!"

"But --"

"Let's go up and down the night. You go to sleep first and I'll watch the night first." beitik pushed Cao Yan to one side of the sleeping bag.

Ye Feng didn't say a word. He just stirred the fast food in the tableware with a spoon. It didn't taste very good, but it's a good way to enjoy and relax in the quiet field.

When he got into his sleeping bag, Cao Yan's snoring soon sounded, which was so harsh in the quiet woods. Ye Feng couldn't stand his snoring. He took off a sock and stuffed it into Cao Yan's mouth.

It still doesn't work. He's going to take off his other sock and block Cao Yan's nostrils. Bettick stopped him.

"All right, don't go too far."

"Use your tube?" Ye Feng put his socks on his feet again. "I TM really took this idiot. He can sleep so dead and snore?"

"What's your relationship?" beitik stared at Ye Feng in confusion. "It seems that you've been looking for a chance to kill him." he stretched out his hand and pointed to Cao Yan in his deep sleep.

"Nothing. I just want to teach him a lesson so that he won't fall off the chain again at the critical moment." Ye Feng said, "don't look like a harmless fool, you'd better keep more eyes on him so that he won't kill you."

"All right," said bettek with a shrug.

"Why did you resist Mr. skeleton?" Ye Feng sat by the fire next to beitik and looked at the thick black man curiously.

"I? Just hate the changes he brought to the island," said bettick. "I'm not Lamia or anyone else. There's a real and indelible hatred between them and Mr. skeleton, but I'm not. I'm an exception."


"I hate Mr. skeleton depriving the soul of this island."

"It's a rhetoric, isn't it?"

"Of course, it's a rhetoric, but I really think the island has a soul." bettick's eyes are particularly bright under the night sky. "It's freedom."


"Freedom, I think the soul of banaya island is real freedom." beitik saw Ye Feng's eyes and scratched his head in embarrassment. "It sounds strange, doesn't it?"

"It's all right," said Ye Feng. "Why do you think it's freedom?"

"You should also feel that banaya is different from the rest of the world these days," bettick said, "This is a unique place, a truly free place. You can do whatever you want, as long as you are ready to face the consequences. In the former banaya, everyone's soul is free, just like this island."

"After Mr. skeleton came, he deprived the soul of the island and robbed you of your freedom."

"That's right. Without freedom, this place is no different from the rest of the world," bettick said, "I don't want to go anywhere else, so I might as well die here. But after I secretly joined the team against Mr. skeleton, my comrades in arms died one by one, but I have lived to the present, enduring constraints and constraints. It's ironic."

"... you are really a maverick."

"I've heard that many times," said bettick, "Banaya is not actually my hometown. I was born in a rich family. In order to escape all kinds of constraints from childhood - from family, society and mankind - I finally wandered to banaya and finally found the feeling of returning home. I really like it here and want to die here."

Beitik grew up in a big family with great wealth. As the eldest son and grandson, his birth is a major event in the whole family.

Although in the following years, he had one more brother and sister, beitik, who was trained as the future family successor since childhood, was very jealous of his brother and sister.

Unlike the full schedule arranged by him every day, although bettick's younger brothers and sisters have also received elite education, they are still relatively happy compared with him.

Beitik not only studies various courses every day, but also learns how to become the helmsman of a commercial ship. For him, sleeping time every day is almost the only time that belongs to him. Even in three meals a day, he can only eat while studying.

Such a high-intensity education made bettick show maturity beyond his age early, which is what his family expected. However, it also made bettick feel the meaning of "loneliness" from a very young age. He has no friends of his peers and rarely gets along with children other than his own brothers and sisters.

Even his brothers and sisters, he had no time to play with them.

365 days a year, only one day, he can have half a day of his own time. His father's birthday.

Bettick's father got bettick's first child at the age of 56. Although the children were born one after another in the next few years, beitik's father did not have much feelings for his children. He dealt with family affairs all over the world, but he did not care much about the children's education and growth. What he needed was only an heir with his blood line. This person must be very excellent, Can continue to run the family.

As for what the heir thinks, what his ideal is, what he really wants to live, he doesn't care at all.

In a year, beitik can see his father only a few times. Perhaps only on his birthday every day can beitik see his indifferent father.

And beitik's mother is also very indifferent.

She doesn't like children, even her own. For her three children, she treats them equally and stays away from them. Like her busy husband, she also flies all over the world, but not for work, but for shopping, traveling and enjoying life all over the world.

Growing up in such a family, beitik's adult life is extremely depressed. His only support was a close maid who took care of himself from childhood.

But at the age of 12, after the maid died of cancer, he had no one to open his heart in that huge manor.

That is, during that time, he felt the threat from his brother.

Although the family has always treated beitik as the future leader, beitik's brother, as plan B, has never given up the idea of becoming the family leader. Even, he is more ambitious than beitik. Since he was a child, he competed with beitik in all aspects. Although this was his unilateral self assertion, beitik was better than him in all aspects, both in appearance and mind, which made his brother deeply jealous of beitik. Gradually, this jealousy turned into unforgettable hatred, This makes beitik extremely painful, but there is nothing he can do. No matter what she said, my brother would always smile sarcastically, and then continue to make his little moves, and it was still escalating.

The most terrible thing is that his brother is more like his father's character.

Beitik's character is closer to his mother's indifferent character.

The threat from his brother choked bettick more and more day by day. The competitor, two years younger than him, was not satisfied with comparing with his brother in all aspects. He began to take more practical actions.

Bettick found his own brother trying to kill himself.

It made him more painful.

The premature death of his sister became the last straw to crush him.

In a sense, his sister was killed by him and his brother.

It was noon. My brother put a cup of coffee in beitik's study. Betty, who has always been suspicious, knows that she must be careful, but her sister doesn't know all this. She drank the coffee that Betty should have drunk.

She's dead.

The parents didn't even come back to her funeral.

The younger brother who made this tragedy put all the responsibility on beitik.

Beitik has no objection to this.

He ran away from home.

In order to achieve this goal, he had to kill two bodyguards who prevented him from leaving. For this, he felt infinite sadness. He gave all the money in his account to the families of the two bodyguards who died in his hands.

That's billions of dollars.

The penniless bettick began his wandering journey. In order not to let anyone catch him back, he lived an isolated life. Finally, he wandered to a forest farm in a mountain forest and spent five years there.

But the family never gave up tracking him.

In a big fire five years later, beitik managed to escape from the forest farm, but his home and family were swallowed up by the fire in recent years.

Betty, there's nothing left.

Overnight, the five years of his life went up in smoke. It can be imagined how painful and desperate beitik was at that time. He even wanted to take the initiative to return to the damn home and let the damn brother end everything.

But at the bottom of his life, God finally gave him another choice and another way to go.

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