When facing an enemy who may be stronger than yourself, you must be calm. Jane is like this. She pays attention to the invisible person in front of her and doesn't let go of his every move.

At the same time, she secretly sent a distress signal to the people of the shield bearer alliance. This is the first time Jane has used this function. A small chip has been implanted on the side of her arm, which can do many things. Sending a distress signal is one of the functions.

Before, Jane felt some resistance to implanting a small chip into her body, but she finally implanting the small chip into her body under Edlin's persuasion. It had not been used before, but at this time, it became a protective shield in Jane's hand.

Jane was glad that she didn't lose a chance to survive because of her stupidity.

Just five more minutes. Jane said to herself. The people of the shield bearer alliance will arrive. Before that, we must hold this bastard.

"You want to procrastinate?" a man's voice suddenly sounded, startling Jane.

"... who are you?"

"Is this question important to you?"

"I don't kill nobody."

"It seems that you still haven't figured out who is the mouse and who is the cat."

The man's brisk tone made Jane very angry.

"You must be the one who died here."

"No, no one will die here today. After all, you have bled," said the man. "It's a fair deal, isn't it? You kicked me, and you paid the price of blood."

"That's not the price," said Jane contemptuously. "It's just to kill you more conveniently."

"I like your honesty. I like your character more than Adrian." the man said to himself. "She tried to calm me like I'm a little gangster who doesn't understand shit. Am I asking too much? I just want to find a job in the shield alliance."

"The shield bearer alliance doesn't need a stalker like you," Jane said. "Besides, I have some say. Don't worry, you can't be my colleague."

"Maybe, in fact, I don't mind very much," the man said. "The nine to five work is a burden for me. I prefer a free life."

"You're sick."

"Of course, I must be ill. Everyone is ill, but they don't have this talent." the man said. "If other people have my ability to be invisible, believe me, they will go too far than I do."

"So you know your behavior is disgusting," said Jane contemptuously. "It seems that some people haven't been deceiving themselves all the time."

"Of course, I know that many of my pedestrians are not understood by ordinary people, and I don't expect their understanding. For me, as long as I can live comfortably and make my life happy, everything is OK and there are no taboos." the man said, "this is my life attitude."

"You are such a selfish man that I feel sick."

"Ha ha, well, I like your honesty." the man said, "the time is almost up. Let's stop here today. Your colleagues are coming. We had a good chat. We have a chance to talk next time."

"You wait!!"

The pool of hanging blood disappeared. Jane ran a few steps to delay the invisible person's action, but she didn't know where the person was. After working in vain for a while, Jane could only whisper a few curses to meet the rescue team of the shield bearer alliance.

"What's going on? Jane, you've met a tough enemy?"

The team leader of the rescue team is a middle-aged man. His name is "Yo Yo". His ability is very special. He can blink within a certain range, but there is a disadvantage. After exceeding this distance, he will immediately return to his original place, just like a yo yo.

He himself was very dissatisfied with his title. He asked others to call him locomotive, but he was the only one who called himself that. Others called him yo yo.

"An invisible person is the bastard who harassed Edlin in the morning. I'm sure it's him," Jane said. "He's very powerful. He ate me hard and nothing happened."

"So powerful?" the Yo Yo smacked slightly.

"Yes, it was with her head," Jane said expressionless. "Damn it, I couldn't hold him."

"After all, it's a person with stealth ability. This kind of person is very troublesome," said the yo yo. "And he's also a person with unpredictable stealth ability. It seems that something will happen in Xindu."

"The trouble is dead," Jane said. "Let's go back to the shield bearer alliance. I'm going to have facial paralysis with adlin."



"Damn it, what does he want to do?" after listening to Jane's story, Edlin leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes tired. "Does he have some hatred for the shield bearer alliance?"

"I don't know, but it's easy to infer from the two things he pestered you and me today that he has an eye on the shield alliance," Jane said. "I doubt he will continue to act. Adlin, we must be prepared."

"Prepare? Prepare what? A silver snake who you may not be able to beat?" Adelin frowned. "Such an opponent is really terrible."

"We can only let our people pay more attention to safety recently," Jane said. "Before solving the crisis, Adelin, we must let the people of the shield alliance know that they are in danger. Most of our members will not survive if they are attacked by that bastard."

"You're right. I'll immediately inform everyone that if there is no mission in the near future, it can not be used to report to the building." Adelin said that she is facing a great enemy for the sudden stealth ability. If an enemy even Jane feels difficult, other people of the shield alliance will be even more unlikely to survive in the hands of that bastard.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that just one person had paralyzed the shield bearer alliance," adlin said wearily, rubbing his temples.

"Yes, he is really a person, but the damage he can do alone may be unbearable for the shield alliance." Jane frowned. She hasn't felt nervous for a long time.

She is very nervous now.


For the first time since adlin came to power, the shield bearer alliance was paralyzed, and its pace stopped. Almost all the tasks that do not have to be completed have stalled, and all the effective forces are invested in the tasks in hand, so as to complete all the tasks that must be performed in a short time.

Then everyone - all members and employees of the shield Alliance - began to take leave without a deadline. Thanks to adlin's previous efforts to reshape the brand image of the shield holder alliance, the income of the shield holder alliance has been very high in the past period of time and can cope with the crisis. For adlin, money is no longer a problem. She may use the power of money to make the world a better place. It can be said that money ability may be the most powerful superpower in the world. Adlin has a full and correct understanding of this.

She is a very practical person. Since she is useful, why not?

You ask how the shield alliance makes money?

Then you are really naive. A hero group is very easy to make money, and the profit is amazing. But the annual endorsement fee is a huge astronomical figure. The heroes of the shield holder alliance are all superstars with huge fan groups. They are even more famous than ordinary stars. They only need to spend some time shooting advertisements and then take a few endorsements, which can bring huge benefits to them and the shield holder alliance itself.

Secondly, there are a group of special people in the shield bearer alliance. Their abilities are very general, but they are capable people. They hardly participate in dangerous actions. Unlike Jane and Kirby, they fight in the front line. Their places of battle are usually other safe places such as fan meetings. But they are just as important to the shield bearer alliance. They are famous people. They are usually handsome, beautiful and charming, and they are natural speakers and good actors. For them, life means filming on the set and attending a press conference every day.

But ordinary people like them very much. Their box office appeal is very terrible. It is expected to make a lot of money in one step.

Their existence is also an important guarantee that the shield bearer alliance can make a lot of profits.

Moreover, adlin has also formed an alliance with other organizations in need of help. She is responsible for performing the task. Accordingly, the necessary expenses will be paid or organized. Although this is almost just trying to make ends meet, the shield bearer alliance has made enough money in other aspects.

Money has never been a problem, and the safety of members is the top priority.

So even though he was very helpless, Edlin made a choice immediately. For her, an invisible person - and an invisible person who is strongly biased against the shield Alliance - means that members of the shield alliance may face massacre, which she can only do everything she can to avoid.

But she can't do much, because she is an invisible person.

However, the massacre of the employees of the shield bearer alliance she was worried about did not happen. For some reason, the invisible person never showed up again. Adelin always paid attention to her employees, but no one said they were attacked by the invisible person. No, nothing happened. In the past week, Only one employee had a car accident because he kept looking down at his mobile phone screen when crossing the road.

Edlin, Ye Feng and others don't believe that this matter is over.

"Damn it, that bastard must be hiding somewhere and thinking about things." Ye Feng looked suspiciously behind him. "Damn it, if I didn't know that he would never enter this room, I really wanted to turn over everything in this room."

"Are you worried that that bastard is hiding in the locker in the kitchen?" Jemma joked.

"Who knows." Ye Feng's face was serious.

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