"Brother Ye Feng, you really expect things like God." will the orc once again threw himself into the ground in admiration of Ye Feng, "how do you know that tooth pickers will not pursue into the 'scissors Canyon'

"I don't know," said Ye Feng with a big mouth. "I've prepared another surprise for him. If he rushes into the canyon, I'll greet him with stones and ambushes. If he's careful and doesn't rush after him, I'll give him a bath!!"

"Brother Ye Feng, you took out the unstable elements in the tribe by the way. It's really high."

As the leader, will is gifted in flattery.

"That's right." Ye Feng is very useful, "after all, I'm just a tooth picker. Even if I'm a shaver, I don't pay attention to it!!"

Although he said so, Ye Feng knew that the orc called tooth picker was very difficult to deal with. In fact, his preparation was just a whim. When he saw the river flowing through, he wanted to imitate the way others flooded the army and imitate it with gourd paintings.

Unexpectedly, it really played a key role.

This can only explain two things: Ye Feng's luck is really good. The tooth picker is really not an empty headed ORC. It's really rare that he can make a calm analysis when the enemy is scattered and defeated.

An excellent conductor may not be good at chopping people, or even have no strength to bind chickens. But he must have a keen intuition and the ability to seize fighters in the ever-changing battlefield situation.

Unfortunately, this ability can hardly be cultivated the day after tomorrow. It is only natural and only in the hands of some people. Such people are called military geniuses.

The tooth picker is not a genius. Although he can control his impulsive emotions - which is particularly rare among orcs - his vision is still too narrow.

It can see through maple leaf's one-step action, but this is its limit.

Ye Feng has been watching TV dramas and movies for many years. He is already familiar with all kinds of tricks, so he can play with the tooth picker seemingly easily.

But other creatures on this planet are definitely not the opponents of tooth pickers. Even xinhengzhizi and xinhengzhiyan are not the opponents of tooth pickers.

In war, this bastard has two skills. He is dissatisfied with one bottle, but half a bottle can still wander.

If this war took place between the razor tribe and the Bad Moon Clan, the razor tribe would be defeated without Ye Feng's participation. Will is a good manager. War is not his specialty.

But the specialized orcs, because of their poor brain - literally - can only hide at home and squat at home.

The situation is such a situation. If DiCaprio didn't have a seizure in his mind and suddenly remembered that he could come to Ye Feng for help, perhaps the razor tribe has fallen into a sea of fire and become another Orc tribe conquered and destroyed by the Bad Moon Clan.

The previous blue moon clan has become history. All the elders have been killed and almost all the senior members have been killed. At that time, because something had happened to DiCaprio, the reinforcement of the razor tribe did not change this fact.

All this shows that the Bad Moon Clan is true, and their goal is only one, to turn over all the Orc tribes.

Either a slave or a corpse.

These are the only two options.

You don't have to choose. The Bad Moon Clan will do it for you.

Different from other cheering orcs in the tribe, the surface of Ye Feng's laughter actually hides an uneasy heart. When will this be the end. He couldn't help thinking. Kill an orc, there will be a more difficult one. Now that the toothpicker is finished, will there be another Orc more cunning than it?

Damn it, are these orcs evolving, too. Ye Feng thought. When he first came to this planet a few years ago, these orcs were more stunned than two stunners.

Now it's better to be a personal model dog. It's not easy to fool.

If this goes on, Ye Feng is really worried that one day, he can no longer fool these unfriendly big men

What will become after that is what needs to be considered later. But now, the Bad Moon Clan and the tooth picker, as well as the crazy doctor with brain problems, are the enemies that Ye Feng and the razor tribe must face.

Since when, I have been bound to the razor tribe. Ye Feng is a little helpless. If I were on the side of the bad moon clan at this time, I might be able to help the toothpicker raze the razor tribe to the ground in less than ten days.

Hey, I still have to do something challenging. Anyway, it's a big deal. I'll run straight away.

What Ye Feng doesn't know is that DiCaprio may often have a fit in his head, but he's not stupid. In order for Ye Feng to wholeheartedly help the razor tribe through the difficulties, the big Orc took great pains

After the first frontal conflict, neither razor tribe nor bad Moon Clan easily provoked disputes. Both sides need time to prepare.

In fact, the Bad Moon Clan is not in a hurry. They only need to fight steadily and hold the occupied territory, and the razor tribe can't expect any large-scale counterattack.

In terms of military strength, the razor tribe has only 4000 orcs, while the Bad Moon Clan is five times that number.

The number of orcs in the bad moon clan was not as large as that of the razor tribe, but it can't stand it. It's developing fast. After annexing the other small Orc tribes, the number of orcs in the razor tribe increased exponentially, and finally became today's behemoth.

The troops were at an absolute disadvantage, and the razor tribe had to take the initiative to defend its territory.

If the razor tribe is beaten passively, the battlefield can only be selected in the territory of the razor tribe, which is absolutely intolerable by the razor tribe.

You know, the razor tribe is surrounded by a large forest. If the enemy is really close here, it is very simple. A fire can destroy all the members of the razor tribe.

This consequence is absolutely unbearable, so the razor tribe must move the battlefield forward and away from its own headquarters.

People with a clear eye can see this clearly.

The tooth picker knows the power of the razor tribe in protecting his hometown, so he wisely chose not to raid the headquarters of the razor tribe, but to stand still.

Anyway, I have many people and resources. I can afford it. If I stand directly at your door, I don't believe you can't come out!!

It turns out that the razor tribe really had to come out.

Everyone knows very well that this battle is not easy to fight, the enemy is numerous and powerful, and occupies a favorable time, place and people.

But you have to fight, and you have to win.

This makes Ye Feng, the actual commander of the battlefield, a headache.

He may be able to play tricks, but when it comes to war, he is also the first time for a big girl to be charming.

But fortunately, I haven't seen pigs running. Ye Feng has seen pork and likes it very much. According to the plot in the movies and TV dramas I have seen before, ye Fengzhao has also made some deployment.

First of all, his goal is a stronghold called Linfeng city.

This is the nearest stronghold to the razor tribe, belonging to the Bad Moon Clan. It is a real thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. The razor tribe has long wanted to pull out this nail, but the problem is that the Bad Moon Clan also knows this.

Therefore, behind Linfeng City, there is a new stronghold, finished shape.

When one of the three strongholds is attacked, the other two strongholds can react immediately.

So, although Linfeng city is not big, it is extremely difficult to conquer. Will tried his best before and finally lost the battle.

Ye Feng knows that this is a hard bone to bite, so his strategy is to confuse his opponent first.

He dispatched Orc soldiers to make a long journey towards the hometown of Bad Moon Clan.

Although the tooth picker felt a little strange about Ye Feng's blatant behavior, he still focused on this seemingly doomed expedition.

After all, it's your own nest and can't be eaten in one pot.

Just as the expeditionary army was about to arrive at the peripheral defense line of Bad Moon Clan's hometown, the big army suddenly turned around and ran away!!

This stunned the garrison beasts of the bad moon clan who had lined up to fight. What is this? Do you have a spring outing?

In fact, the other one of Ye Feng's is very small. Only more than 100 Orc elite soldiers are approaching Linfeng city quickly under the leadership of DiCaprio.

It took Ye Feng a lot of effort to persuade DiCaprio from his home to the battlefield. I don't know whether it's because the brain is abnormal after surgery, or DiCaprio has learned well. He refuses to leave the house.

"What if my brain explodes?"

In DiCaprio's view, it is not a bad thing to die in the hands of the enemy or in a bar fight. But the death method of brain explosion is totally unacceptable. It's too stupid.

So it was determined not to leave the territory of the razor tribe.

Ye Feng needs a pointed figure who can cut through the enemy's defense line, attack the city and pull out the stronghold. Among the razor tribes, this candidate is Frederica prio.

So one didn't want to go out and ate the weight.

On the other hand, we must let this family squat back to its old business.

This creates conflict.

Fortunately, under the soft film and hard bubble of leaf maple, DiCaprio finally changed his mind.

"Do you think that luludo will send one detonator to the orcs? You idiot, it must stay in a safe place. How can it stay in Linfeng city!"

Ye Feng's words woke DiCaprio up and made him rally.

At last, the actors are here.

The farce made by DiCaprio is finally over.

What makes Ye Feng laugh and cry is that it's him who can't go out. It's also the orc who went crazy after going out. He really can't understand how long the orc's brain circuit is. In a word, the Bad Moon Clan also believes that the razor tribe is the most capable general and can't play a role. However, the fact is that DiCaprio has already rubbed his hands and endured for so many days. He needs a channel to vent his anger for so many days.

The orcs of the Bad Moon Clan will see how terrible DiCaprio's anger is. They will see that DiCaprio, who once dominated the battlefield, won his reputation not in vain, but with victory in battle!

For DiCaprio, this is the day of its rebirth.

For the orcs of the Bad Moon Clan, this will be the beginning of their tragic fate.

DiCaprio is out of the mountain and Ye Feng is out.

The winter of bad moon clan has finally come

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