Although he was very unhappy, Ye Feng finally gave in. He had to contribute his collection for many years.

"I said, can you be careful, take it lightly, and put it in the protective sleeve at ordinary times." Ye Feng looked at his precious collection played by everyone, and his heart was dripping blood. "Huang Liang, if you dare to treat Tom again -"

"Tom?" Huang Liang looked at him in surprise. "How dare you name the weapon? Hum, you are really ill."

"- if you get dirty, I'll kill you!" Ye Feng looked at him discontentedly. "How do you mean to say me? You give your car a name!!"

"That's my car. Your name is Tom?" Huang Liang said contemptuously. "Hum, what's the name of the dagger in Jane's hand? Adidas?"

"Her name is Jennifer!" Ye Feng said angrily. "Jane, be careful not to let Jennifer touch the air for a long time. It will damage her blade - Gemma! What are you doing to my latvis!?"

Ye Feng stared in horror at jenma and put down a short blade in her hand. She was just trying to open the express box with this beautiful weapon called art.

"What? Do you have a problem?" zhenzhenma glared at Ye Feng.

"... do you know how to use it? Why do I have to give you a share?" Ye Feng said to cry without tears. "The world is really crazy. A young girl who can't even use it when she is just an adult should open the box with valuable weapons? Damn, it's crazy."

"OK, don't mutter." Kobi played with her weapon. What she held in her hand was a butterfly knife, which was blue and very exquisite.

"I'm not distressed -"

"You just love it," Gemma said.

"Well, don't do anything else," Jane said. "Give it to me." she took the short blade from Gemma's hand. "You don't need such a thing."

"I need to defend myself too!" Gemma reached for Jane's weapon.

"No, you don't. If you really need it - that means we're all dead, and if that happens, you don't need a weapon," Jane said. "Listen, Gemma."

"All right..." jenma sat down on the sofa unhappily.

"You still have a way." Ye Feng wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Jane, "Damn, it takes time to clean up my collection."

"If you don't use it, these things can't catch up with the scrap iron," Jane said. "If you want to see something, it's not gone."

"In the hands of these bandits, it's equivalent to no more." Ye Feng said unhappily, "Hey, you deprived me of such a little hobby."

"It's like we're bullying you," Jane said.

"You are bullying me!"

Jenma said disapprovingly, "well, thanks to you, you always boast that you are a pure man. Cut, let you shed some blood -"

Ye Feng wailed, "is that a little blood? It's hundreds of millions!"

"- even if it's hundreds of millions, have you calculated how much money I've made you so far?" asked Gemma.

"... well, I just feel a little uncomfortable in my heart." Ye Feng whispered, "these are like the children I care for. They have never experienced any hardships at all."

"It's time for them to accept some hardships," Jemma teased. "Otherwise, they'll never grow up, will they?"

"... all right."

Ye Feng knows that he can only face the reality. He may have to change his hobby. At least he doesn't spend too much money

With a weapon that can damage those with self-healing ability, Ye Feng and others are distressed by the next thorny problem. When will these bastards do it?

It may be today, tomorrow, or even next month. If it is next year, Ye Feng has reason to believe that they can afford it after all.

But the shield bearer alliance can't afford it!

It has been nearly a month and a half since its normal operation. The influence of this huge organization is deteriorating. An organization that can't even deal with its own internal affairs - Edlin claims that the shield alliance has been suspended for a period of time because of internal affairs - will not be trusted.

But is the current crisis facing the shield alliance made public? The impact of that may be more difficult to deal with than the doubts now received.

Ye Feng even hoped that the group of laymen could fight against Kobi quickly.

In fact, Corby thinks so.

"I'm not worried about what harm I'll suffer," she said. "I'm worried that they may not live until we interrogate them." she smiled coldly.

Kou Bi always doesn't pay attention to anyone, but Ye Feng and others won't think like this. Jane has a frown almost every minute, like a great enemy.

It is rare for Jane to encounter such a difficult situation. After following Ye Feng to the earth, Jane's life is usually very relaxed and happy. After all, for her, her strength is enough. All she needs to do is enjoy life.

This makes her character, who was unwilling to stand out, more low-key. Even after joining the shield alliance, life has not changed much for Jane, but from doing nothing every day - although Ye Feng will go out to die from time to time, but not every time Jane will participate - into a two-point and one-line life.

Life is always smiling for Jane. She never felt the malice from it. After all, she has the ability to face any situation.

At least she thinks so.

But after Jacob appeared, Jane found that she was not as strong as she thought. In the face of a powerful enemy, she will also be afraid and feel powerless to adapt. She will want to rely on others like a little girl, but she has always been the one to be relied on, so even if she has more hesitation in her heart, she can't easily show it.

Jane wants to cherish what she has now.

In fact, Jane only has the memory and experience of living on earth for a few years. She doesn't know what she has experienced before and what kind of character she is. For her, although life is short, it is happy enough to make her cherish it. She doesn't need the memory of the past or entangle herself in the past. She cares about the present and all she has. Jane is a go lucky person.

She is grateful for the peaceful life before, with friends and lovers around her. For her, this is the legendary heaven. But a devil named Jacob tried to destroy the paradise she cherished, and Jane would never let him succeed. Different from the previous indifference, Jane in this incident is very positive. She goes all out to try to solve the problem, so she tries too hard, resulting in accidents.

Jane hopes that everything can return to the previous calm and return to the life she is used to and can't live without, while Jacob is still sparing no effort to destroy her life.

Never die.

Jane couldn't have slept well if she couldn't kill Jacob herself.

But will such a cunning and vicious opponent really be caught?

Of course not.

When Ye Feng prepared to deal with the threat from Jacob, Jacob was also discussing the next action steps.

Nina, the immortal girl, stared at the handheld in her hand, and Jacob, sitting opposite her, said, "do you think the time has come?"

"I'm not in a hurry," Nina said without looking up. "Let the group hide in the mouse hole and tremble for a while."

"I don't care," said the third brother. In fact, no one cares about his suggestions. His status is the lowest, but he doesn't care, just as others don't care about him.

"I think we can do it," Jacob said. "If we can kill Coby at one stroke, we can catch the rest of the shield alliance."

"I don't think it's all right to kill her," Nina said. "The people there are a little interesting. And the bones are much more heroic than the idiots we dealt with before."

"Hum." Jacob snorted contemptuously, "it's meaningless. They're just struggling in vain. A group of idiots who don't recognize the reality."

"Jacob, I think it's you who can't recognize the reality." Nina raised her head and said bluntly, "do you need me to make everything clear? You're worried."

"... yes, I'm a little impatient. The shield alliance is a group of people who are dead headed. Damn it, maybe I shouldn't say too much at first." Jacob whispered. "It may not be a wise choice to let them see the situation too early."

"I warned you, Jacob, you are too inflated," Nina said. "After living for so many years, I have taught me a truth. Never underestimate anyone, especially those who are forced into a desperate situation."

"Rabbits will bite when they are anxious," said the third brother.

"Well, I admit it's my fault that led to the current rigid situation, so I'm going to break the game," Jacob mused. "My patience is running out."

"Young man, relax, we still have an absolute advantage," Nina said. "They are in the light and we are in the dark. As long as you are careful, nothing unexpected will happen."

"Do you think I'm not careful?"

"You are very careless." Nina's eyes have a hint of complaint. "You should have less contact with those idiots."

"The killers?"

"Just a bunch of kids who don't understand anything," Nina said contemptuously. "I really don't understand why you keep in touch with those, Jacob. Remember, more people understand the situation, more danger."

"They know very little."

"No, no matter how little you know, it's a hidden danger." Nina said decisively. Perhaps she is the only one in the world who dares to speak to Jacob in such a tone. Of course, it's not that no one spoke to Jacob in such an aggressive tone before, but those people eventually died, and Nina won't.

Nina is one of the few people in the world who Jacob can't do it easily.

This emotion that has experienced time and test is the most sincere and unbreakable. For Jacob, Nina is his mentor and the only one who can persuade him. Such a person doesn't need more, one is enough.

But we must not.

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