This leads to a very ridiculous phenomenon. No one is afraid of sorghum.

He was walking alone in the street. There was no one behind him. He didn't look like the "skeleton Pro corps" in groups.

He doesn't even look like a hooligan at all.

Huang Liang needs to act like a smelly hooligan, so does he have to find trouble with passers-by? If someone dares to choke with him, he stares at him, and the other party dares not speak.

In fact, seeing the weapons he was carrying, no one dared to send them to trouble Huang Liang. He was a member of the "skeleton Pro corps". Although there was only one person, his weapons didn't have eyes.

A man was following Huang Liang not far or near. He followed him very carefully and never let himself be exposed to Huang Liang's vision, and Huang Liang didn't show the slightest cautious tension after he found himself tracked.

He walked aimlessly in the street alone.

The man who follows Huang Liang is called poisonous scorpion. Of course, this is his code name. For an outlaw like him who licks blood on the tip of a knife all day, his name has no meaning and will only make the work more complicated.

Poisonous scorpion has the same purpose as Huangliang. He is also a mercenary contacted by red house to take Mr. skeleton's head. But unlike Huang Liang, he came to banaya island alone.

He once lived on this island for several years because he offended a big customer who threatened to use his head as an ashtray.

Finally, the poisonous scorpion personally stuffed the big customer's head into the toilet. For his impulsive behavior without any reward, he hid for a few years.

Until the red house found him.

The poisonous scorpion took over the arduous task without any hesitation. He likes challenges, and he hates Mr. skeleton very much.

In the short cooperation, the poisonous scorpion and Mr. skeleton left unpleasant memories. In fact, almost the vast majority of people who have come into contact with Mr. skeleton hate Mr. skeleton very much.

But the poisonous scorpion gets a chance, a job, can earn a good commission, and can enjoy the fun of taking the lives of those who choke with him.

But once again, returning to the island of banaya, the scorpion realized that he thought things too simple. Although he is not who he used to be - in order to avoid the pursuit of his enemies, he has undergone comprehensive cosmetic surgery and even vocal cord surgery to prevent someone from recognizing him by voice. As for his fingerprints, he has no fingerprints, and he has already handled the fingerprints of his ten fingers with strong acid - the problem is, Mr. skeleton is not the once annoying Mr. skeleton. Although he is still as annoying as the bastard in his memory, this time, Mr. skeleton has many younger brothers armed with teeth. It is said that Mr. skeleton has experienced unknown experiences, and his strength has become unfathomable.

At least he can make the red house eat flat, which should attract the attention of the poisonous scorpion.

But the Scorpion was careless.

When he was trapped on the island of banaya, he regretted that he should make full preparations in advance and then take action.

Just when he was at a loss, he saw Huangliang and Ye Feng whispering in the back corner. This surprised him.

For several nights, he quietly hid in the shadow and eavesdropped on their conversation. After careful observation, he found that the two men were not native to banaya, and they might not even have lived on the island. And from their almost inaudible whisper, he seemed to hear a harsh word.

These two sneaky people seem to want to do something to Mr. skeleton.

The poisonous scorpion realizes that a good opportunity given by God falls in front of him. If he can use these two people as his chips to get close to Mr. skeleton, maybe he can complete the task!

The poisonous scorpion was very excited. He watched the two strange men more closely. To his surprise, the two men joined hands to kill the monster named 'mad dog', which made him pay more attention not to expose himself. He didn't want to be killed by these two bastards.

When overhearing that the two men were about to leave the fortress and meet their associates, the poisonous scorpion realized that the best time had come for him to do it himself. He could kill one of them unconsciously, and then take his body to Mr. skeleton to receive a reward. The poisonous scorpion believed that even if he couldn't find a chance to do it himself, You can also get a good reward from Mr. skeleton.

He finally chose Huangliang with bandages.

Just a wounded man, even if his hand is good. However, the poisonous scorpion can see clearly that this sorghum can win the "mad dog" entirely because of dog shit luck and cleverness.

He may be a little better than a poisonous scorpion.

But after the injury, maybe the poisonous scorpion is so strong.

Seeing Huang Liang walk into a broken house, after dozens of seconds, the two men came out swearing, with big red shoe prints on their faces.

There is no doubt that Huang Liang robbed a house to wait for his accomplices.

It should not be too late. If all his associates arrive, it will be difficult to do. After thinking clearly, the poisonous scorpion walked quickly to the house. Before entering, he pretended to look inside. Huangliang was standing by the wall, humming a tune.

It's the best time to sneak in.

Without any hesitation, the poisonous scorpion rushed into the house, ready to give a fatal blow to the Yellow sorghum whose pants were not carried.

But when the door behind him was slammed shut, the poisonous scorpion realized that the food was bad.

Two men and a woman suddenly appeared in the house. They and Huangliang blocked the poisonous scorpion and gave him no time to react. "Hello, everyone. I went the wrong way. Sorry, sorry." The poisonous scorpion smiled and turned to leave the house.

"Man, we're all here. Why are you in a hurry?" Ye Feng smiled at him, "haven't you enjoyed listening to our brothers these days? Why, I don't know what to talk about when I meet offline?"

"You --"

The poisonous scorpion's heart sank. He knew that his nickname was basically explained here.

"Take him!"

At Ye Feng's command, several people in the house came forward and pressed the poisonous scorpion on the ground and tied it with the prepared rope.

"What shall we do with him?" Huangliang looks at Lamia.

The cold woman said, "kill."

The poisonous scorpion struggled desperately.

"I feel bad." Ye Feng said, "I'd better give this dirty work to Mr. skeleton."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's give this man to Mr. skeleton and press a charge on his head. For example, we don't sleep in the middle of the night with the intention of assassinating Mr. skeleton." Ye Feng said, "let them bite the dog. We won't suffer."

"No, it's too dangerous. He'll drag you all into the water." Lamia shook her head. "We can't joke about that."

"Don't worry, there will be no problem, because there is me." Ye Feng took out a small bottle from his pocket, "this thing is very powerful."


"Idiot powder." Ye Feng said, "I originally prepared it for Mr. skeleton, but it's a pity that it can't be used for a long time. However, it's still barely enough for this bastard. The amount of this small bottle is enough to turn 10000 people into morons who can only spit."

The poisonous scorpion struggled more violently, and Cao Yan, who was closest to him, gave him a kick.

"Brother Feng, you won't use this thing on me?" Cao Yan asked half jokingly and half seriously.

"It's not necessary. It may be negative." Ye Feng said, "Huang Liang, what do you think of this plan?"

"Yes." Huang Liang said, "but before that, let's ask this bastard why he wants to stare at us. I've recruited you in full, or I'll follow the lady's advice and chop you directly."

In the face of the fear of death, the poisonous scorpion didn't play any tricks. He told all the things that had happened recently.

"That's me. We're still peers?" After listening to the poisonous scorpion murmuring, Huang Liang said thoughtfully, "and you are the red house to solve the problem?"

"Yes, yes." The poisonous scorpion nodded again and again.

"I know you, poisonous scorpion. You did several major cases a few years ago." Cao Yan said, "I met you."

"Hahaha, it's all fate, fate..."

"Fate is a fart. Haven't you heard a word? Peers are enemies." Ye Feng's expressionless face pried open the mouth of the poisonous scorpion and poured the idiot powder into his final.

The poisonous scorpion struggled desperately, but he had nothing to do but passively swallowed the idiot powder.

After a few minutes, the light in the scorpion's eyes gradually faded. He drooled and kept repeating some inexplicable words: "chongtian Huahua is not my mother... Chongtian Huahua is not my mother..."

"I'll go. It's really good." Cao Yan saw it.

"Has he really become an idiot?" Lamia was stunned.

"Yes, he has become an idiot." Ye Feng nodded the head of the poisonous scorpion, "this thing is really powerful. The old man didn't lie to me."

"Old man?" Lamia looked at him.

"Nothing, a man who has to die than him." Huang Liang said, "yes, we'll give this man to Mr. skeleton. It's time for this bastard to be punished. He has done so many bad things. It's still strange to let another bastard try him."

For Huang Liang, he is still used to handling things alone. Mr. skeleton always felt something wrong with giving the poisonous scorpion to him. However, this is indeed an opportunity to get close to Mr. skeleton. If you stay in the "fortress" for a period of time, you will inevitably have long dreams and accidents. Huang Liang is not a hooligan after all. He can pretend, but once it is seen, he has to do something against his bottom line. With Huang Liang's character, he will never change.

Therefore, it is a top priority to solve the problem before it is revealed.

Although Ye Feng can be a little busy, he still has to rely on him when he really faces Mr. skeleton. Ye Feng and Mr. skeleton are too familiar. It is inevitable that Mr. skeleton will not find Ye Feng's true identity.

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