"No way, I must be the person you hate most," said Mr. skeleton, with a contemptuous smile on his face. "You're making a state of mind."

Ye Feng also smiled: "no, you are not the person I hate most."

Mr. skeleton smiled reluctantly: "no way, I must be the person you hate most."

Ye Feng still smiled brightly: "no, you are not the person I hate most."

Mr. skeleton looked Betrayed: "no way, I must be the person you hate most."

Ye Feng's smile is more brilliant. "No, you are not the person I hate most."

Mr. skeleton said almost gnashing his teeth, "it's impossible. I must be the person you hate most."

"All right, you idiots, who is the most annoying person in your mind? Is it so important?" yelled Huang Liang. "Today is either you or me. Don't write!"

"You're such a wet blanket," said Mr. skeleton. "Didn't anyone tell you that?"

"I often say that about him," said Ye Feng. "You start imitating what I said again."

Mr. skeleton snorted coldly. "You imitate me."

Ye Feng said, "no, you imitate me."

Mr. skeleton roared, "you imitate me!"

Ye Feng still had a calm expression: "no, you imitate me."

Mr. skeleton's spittle has been sprayed everywhere: "you imitate me!"

"You all shut up!" Huang Liang couldn't stand it. He pulled out his sharp blade from the scabbard and rushed towards Mr. skeleton. "Come and die, Mr. skeleton."

He had been easily avoided by Mr. skeleton. He even gave Huang Liang a kick and made him fall to shit.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

He managed to avoid the sharp blade thrown at him by Huang Liang.

"Shit, it's just a joke. You don't have to."

"Shut up!" Huang Liang got up angrily and turned to look at Mr. skeleton. He didn't dare to attack rashly again. Just now his action seemed reckless. In fact, he saw that Mr. skeleton showed a huge flaw. So he chose to cut the mess with a quick knife and attack directly. But what he didn't expect was that Mr. skeleton's skill was surprisingly good. Huang Liang knew very well that his just sword could not be avoided by ordinary people. Even Ye Feng had to eat it.

In Ye Feng's narration, ten Mr. skeletons can't catch up with him.

Facts have proved that he is farting, otherwise, even Mr. skeleton's skill has long exceeded Ye Feng's imagination.

"Damn..." Mr. skeleton kicked Huang Liang's wound, which made him miserable. If scolding his mother could alleviate the pain, he would give a good 'greeting' to the mothers of people all over the world.

"What can't be solved through communication?" Ye Feng said. In fact, he knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for the three of them to beat Mr. skeleton in front of him. Although he didn't know what happened to him, there was no doubt that Mr. skeleton was no longer the little garbage he pinched at will. He became a real opponent.

Or the kind you can't win.

In fact, Mr. skeleton's skill has changed by leaps and bounds, but also thanks to "that thing". The big monster that was shot and exploded by valkiri.

Mr. skeleton usually eats its meat.

Yes, Mr. skeleton gave it meat.

In exchange, Mr. skeleton will eat its meat.

Although it's a little tongue twister, simply put, Mr. skeleton became a little different from ordinary humans because he ate the meat on it. He had almost invincible reaction and physical strength.

His physical quality has almost caught up with that of mutants, or even worse.

For the three of Ye Feng, Mr. skeleton is almost an alien. His ability is completely beyond their previous expectations.

After all, he is the one who can make the red house shrivel. This has never happened before. Lisa didn't tell Ye Feng that the red house staff suffered heavy losses in the process of catching Mr. skeleton, so they began to hire temporary workers to help solve the problem.

Holding a blind cat meets a dead mouse mentality, the red house is actually a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

As for whether these people they found can really solve Mr. skeleton, they can only try.

Lisa, in fact, is a pit for Ye Feng. Although she didn't mean it - in her opinion, Ye Feng is the kind of person who can create miracles - she did pull Ye Feng into this dangerous vortex.

Even if ye Feng doesn't come to Mr. skeleton in time, Mr. skeleton will take the initiative to find him. After all, Ye Feng is the person he hates most.

This hatred cannot be dispelled and can only end with the death of one party. Mr. skeleton will still think of the humiliation that Ye Feng has done to himself from time to time, which he will never forget. If you can't kill Ye Feng yourself, Mr. skeleton always feels that he lacks something in his life.

And this opportunity is in front of us. Ye Feng is in front of us. Although he has two people in the way, Mr. skeleton doesn't care at all. They will all die here today.

First of all, Mr. skeleton is not only more terrible. He got several treasures from that spaceship.

Although the actual use of these things may not be the way Mr. skeleton uses them, they are still very rebellious.

There is a small ball among them. The ability of the bead is very rebellious. It can revive a dead man. Even if the dead man had only the remains of the bone shelf, this bead could bring him back to life.

The magic brothers were resurrected by Mr. skeleton with this bead.

As for how he discovered the magical effect of this humble bead, it must be said that it was under an accidental coincidence. After torturing a man who betrayed him to death, he accidentally dropped the bead into the mouth of the corpse while playing with the bead, which he didn't know how to use at that time.

When he saw the man stabbed to death by himself standing up like nothing, Mr. skeleton was stunned. He had to kill the unlucky guy again.

After repeated experiments several times, Mr. skeleton finally determined that the little bead could bring the dead back to life. This result made him ecstatic and paid a huge price for it.

He began to secretly collect the bodies of capable people all over the world, trying to increase his strength by reviving them. But problems followed.

Most importantly, some of the resurrected people did not listen to Mr. skeleton's orders at all. He did revive these private people, but they were not obedient at all, which made Mr. skeleton very uncomfortable.

He even caused himself a lot of trouble.

As a last resort, Mr. skeleton can only resurrect one by one. If the other party refuses to cooperate and refuse to become his little brother, he can only kill these bodies bought with a lot of money again and throw them into the sea to feed sharks.

Because of this, Mr. skeleton wasted a lot of energy. From the initial ecstasy to the subsequent calm, and then to the final disgust, Mr. skeleton finally terminated the resurrection plan. He realized that he didn't need to recruit a group of disobedient younger brothers at all. He was enough.

The more capable people are, the more eccentric people are. That's why Mr. skeleton's men are full of idiots. Even if he mastered the ability to revive the dead, he failed to come up with a team composed of capable people. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that many people don't want to be the little brother of others at all. Instead, they want to be Mr. skeleton's big brother.

This made Mr. skeleton tired. Finally, he gave up the whole plan and put the object that could revive people on the shelf and didn't touch him anymore. So that he can continue to work down-to-earth. Instead of being immersed in fantasy every day. Dream of having an invincible army.

However, he left some people who were willing to cooperate with him, such as magic brothers, white knights and green demons. Yes, these people have been killed before. It was Mr. skeleton who brought them back to life. For them, they have no dissatisfaction with Mr. skeleton's cooperation.

However, in addition to the green demon, other people face death again. It can only be said that women still have advantages over men in some aspects.

The secret weapon that Mr. skeleton relies on most is actually the laser flashlight style thing that he hangs around his waist. He still knows a little about the real purpose of this thing, but from the function of this little thing he has mastered at present, its ability is undoubtedly very powerful.

In short, this thing can transform Mr. skeleton into a set of ultra-high-tech combat armor.

Although he didn't need the help of this armor at all, Mr. skeleton used this armor in front of the three of Ye Feng. A man he hated for so long and caused so much damage to him. Ye Feng and Huang Liang deserve his serious treatment.

"I'll go. What are you?" Ye Feng looked at Mr. skeleton who had completed his transformation in front of him. "Are you a salted egg Superman? Damn it, Huang Liang, did you see it? That bastard changed into a cool armor without saying a word. Who does he think he is? Shouldn't this time be accompanied by cool sound and light? It's really low!"

Although Ye Feng's tone is extremely contemptuous and doesn't seem to pay attention to Mr. skeleton in front of him at all, Huang Liang and Mr. skeleton are old acquaintances who know him better. They all know that Ye Feng is actually very jealous at the moment. He has been extremely jealous.

"Man, you'd better wipe the saliva around your mouth." Huang Liang said helplessly, "are you greedy?"

"Me? No!" Ye Feng looked around excitedly.

"You just envy my armor," said Mr. skeleton. "To tell you the truth, I don't need it at all to deal with you three smelly fish and shrimps, but it's still necessary to annoy you."

"I'll go, you dead bone!" Ye Feng's face turned red. "How old are you? Do you think it's interesting to say what such a runny little fart would say?"

"Interesting, you're so angry that you're going to blow your beard and stare." Mr. skeleton said leisurely. "After all, this is a pastime I've been waiting for for for a long time, Ye Feng. You know how long I've been waiting for this day? I've been looking forward to the day when I can crush you to death."

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