Secondly, their strong combat power has aroused the prying eyes of others.

There is no shortage of bastards who harm others and do not benefit themselves in this world. They would rather live badly than let others live well. Kou Bi and Jane, who are in the limelight recently, are inevitably not watched by small bellied people.

After all, a person has the heart of fame and wealth.

Ye Feng's worry is not that there is no source. In the voices of praise, he has seen that someone has raised doubts. Ye Feng has understood the evil intentions of Jane and Kou Bi who questioned their birth.

He told Kobi and Jane about his worries. They had very different attitudes towards this problem.

Kou Bi is very simple and in line with her character. Once she sees a message scolding herself, she will face hard steel and go back.

Jane is going to appear much more calm and peaceful. She usually laughs it off.

"If there are good people, there will be bad people, people with ulterior motives and boring people. I can't and don't want to control what these people want to say and do. Just let them say it. I won't lose a piece of meat and waste time talking to them? Hum, it's boring."

That's how Jane deals with those keyboard parties, ignoring, asking questions and answering questions.

Gradually, these boring people stopped attacking Jane. What's the meaning of the unresponsive monologue. Almost all the gunfire was aimed at CORBI.

Even Corby can't stand it now.

Edlin has a clear understanding of this situation. It is obvious that the main target of these malicious attacks on Kobi is not Kobi, but the shield bearer alliance.

After this crisis, the reputation of the shield bearer alliance has reached an unprecedented level. For a while, it has become a hot hero organization.

Of course, trouble follows. You suddenly rise up and become the leader of this industry. Of course, those who are pushed down by you are unwilling, but the positive is just right, so you can only come to the negative.

Kou Bicheng aimed almost all her firepower at her in order to be the victim of this power game, with the intention of falling her newly rising star of hope.

Edlin's approach is very simple: no comment.

Moreover, at her instigation, all members of the shield holder alliance unanimously did not accept media interviews, and kept an unusually low profile. While recuperating, they carried out their own business step by step.

Picking up his tail to be a man is Adelin's advice to everyone.

Although very unhappy, Kou Bi, who was scolded and afraid, still restrained her strong character, honestly did the task, and no longer scolded and fought with people on the Internet.

In this way, gradually, the keyboard party and the Navy found an outlet not to vent, so they turned their attention away from the shield holder alliance and Kobi to attack those new people.

With the softness of water, adlin solved another crisis after Jacob.

Although the crisis is not violent, it is fatal enough. If it is not handled properly, not only will Kobi be discredited, but also the shield bearer alliance, which has just taken a breath, may have a crisis.

It was thanks to Adeline's coping strategy that we could turn big things into small ones.

If ye Feng were to do it, he might have found the keyboard men's home and had a "friendly discussion" with them.

Of course, the result must be chicken feathers and blood.

Jacob's time makes all people who have evil intentions about the shield bearer alliance realize the real strength of the shield bearer alliance again. You must not underestimate a heart full of justice and sufficient confidence. The shield bearer alliance will not bully the weak, but will not be bullied.

You can deceive it for a while, but you will certainly feel the power of anger from it. Jacob taught everyone a lesson with his life. Some people you can't provoke and the price you pay is immeasurable.

The shield bearer alliance has come to an end. This ill fated organization will become a behemoth in adlin's hands.

And our classmate Ye Feng, he also has his own troubles to continue to solve.

He suddenly found himself out of touch with Dick.

This matter can be big or small. Maybe the old guy drank too much and didn't hear Ye Feng's call request. Of course, the old thing may have been killed. After all, there are not 100 million people who want to kill him, but also tens of millions.

After the dust settled, Ye Feng wanted to return the broken armor that hardly played any role to Dick, but he couldn't contact the old bastard, which surprised Ye Feng.

Damn it, is something really wrong with him?

This is a situation he doesn't want to see. Although he has always been reluctant to talk, in his heart, Ye Feng still cares about this old bastard. He doesn't want dick to kill himself, both public and private. Although Dick's tendency in this regard is really serious

As far as Ye Feng is concerned, he doesn't want dick to be killed. After all, without him, Ye Feng might have died 800 times. Of course, if he didn't know Dick, maybe Ye Feng wouldn't have to face so many dangers. But in short, Ye Feng doesn't want dick to die.

He is very useful. His black technology is an important support for Ye Feng.

After a few days of worrying, the news finally came.

It's just that it's not Dick, but another unexpected person.

It's shin Heng Ji yen.

"Zhiyan, how are you now?" although there were some accidents, Ye Feng immediately talked with Xinheng Zhiyan.

"Not bad, brother Ye Feng. Have you solved all the things over there?"

"It's settled. I'm going to return the things borrowed from Dick. Where did he play? Why didn't he answer the phone?"

"I don't know. Anyway, he's been out for some time. By the way, DiCaprio has something for you."

"The big Orc? What's the matter with him? He misses me? He's going to wrench his wrist with me?" Ye Feng was puzzled.

"No, it seems to be a very important thing. It has been begging me and my sister to try to contact you these days. As for why, it has been unwilling to say, you'd better come."

"But I can't get by without Dick." Ye Feng said in embarrassment. Moreover, the matter of Jacob has just been solved. He is really not in the mood to be relieved for a big orc, so he plans to find an excuse to refuse directly.

But Shin Heng did not give him a chance to make excuses.

"My sister and I found a spare delivery gun in Dick's laboratory. I can open the time-space door for you now. After all, there's nothing else on your side. Let's do it. I'll hang up first."

"Hello! Hello! Zhiyan, your boy -"

Ye Feng was stunned. Just when he was at a loss, a space-time door suddenly appeared in Ye Feng's bedroom. New hengzhizi and DiCaprio strode out of it. Without saying a word, they directly dragged Ye Feng into the space-time door.

Barefoot Ye Feng came to the orc planet for a long time. He came to the once familiar leader's office.

"You make wool!!" Ye Feng said crazily.

"Sorry, big brother, I really can't help it." DiCaprio looked like a pupil who had done something wrong and looked at it naked on his head. Ye Feng had a stomach and could only beat it a few times to vent his anger.

"Come on, what's bothering you."

"I was cheated."

"By whom?"

"An orc crazy doctor."


"The orcs have many crazy doctors."

"The orc doctor's name is luludo?" Ye Feng looked at DiCaprio's big bald head. "I haven't heard of that name."

"It was only born last year. You haven't heard of it. It's normal," said Shin Heng Zhiyan. "But although it's not old, it's already a famous Orc crazy doctor."

"I know that the orc crazy doctor is very powerful. There may not be one Orc crazy doctor out of tens of thousands of ORC boys. Have you offended it? DiCaprio?"

"I didn't provoke it on my own initiative."

"It's promising. Why don't you take the initiative to go out and get into trouble? Will? Why didn't I see it in the leader's office? Is it still the head of the razor tribe?"

"Of course it is, but it is leading the brothers to war now, so it is not here."

"It goes to war, you stay? Nai bald, is it serious?" Ye Feng was surprised. This fanatic was willing to give up the chance to fight. Did DiCaprio finally get the idea? How could

"It's very serious. I don't dare to go out now. I'm afraid of death."

"Do you still have time to be afraid?"

"Of course, I can die on the battlefield, but I don't want to accept such a way of death when I am killed by others." DiCaprio said, "brother, you must help me. You have many ghost ideas, and you can come up with a solution."

"Are you praising me?"

"Of course, I'm desperate. I can't trust others without Dick. I can only think of you," said DiCaprio. Believe me, a big ORC with his chin turned over and covered the sky is really more terrible than a ferocious smile.

Ye Feng is almost disgusted.

"All right, stop. I see. Make things clear first, and I'll consider whether I can help you. Hurry up. Don't come here with me. It's disgusting."

"Brother Ye Feng, are you going to help me?"

"I didn't say that. I just want to know what happened to you. It turned you into such a fearless master."

DiCaprio's changes are really exaggerated. Despite the gloomy expression on his face, his head seems to be much larger than before, with bandages on it, which looks particularly happy.

It seems that the big Orc has encountered an impassable obstacle. Do they, a heartless creature, also look sad because of some things?

Ye Feng is the first orc to see this expression, and this Orc is still the most bastard and heartless DiCaprio. It's milk bald!

The world is so wonderful. I'm going to bed

It must be a big thing. Ye Feng thought helplessly. If it's something that can be easily solved, this bastard won't come to me in a hurry. He knows DiCaprio's character very well. He is the kind of person who is full of fat people. If he can carry it by himself, he will not ask others easily.

It must be extremely difficult to make it show such a sad expression.

Damn it, can't you stop me for a few days?

Looking at DiCaprio with a sad face, Ye Feng was angry. If it wasn't for the fight, it might be a problem. He must have slapped him in the ear to let DiCaprio have a long memory.

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