Huang Liang picked up a knife that the man who fell to the ground hung around his waist and pulled it out of the scabbard. He was about to insert the knife into Ye Feng's heart.

Mr. skeleton spoke to him.

"Hey, you."

Huang Liang was in a certain shape. He was stunned. Then he raised his head and looked at Mr. skeleton on the high platform. He had just been sleeping. He didn't know when he had woken up. He was leaning back in his chair and staring at the sorghum.

Damn it

Huang Liang was very calm. There was not much emotion in his eyes towards Mr. skeleton except a trace of dignity and fear. But deep in his heart, he was extremely uneasy. If Mr. skeleton recognized his true identity, he could not recover as before without Ye Feng's help. In the face of the siege of the heavily armed "skeleton Pro corps" present, he had only a dead end. We can't let him take a knife and lie down all the enemies. It's unrealistic at all.

Moreover, even Ye Feng, who has the ability of self-healing, is close to death. With Mr. skeleton's penny pinching character, he may even kill all strangers at the scene.

At that time, it is difficult to guarantee that he will recognize Ye Feng's true identity. Although Lamia's Camouflage - superb makeup and oil paint make it difficult to distinguish their true colors, Ye Feng will also face the situation of life and death unless it is a particularly familiar person or close observation.

But from the faint smile on Mr. skeleton's face, Huang Liang felt that he and Ye Feng should not have revealed their true identity. Otherwise, Mr. skeleton is really calm.

"Mr. skeleton."

Huang Liang bowed respectfully.

"You're a little interesting," said Mr. skeleton. "You knocked down one of my team leaders with one punch."


"Nothing. I like the strong. The waste should lie on the ground and shut up." Mr. skeleton said, "where did you live before? I've never seen you."

"Three years ago, I left this island," Huang Liang said according to his words agreed with Lamia. "Recently, I returned to this island."

"Did you come back recently?" Mr. skeleton brightened his eyes. "It seems that the closure measures I have taken are not very effective."

"No, your arrangement made all the people who came back with me buried in the sea. I was just lucky and jumped out of the boat faster than them." Huang Liang said.

"What is the purpose of your return to banaya?"

"To be your subordinate," said Huang Liang, "is my supreme glory to be the power in your hands."

"Tell the truth."

"I want to kill people and set fire lawlessly." Huang Liang said with a sneer. "Only in banaya, under your hands, can I achieve my wish."

"Hahaha, I like people with outstanding strength and honest people." Mr. skeleton said, "kill him." he stretched out his hand and pointed to Huang Liang, "and that man." he also pointed to the small captain who fell to the ground, "and him. Kill all three of them, and you can join my 'skeleton Pro corps'."

Mr. skeleton finally pointed to the submissive thin man. He saw that everyone's eyes were focused on himself. When his feet were soft, he immediately knelt on the ground.

He shivered and said, "skeleton, Mr. skeleton, I --"

"Shut up, coward," said Mr. skeleton. "People like you will only pollute my team and make them as weak as you. Every breath of air you breathe is a waste. Die, coward."

Without hesitation, Huang Liang inserted the knife into Ye Feng's heart. He was afraid of further delay, and Ye Feng would swallow his breath. Then he went to the body of the unconscious little captain who fell on the ground, and the bloody knife in his hand was inserted into the stomach of the fierce man. The man gave a shrill scream, his whole body bowed up, and then fell to the ground as a body like Ye Feng.

Mr. skeleton looked at Huang Liang and killed the two targets he designated cleanly, but what made him frown slightly was that after killing the team leader, Huang Liang directly left the knife on the man's body instead of pulling out the knife and killing the third man.

"What do you mean?" he looked at Huang Liang coldly.

"This waste dirtied my hands." Huang Liang looked at him calmly. "Mr. skeleton, I joined your command not to kill weaker guys than me. I want a challenge, not a lamb to be slaughtered."

"...." Mr. skeleton stared at Huang Liang. The people present were as nervous as Huang Liang and didn't dare to breathe loudly. Although Huang Liang seemed complacent and very calm, his heart was like walking a tightrope in the air, and his nervous stomach began to twitch.

"You're really interesting," Mr. skeleton began to laugh without warning. "OK, you don't have to dirty your hands, but I must remind you that this is the last time you disobey my orders, do you understand?"

"Yes, boss." Huang Liang lowered his head respectfully.


"I'll go. Thank you. You really saved me from the shark's mouth." Ye Feng stared at beitik next to him. He was dizzy. He found himself in a dense forest, and beitik was making a bonfire.

"All right? It's incredible that you really survived," said bettick. "When I pulled you up from the sea, believe me, you stink completely."

"Needless to say, it's too detailed. I know what the body is like and that death will deprive a person of dignity." Ye Feng said, "that's why I always avoid hanging up in front of my beloved woman. My death is really ugly."

"You're right. How's it going? Would you like something to eat?"

"For a while, I'm still a little uncomfortable." Ye Feng lay on the ground and looked at the clear sky at night. "So, Huangliang has successfully entered the 'skeleton Pro corps'?"

"It should be, I'm not sure, but it should be similar to what was envisaged in the plan." bettick said. "I haven't seen sorghum yet. Is he really as boring as you said?"

"It's true of him, but he's a great actor."


"That's right, actor. In order to catch the enemy, Huang Liang often sneaks into the enemy's interior and unknowingly knows all the confidential information. Then he will remove his disguise and kill all the bad guys." Ye Feng said, "he is such a bad person."

"All right..." whispered betick. "I hope he can achieve his goal."

"Relax, he must be fine, and there's me."

"You? Isn't your task over?"

"Cut, how can I be willing to be a foil for others?" Ye Feng said. "I'm the protagonist. Huang Liang, no matter how NB he is, he's just a sophomore in my story."

"Mr. Ye Feng, you are really an interesting person. I don't understand what you mean when you say a lot." Betty looked at him with interest. "You are like a madman, talking crazy all day."

"There are some problems with my mental state. People often say I'm crazy, but what I say is the truth." Ye Feng said, "believe me, genius and madness are essentially the same kind of people."

"Well... How are you going to act?"

"Get me something to drink first. I'm dying of thirst," said Ye Feng. "When I recover, it's time for me to shine on the stage."

"I hope Huangliang can hold on until then."

"He's OK. What I'm worried about is that he moves too fast and doesn't have a chance for me to show."

Facts have proved that Ye Feng is still too optimistic. Huangliang, who is in danger, is struggling. It is difficult for him to find a chance to get close to Mr. skeleton.

In fact, he suspects that Mr. skeleton is not in the "fortress" at all. As for where he is, in fact, few people know. At least among the people that Huangliang can contact, no one knows where Mr. skeleton stays most of the day and why he haunts like a ghost.

The "skeleton Pro corps" is a very strange small group. Although Mr. skeleton is the absolute manager and controller, he is not directly involved in the daily affairs of the "skeleton Pro corps". In fact, few people can touch him at all.

How does the skeleton Pro Corps work normally?

In fact, it's very simple. Everyone is busy climbing up, so there's not much to manage at all.

The person at the lowest level is responsible for patrolling every day. At the upper level is the team leader and the lowest level manager. The team leader used to be a platoon bully, who can command the team leader. Above the platoon bully is the battle head. At this level, there are only a few people, who are really strong.

The promotion system of the skeleton Pro Corps is very simple and rough: fighting.

Whoever has a hard fist is the big brother.

Although you can't challenge beyond your level, you can fight from the lowest level to the top.

Huang Liang is busy with such things.

Because he killed a team leader on the first day, it became natural for him to challenge another team leader. Without much effort, Huang Liang killed three small captains and successfully promoted to be a captain of the skeleton Pro Corps.

Instead of stopping, he challenged and defeated three platoon bullies one after another, which made him a platoon bully of the "skeleton Pro corps" in just a few days.

Here, the challenge speed of Huangliang had to slow down.

The "skeleton Pro corps" has only five battle heads.

According to the statement circulated in the "skeleton Pro corps", these five people are really strong. They may not be all combatants, but they are all top-notch experts in their respective fields.

One of the best players is a native of banaya. Before Mr. skeleton controlled the island, he was a bully on the island, and no one dared to provoke him. After entering the command of Mr. skeleton, the barbarian became more and more unscrupulous. Almost every time, he would go out to kill people just to satisfy his desire to suck blood. He was a real madman.

However, he is a very powerful madman. Few people can live under his fist for a minute. Most people have been killed by him just in person.

The man's name is unknown. He is called 'mad dog'.

Yes, on the island of banaya, mad dog refers to a certain person, a murderous madman and a murderous maniac.

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