"By the way, did Ye Feng, that idiot, come with you? I heard that you and he have become inseparable girlfriends. Don't talk? Does it mean nothing? Or does it mean something? It doesn't matter. He's just a clown, and I don't care about him at all. If he's really here, don't worry, he'll come down with you in a short time, and then you two You can happily hand in hand.

"Please don't look at me with such eyes. I won't do anything to you. I know your temper and have heard some rumors. Some people who don't have eyes have forced you a little. I heard that you are very brave and haven't revealed a word. I admire such a tough man. It's rare now, so I won't torture you, because there's no way It's necessary, and it seems that I'm low-level.

"As for your death, I'm sorry. Since it can't be avoided, let's face the coldness of fate. Huangliang, you should stay away from my island."

"Your island, banaya, doesn't belong to anyone. It's a free island." Huang Liang said expressionless, "your existence and what you do will be punished accordingly. Even if the person who punishes you can't be me, this day will eventually come."

"Is this your last words? It's really boring. You should focus on yourself instead of discussing my destiny." Mr. skeleton said disapprovingly, "Huang Liang, can't you surprise me?"

"What surprise do you want?"

"Suddenly give me a knife or something. You don't have any resistance at all. I'm beginning to be a little bored." Mr. skeleton said, "although you know current affairs as a hero, you have been sentenced to death by me, so you should put down your worries. Really, it's time to fight to death."

Mr. skeleton's words completely confused Huang Liang. He didn't know what the other party meant by saying these words. Was he complaining that I didn't stab him? Is this man sick

"- I always give others a chance." Mr. skeleton said to himself, "as long as I think I should give you a chance, I will give you. Come on." he opened his hands, "I'll give you a chance. Give this man a knife." Mr. skeleton said to a group of men behind him, "what are you waiting for? Hurry up."

Everyone present was stunned. Not only Huang Liang looked at Mr. skeleton, but also his men looked at each other. No one spoke or really took out a knife for a long time.

Finally, Mr. skeleton reached out and took out a knife and handed it to Huang Liang himself. As if in a dream, Huang Liang took the machete and looked at Mr. skeleton who was gesturing to aim at his stomach.

"Are you... Serious?" Huang Liang was afraid to start.

"Of course, hurry up. It's my little respect to stab me." Mr. skeleton said. "I suggest you aim at your stomach. It's more convenient."

"... you're really crazy."

Without any hesitation, Huang Liang inserted the Dao in his hand into Mr. skeleton's body. According to the feeling in his hand, he knew that this knife would definitely kill the madman.

Blood dripping on the floor, Mr. skeleton's men shouted one by one, and Huang Liang turned the knife handle. He heard Mr. skeleton's cry. When Huang Liang raised his head, he thought he would see Mr. skeleton's body, and then he would be killed by his dog legs.

But it didn't happen. Mr. skeleton was smiling at him. Even though a big hole was opened in his stomach by yellow sorghum, he was like nothing - although he showed his teeth in pain, he was still alive.


Huang Liang was completely frightened by the strange scene. Even Mr. skeleton's dog legs stared at their leaders with frightened eyes.

Is he immortal?

Damn it


The story that Huang Liang was caught by Mr. skeleton soon spread in the "fortress". After all, he is also a War Regiment Zhang who doesn't deserve his name. People of his level have been caught by Mr. skeleton one after another - the former "mad dog" -- in the "fortress".

Ye Feng heard the rumors at the first time. Although he heard all the news that had been transmitted by N hands and had changed its quality, there is no doubt that the fact that Huang Liang's identity was exposed and caught by Mr. skeleton will not go wrong.

When he heard the news, he was in the back kitchen of the canteen. He heard what those people who came to breakfast said and was almost scared to pee his pants.

A whole night has passed, and Ye Feng is not sure whether Huangliang is still alive. But after hearing that there is a ceremony - it seems that it is a small activity made by Mr. Huang Liang - Huangliang will appear at the ceremony, Ye Feng's heart is slightly calmed. Just after 9 a.m., there is a noise in the "fortress", and Ye Feng has the courage - he is not sure Huangliang Did you tell him, but judging from the current situation, he should not have been exposed - but he didn't get too close, but looked at Mr. skeleton in the center of the field outside the crowd.

And yellow sorghum.

"My servants, look, this brave man sneaked into the 'Fortress' alone just to stab me, for noble reasons. I hereby express my admiration to him." Mr. skeleton bowed affectably.

Shit, I thought this boastful idiot turned sexual. It turned out to be that damn virtue. Ye Feng hid in the crowd and stared at the Yellow sorghum that seemed to be unharmed. Why didn't he beat him and cut him? Huang Liang couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in Mr. skeleton's gourd.

"---- he will follow in the footsteps of those before him and pay the price of his stupid behavior, the price of his life," said Mr. skeleton, "Some people will be sent to feed sharks. But this brave man will not. He will face a more terrible existence. I believe that some of you, with the same attention as him, want to undermine secretly and cause me a little trouble. Yes, I fully accept the existence of these people. I just advise those people that my patience is limited if I catch them Handle, Hei hei. "Mr. skeleton's cold eyes scanned the people present, and Ye Feng quickly lowered his head.

"He will die ugly. He will be like the terrible thing this man will experience. Believe me, I don't exaggerate at all. Compared with it, being thrown to feed sharks is definitely a paradise way to die."

True or false. Ye Feng muttered in his heart. Can he die worse by being thrown to feed fish?

"That's all for today. Let me remind you again. Be honest!"

Mr. skeleton left. The two people behind him put up the Yellow sorghum with bound hands and feet and walked towards the cliff in the direction of the castle. Ye Feng hurriedly followed him. Taking advantage of the crowd, he came forward and knocked out a man at the end of the queue behind Mr. skeleton. He still said, "what's the matter with this man? Is it heatstroke?" Like that, he dragged the man to a corner, quickly changed into his clothes, and then felt his face black. Then he quickly caught up with the queue that had almost reached the cliff.

Ye Feng didn't see the figure of Mr. skeleton, which relieved him.

"Hey, little mute, did you run to pee?" a strong man with five big and three thick said to Ye Feng, with a very ferocious expression on his face.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah." Ye Feng pretended to be a mute and gestured in sign language.

"What are you doing here? Your TM nickname is dumb, so you really put a dumb here?" the strong man gave Ye Feng a big mouth and beat Huang Ye Feng around in place.

"Fuck, keep up!"

"OK..." Ye Feng muttered and obediently followed the big army.

The group escorted Huang Liang onto a rugged path that could lead to the bottom of the cliff. Fortunately, Ye Feng was at the end. Otherwise, he would rumble down because he walked too fast. In short, there was a long distance between the large forces. Huang Liang finally reached the rubble under the cliff without danger, and the sea was constantly flowing These smooth boulders are being washed away by.

Huang Liang didn't recognize Ye Feng. In fact, Ye Feng touched his face to the bottom of the pot. It's strange that someone can see who he is.

Watching Huangliang being pushed and pushed by a crowd to the entrance of a cave, Ye Feng slowly followed up.

"Idiot, go inside. If you dare to turn around and run back, I'll shoot you!" a short, thick man said to Huang Liang. Although Huang Liang's steps are no longer bound, a strong rope is still held on his wrist.

"Hum." Leng hum. Huang Liang walked slowly towards the cave with waist deep water. The dog legs of Mr. skeleton really looked at Huang Liang slowly with guns. They looked very nervous, as if they were afraid of a big monster coming out of the cave.

"Where? Where's the little mute?" the strong man walked around a lot and found that the little mute was missing. "This bastard, he's even deserting?! I have to teach him a good lesson!"

"OK, maybe we ran back in advance." one man said, "it doesn't matter. As usual, we can leave three people here to look at the hole. Who are you going to stay?"

"Old rule, draw lots."

When a dozen men gathered in a circle to draw lots, Ye Feng swam slowly towards the cave under the water. He couldn't let Huang Liang face all the dangers alone.

Ye Feng wants to turn around and run away. The little devil in his heart keeps whispering in his ear. But another little angel is encouraging Ye Feng to move on.

"Think about it." the little angel said, "you have only one male friend, Ye Feng. If Huangliang dies, you will have no friends. Do I know what I mean? This will make those rumors more credible: Ye Feng is a psychopath, and he will only pit his friends to death."

"Just let those idiots say," retorted the little devil, "Finally, they will find out who will laugh last. You are Ye Feng. You will live last. You can stand in front of the tombstone of those who slander you, pee at the stone tablet with their black-and-white photos printed on it, listen to me, man, we will immediately turn around, pretend to be safe and leave the pig nest, and then find a way to leave here forever and stay away from the moldy bone shelf."

"Shut up, idiot!" the little angel said, "it is because of you that Ye Feng has done so many wrong things!"

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