In fact, the tooth picker was completely frightened by Ye Feng and the razor tribe under his command.

Even though he came out with several times as many orcs as the garrison razor tribe, the toothpicker still decided to think in the long run. So it went straight back.

However, it did not let Ye Feng wait too long. After a week of preparation, it made a plan that it thought was extremely correct.

However, what it didn't know was that Ye Feng had received the relevant information almost when it had just informed its Orc leader of the battle plan.

And very complete.

Because ye Feng is a master of Yin, the concept of intelligence station, which does not exist in the orc's mind, he has a lot of fun.

It's still the old way. It's the shriveled goo who doesn't pay attention to who provides information to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng has used similar methods many times, but these one-sided Orc brothers really don't have a long memory and can suffer losses every time, which also makes Ye Feng quite helpless.

If you don't have a long memory, you can only suffer losses.

Ye Feng's little shriveled cuckoos are everywhere in the headquarters of the Bad Moon Clan. They are found in those shriveled cuckoos who serve tea and pour water. Those who serve in the orc leader's home also have Ye Feng's Ye Feng's death squads.

It can be said that every move of the high-level orcs of the whole Bad Moon Clan is under the control of Ye Feng.

This is also the fundamental reason why Ye Feng can always take the lead: he has mastered the enemy's movements.

Ye Feng's attitude is very strange to the information that the shriveled goons risk sending back.

DiCaprio and other orcs are worried. Ye Feng is the only one who can be described as ecstatic.

"Is brother Ye Feng crazy?" DiCaprio complained to will. "Everyone can see that we can't defend this broken red dragon city. The crazy man of the tooth picker has brought out almost all his troops. This bastard is determined to win!! why can brother Ye Feng laugh in the face of this situation of losing?"

"Who knows." will is actually confused, but he firmly believes in one thing. As long as he follows Ye Feng, he will win the final victory. "DiCaprio, don't think about it. Anyway, you just want to break your head. You don't know what brother Ye Feng thinks. You just need to obey all his orders."


DiCaprio's mood is a little complicated. He has no confidence in the trend of the war. But Ye Feng is not like this. He thinks the razor tribe will come to the end in the next battle!!

The toothpicker's battle plan seems perfect without any loopholes.

But in fact, when Ye Feng saw this battle plan, he couldn't believe his eyes. It really surprised Ye Feng that an idiot would make such a deadly battle plan.

In Ye Feng's eyes, the tooth picker's battle plan, which he thinks is very talented, is a funny garbage that only idiots and morons can get out.

The toothpicker's plan is very simple, with the most people to fight.

However, the soldiers under its self righteous hands were divided into four parts, each part was led by a general who thought it was capable, and rushed towards the red dragon city from four directions.

At first glance, it seems interesting, at least there is momentum.

But a practical analysis will find that the plan is full of loopholes, which is simply unreasonable.

If your toothpicker leads troops to attack the Red Dragon City, Ye Feng can't take his own Orc soldiers out of the city to kill you?

In the mind of the tooth picker, it seems that there is only one trend of the next war: Ye Feng and the orc soldiers of the razor tribe stick to the Red Dragon City, and then it leads the orcs of the Bad Moon Clan to surround the whole city, and then consume the razor tribe alive.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Of course, Ye Feng will not hide in Honglong city and wait for the four-way army of tooth pickers.

This is the smartest thing about the tooth picker: in his mind, he didn't expect Ye Feng to take the initiative.

If it concentrates its troops and marches towards the Red Dragon City, let alone defend the city, Ye Feng must run away. But the tooth picker came up with this rotten plan, which completely reassured Ye Feng.

This battle, I will win!

Ye Feng's great confidence lies in the plan of the tooth picker's genius.

Yes, its troops are several times that of Ye Feng, but once it is divided into four parts, hey, it's hard to say. Yes, even if the orcs of the Bad Moon Clan are divided into four parts, the number of each part is still more than the total number of ORC soldiers that Ye Feng can command, but a large number does not mean high quality.

Although after the quantity reaches a certain level, no matter how high the quality is, it is not an opponent, but the current situation is that the tooth picker's original initiative weakens his own strength and gives Ye Feng the opportunity to break each one.

Ye Feng did the same. If you don't grasp such a good opportunity, you're really sorry for the kindness of the tooth picker. So Ye Feng immediately made a decision. He wanted to give the four-way army a little surprise: the disaster of destruction.

Ye Feng's plan is also very simple. He concentrated all the orc soldiers who can fight, and then left the red dragon city with all the combat power.

This time, Ye Feng personally led the expedition, while DiCaprio stayed in the red dragon city.

Its task is very simple. It's enough to eat and drink every day. Anyway, the enemy won't attack suddenly.

But Ye Feng's life has become extremely difficult.

It's a four-way army. Although the orcs have never been interested in real-time contact, in order to ensure that all the four-way armies can be properly handled, Ye Feng must act quickly. He must kill as many enemies as possible before the toothpicker reacts.

The first enemy Ye Feng stares at is the army led by an orc named Kaqi. The elder brother didn't know whether he had a brain problem or liked to be a leader. When the other three men and horses were still preparing food and grass, the anxious elder brother set out first.

Let's go. The toothpicker doesn't take it seriously.

But Ye Feng took it seriously.

After learning this important information, Ye Feng immediately led his soldiers to a place where Kaqi must pass and ambushed.

Facts have proved that even the mentally ill orcs will be in a mess in the face of a sudden attack. Kaqi was also tough. In the first wave of charge organized by Ye Feng, he was killed by random knives. It took less than a day from the expedition to sacrifice, which can be regarded as creating a record.

After Kaqi and his Bad Moon Clan Orc soldiers were completely annihilated by Ye Feng, the news was blocked. No one knew. Ye Feng issued an order to kill all the orcs of the Bad Moon Clan, just to prevent the Bad Moon Clan from knowing what happened to Kaqi.

The other three people were kept in the dark. According to the plan, they successively set out from the headquarters of the Bad Moon Clan and surrounded the red dragon city from different sides.

The funniest thing is that the tooth picker didn't go out this time, but stayed in the safe rear.

According to the post analysis, Ye Feng thought that the tooth picker should hide in his room and lick the wound. The previous battle deeply hit the confidence of the arrogant orc, so that the tooth picker could not go to the battlefield for a short time.

That's ironic.

There is no one who can beat the tooth picker. For Ye Feng, all this is like a dream. He led the orc soldiers of the razor tribe to destroy three Bad Moon Clan in a row.

For Ye Feng, it's like a dream. It's too simple.

He also left a man and horse. It's not that Ye Feng doesn't want to kill it, but this one is not lucky. It's far away from Ye Feng, and they go faster, so Ye Feng can only look and sigh, and some are helpless that God doesn't meet his desire for perfection.

It's just that the luckiest one is actually the saddest.

Because when he came to the bottom of the red dragon city according to the battle plan, the orc leader was frightened to find that the soldiers of the razor tribe who had already lined up to meet it were waiting for it.

But its reinforcements never appeared.

It can't happen.

In fact, if he chooses to escape at this time, he can lead his Orc soldiers to escape. But the problem is that only at the critical moment can we see whether a person is an idiot.

It turns out that the orc leader is really an idiot.

It did not run or fight, so it stared at the towering walls of the red dragon city.

If it chooses to fight at this time, it may pose a certain threat to the red dragon city. But the big brother is also one track minded. He just wants to wait for all the troops to appear according to the original plan.

It has been said that it can't appear. It can't wait for others. It can only wait for Ye Feng who returns to the dynasty.

Well, the opportunity to pursue perfection is at hand. There is no reason not to accept it.

In this way, all the orc troops from the Bad Moon Clan were killed by Ye Feng.

For the Bad Moon Clan, no one expected this result. Ye Feng is also very evil. After such a big battle, he didn't inform the Bad Moon Clan.

After several days, the Bad Moon Clan finally learned the truth. When the eager tooth picker in the office learned about this situation, he spit three liters of blood directly and almost died directly.

The haggard tooth picker hit by successive failures was almost killed by other Orc leaders. The mentality is simply collapsed, but the hard power is still there. He killed several orcs who took the lead in the busy market. The toothpicker managed to control the situation, but it was far from enough.

The heart of his men has been chaotic, and the team is not easy to take.

The tooth picker knows this very well. He knows that only with a hearty victory can he restore his position in the hearts of his men. This makes it more anxious.

When you are a big brother, what you fear most is that your little brother thinks you are just so.

In this way, the command can not be effectively executed, and the knife that may appear on the back must be on guard at all times. Even for the nerve thick orcs such as tooth pickers, this situation is a headache.

Moreover, it understands this feeling of wanting to go up. After all, it has made a fortune in this way. Its growth history is to keep challenging its superiors and grow up step by step. The toothpicker is worried that he has become the kind of person he has defeated.

It seems that this is fate. It will eventually become the kind of person you hate most, sooner or later.

For the first time, the tooth picker realized what it was like to tangle. It was very tangled, very tangled

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