Since it was a random transmission - after discussion, everyone unanimously decided not to set a specific transmission location to avoid accidents - Edlin must be absolutely safe at the beginning.

Only after she sends out her location information can it be possible to find her.

The purple widow will receive the specific location of Adelin five minutes after Ye Feng and his party set out. This five minute time difference is an important cause of Jacob's death.

According to the plan, Ye Feng and others will give Jacob a big surprise, enough to kill him.

When they came to the living room, they were silent and didn't speak.

"Hey, why are you drooping your face? We can deal with that bastard Jacob today!" Adelin said with a fake lightness.

"Or be solved by him," jenma said expressionless.

"Don't talk nonsense, children," said adlin. "Justice will prevail over evil -"

"That's the child's nonsense."

"You --"

"All right, don't say a word." Jane hurried to make things right.

"Does anyone want breakfast?"

No one spoke.

Everyone was already nervous before the war and had no appetite.

"Hey, everybody, relax. Without my trouble this time, the plan may be successful." Ye Feng said, "don't worry, as an old driver, my driving skills must be no problem. Of course, there is still a certain gap compared with Huangliang, I admit."

There was still no expression on their faces.

No one is really in the mood

Ye Feng stopped talking.

The purple widow was extremely worried at this time. She had already communicated with Jacob

Jacob had no doubt about the false information she provided. After all, the false news is completely true. The purple widow didn't speak. She just hid some small details. For example, she didn't explain that Ye Feng and others prepared a small surprise for him.

Jacob met the purple widow early in the morning. They stayed in the purple widow's safe house, waiting for the final news of her "informant".

Of course, the news will come and will not disappoint Jacob.

To get to the scene quickly, he chose to come alone without his teammates. Does it take a lot of trouble to deal with an ordinary woman?

Jacob was careless. He finally paid the price for his carelessness, the price of his life.

"No news yet?"

This is the 56th time Jacob has asked the question of the purple widow in this hour.

The frequency of asking every minute annoyed the purple widow. She said in a bad tone, "what's your hurry? Am I worried? Be honest, I'll tell you when I come."

Jacob was not angry. He was in a good mood today. He could solve the unshakable enemy for a long time. Jacob also endured the bad temper of the purple widow.

And in his opinion, the impatience of the purple widow is normal at the moment. If she has been very calm, Jacob will have some doubts.

Hum, that's tens of millions of business. The purple widow has to be nervous.

What Jacob thought was beautiful. What he didn't know was that he had become a turtle in a jar. The funniest thing was that he got into the jar by himself.

Just after ten o'clock, the purple widow's cell phone rang. Jacob grabbed it, clicked on the text message and checked the content.

Only one address.

"From your informant?" Jacob asked.

"It's his number." the purple widow's excited cheek flushed. "Jacob, you --"

"Hum, I'll go and have a look now. Stay here and don't try to play tricks. You know, no matter where you escape, I'll find you and make you pay the price. Do you understand?" Jacob smiled and threatened the purple widow.

"When, of course."


Jacob left.

Watching his back disappear, the purple widow breathed a sigh. She sincerely hoped that she would never see him again in her life.

Ye Feng, Jane, your plan must succeed!


Jane and Kirby set out immediately after receiving the location information sent by Edlin. Kobi wrapped Jane and they quickly flew to Edlin's position.

As for Ye Feng, he was unlucky. He had to drive.

Driving an insignificant van, Ye Feng is driving in the endless traffic flow of the new metropolis. Due to bad luck, he can always meet the red light. Ye Feng's speed has been unable to be raised. He is anxious like something.

Jane and Kirby were very fast. Three minutes after Edlin sent a message, they had arrived nearby. But they stayed in the air and didn't show up.

In order to prevent Jacob from discovering their whereabouts, Coby and Jane stayed at a very high altitude and hid on the roof of a high-rise building. Even if Jacob had eight eyes, he couldn't find them.

But this also created a problem. It took them more than ten seconds to rush from the current position to the vicinity of Adelin. Even if CORBI broke out of the limit speed, it would only take about ten seconds.

This gave Jacob an opportunity.

Ye Feng was going crazy when he heard this. Anyway, when he arrived at the scene, Edlin had no accident. Looking at Adelin walking on the street from a distance, Ye Feng wanted to rush out of the car and come to her side to protect her, but he restrained this impulse and made it very clear. In order to expose Jacob's fatal flaw, he had to hold back and make Adelin look like no one was protecting him.

And according to the information fed back by the purple widow, Jacob was the only one, and he didn't bring anyone. This greatly reduces the possibility of Edlin's accident.

It's just, is that really the case?

Did Jacob really come alone?

Not at all.

Jacob actually brought his teammates, Nina and third brother with him. Because of his vigilance, he deliberately showed his state of going alone in front of the purple widow. He didn't doubt that it was a trap, but his character made him cautious. He was the kind of person who would leave room for doing things, so he pretended to go alone, and Nina and the third brother had been around him to help him secretly. In case of any accident, he could attack and retreat.

This is the terrible thing about Jacob. It is clear that some things do not need to be prepared, but he will subconsciously leave it, and this is the secret that he can live to this day.

Ye Feng didn't know that Jacob didn't come alone. They were all waiting for him in their respective positions. Ye Feng had no communication with Jane and Kou Bi in the communication channel. Everyone was too nervous at the moment. This is really not a good place to implement the plan. There are too many people, too many cars, too much noise and too many obstacles in this busy commercial street.

If there is a fight, how to avoid casualties is a major problem that must be solved but difficult to control. For Ye Feng's side, this is absolutely something that must be considered. If innocent people are hurt, the gold lettered signboard of the shield bearer alliance is likely to be shamed. This situation is unacceptable.

But Jacob will not be tied up after he starts. He will certainly cause more damage and more killings to cover his run.

Luck doesn't seem to be on the side of Ye Feng.

Park the car on the side of the road. Ye Feng closely watches Edlin standing in the street pretending to be waiting for someone. Watching her standing alone in the street, Ye Feng can't help feeling distressed. She was a weak woman who had to face the threat of death. Adlin was undoubtedly under great pressure at the moment, but he couldn't see the slightest difference from her facial expression. She was so calm that she seemed unaware of the danger approaching her.

Ye Feng may be the person who knows her best in the world. Even if she disguises well, Ye Feng can still detect her state of mind from a trace of panic in her eyes.

She must be afraid. Why isn't she afraid? This matter on anyone will cause deep fear. Only those who are really brave can overcome this fear, face it directly, or even overcome it.

Adlin is such a person.

Her spiritual strength is incomparably strong.

But the problem is that no matter how strong the spiritual power is, it will bleed if it is stabbed. If it is not handled properly, it will end up in a small life.


Ye Feng's heart tugged together and hurt deeply. Cold sweat flowed on his forehead and cheeks.

Edlin waited for that moment.

She had been outlining in her mind how wonderful the expression on Jacob's face would be when he realized that he had been cheated. But at that moment, which was also the most dangerous moment, Jacob, who was ashamed and angry, would attack her at the first time. If he takes her as a hostage, it's a better situation. If Jacob loses his mind and insists on killing her, Edlin can only pray that Jane and Coby must move quickly and save her before Jacob gets it.

Edlin has confidence in Jane and Kirby. But this confidence is falling apart with the passage of time. She was very afraid, very afraid. If the sense of responsibility in her heart had not supported her, Edlin might have turned around and ran to a safe place.

But she resisted, resisted the impulse. In her opinion, once things start, she can't regret it. There is no turning back. This is Edlin's character. She either doesn't do it or must do it to the end. She is a paranoid person, but it is precisely because she is a paranoid person that she can become herself today.

Another person with weak will may have collapsed long ago, hiding in a safe place and waiting for the storm to leave.

Adlin wouldn't do that.

If she is a person who will make such a choice, from the beginning, she will not become a member of the shield holder alliance. She can enjoy life. Money has never been a problem for her. From her ex husband, she has allocated enough property for her life. All her efforts are just to realize the ideal in her heart. For her, work is not to make a living, but a hobby, which is a way to realize her self-worth.

That's why she can do it well and regard it as more important than her life to protect the shield bearer alliance and the concept of upholding justice. Living on this planet, there are too many things that affect your choices. How to stick to your bottom line in a chaotic life is not something everyone can do, and you must pay a price that ordinary people can't afford. For Edlin, she is willing to pay and sacrifice herself for it.

This is her nobility.

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