"Brother Ye Feng, I'm late. Can't you leave me something?"

Ye Feng turned his eyes: "who made you late? I didn't make you late. You can only rely on those beasts. It's too fast. Crazy doctor Lulu died too early."

DiCaprio said discouraged, "well, these damn things have been killed. Who should I blame now?"

"Blame yourself, you big idiot. If you didn't kill yourself, you wouldn't be so sad now."

"Well, well, brother Ye Feng, I know."

"Quickly open a space-time door for me. I want to go home."

"Now? Right now? The war has just finished one point. Brother, aren't you ready to enjoy the fruits of victory with us?"

"I don't want to enjoy the fruits of victory with you at all. I just want to go back to my home, soak in my bathtub for a while, drink a glass of red wine, and then have a good sleep and eat some junk food."

"Well, I see. I'll get it for you."

DiCaprio kept his word. He took out his delivery gun and opened a space-time door. Ye Feng finally took a look at the orcs who were celebrating madly, sighed and walked into the door of time and space.

"Brother Ye Feng, thank you this time."

"OK, as long as you don't contact me so often, I'll be thankful. You'd better call me less and deal with it yourself."

"It depends. I can only say that I may have to trouble you again soon."

"I've had enough, you idiots."

Through this time and space gate, Ye Feng returned to the familiar room. This is the bedroom he has been away for a long time. He can't remember how long it has passed. How long ago he lay on this comfortable bed and enjoyed a comfortable life, slow pace, quiet and comfortable.

Alas, this kind of life is just like in a dream. When you have it, you don't care at all. Only when you lose it, you will find that this is the end of all your efforts.

When Ye Feng came back, it should be evening. It was a little dark and foggy in the sky. Through the window, Ye Feng could see the high-rise buildings in the distance, return to the normal reality and return to his familiar world. The night wind felt a joy that could not be described in words. He felt an absolute safety, which he once despised. But now it is so cherish.

He didn't open the door and go out, because he wanted to enjoy his time alone. These months are too exciting for him. He needs to settle down and think about what he has done, what he has gained and what he has lost.

He didn't know how others had been during his departure, but the only thing he was pleased with was that the passage of time on the orc planet was different from that on earth. He stayed on Orc planet for several months, but on earth it may be only a few weeks.

First, he took a hot bath and slept in bed for several hours. Then Ye Feng pushed the door and went out. What made him feel very warm was that everyone was no different from before.

Jenma watched him slowly walk down the stairs: "ah, you're back, Ye Feng. You're a ghost. Do you know how long you've been walking?"

"I don't know. How many weeks?"

"Three weeks and three days altogether, you damn bastard."

"Well, well, it's my fault. I'll inform you before I leave, but this time I don't want to leave, nor did Dick pull me away, but some other orcs. Forget it, you must not want to know about these orcs. It's very boring and boring, just like the Orc version of the legend of Zhen Huan. But it's very bloody."

"If you say so, I'd like to see the orc version of the legend of Zhen Huan. Ha ha!"

"Ye Feng, you look a lot thinner," Edlin said

"It's true that this period of time has been a little hard. I'm always using my brain. Although I haven't had a few fights, I feel more tired from mental work."

Jenma turned her eyes contemptuously: "can you still use your brain?"

"What's the matter? Who do you compare with? Of course it's not good to compare with you, but it's still very good to compare with Mengmeng orcs."

"Yes, anyway, those things don't have any brains. You can barely do it by fooling them like this."

Ye Feng looked at jenma discontentedly: "what do you call me? You despise my IQ too much."

"Your IQ is just like that. Is everyone right?"

"Of course." "you're right." "yes, that's it."

Ye Feng helplessly looked at the people who were making a fuss and felt that happiness was so simple.

This is the dream he wants to have, Ye Feng thought happily.

"Tell me what you have done during this time?"

"In fact, I didn't do anything. I just fought with a group of orcs and used my brain. To be honest, these orcs are really boring. I just watched a little more movies and TV dramas and could play them around."

Jenma said, "in terms of insidious cunning, Ye Feng, you are self-taught and still have a little talent."

Ye Feng frowned: "are you praising me? How do I feel that you are hurting me?"

"You feel right. I must be hurting you."

"Well, all right."

In the following time, Ye Feng told his friends about his experiences on the orc planet. His friends were very calm when he commanded many battles and defeated many enemies. Because they know that there are many exaggerated elements in Ye Feng's story.

Even if you cut half of what he said directly, at least three-quarters of the remaining half must be eliminated, and the rest can barely be heard.

Although this view is a little biased, it is not much different from the facts. Ye Feng does exaggerate. His descriptions do sound strange, but what happened on that Orc planet is really strange.

After talking about the adventure of this period of time, Ye Feng inquired about the situation of the people. In fact, it was no different from before he left. The matter of the shield bearer alliance still made Adeline unable to spare time. She was very busy, but she was also very happy and full.

As for Gemma, her daily life is to eat, eat, eat, eat. Nothing specific. For her, she has a wealth before she is 20 years old and can enjoy her life. What she is doing now is just out of hobby and a kind of self pleasure in boring life.

Other people have their own things and busy lives. Although they all live under the same roof, they keep an appropriate distance from each other. Everyone is concerned about their own things and others' things at the same time. Such a life is the most comfortable and happy life. There are people who care. The one you love is around you.

This is all Ye Feng wants. Friends and family are the most important. As for those fame and interests. To put it mildly, he has owned it all, even lost it. He doesn't care how loud his title is.

How many people still remember a man called death. He doesn't care about this. He knows that he will find himself in the past. Because he did too many things he shouldn't have done in the past, but he didn't do it. He knew that with these friends and family, he could face the challenges from the past.

Those haunted people and those haunted things will come to the door, but does Ye Feng have the ability and confidence to resolve them one by one? If there is nothing, no difficulty, no challenge, it will be too calm. It will lose the charm of life. A little trouble from time to time may be a good seasoning for life, but if the trouble is too big, Ye Feng still refuses.

Of course, he knows that trouble is trouble. It doesn't matter how big or how bad it is. Trouble must be solved, and it itself makes you feel headache. Ye Feng is ready to live a comfortable and stable life for a few days, and then invest in the next adventure.

He looks forward to the brilliance of the next adventure, but he also fears whether the next adventure will be particularly dangerous, because he doesn't want to die. He is the God of death, who brings death to others, but won't leave death to himself. Although a little selfish, but no one is not selfish.

Although unwilling to admit it, Ye Feng is still worried about Dick's situation. After staying on the orc planet these months, Dick has never heard from him, which is not quite like his style. Although Dick is dying all the time, he always returns to shun planet from time to time for a rest.

But he didn't come back for a while, but let the orcs on the orc planet fool around with each other. Where on earth did he go? What the hell is he doing? Ye Feng doesn't know at all. He couldn't get in touch with Dick, and he hoped Dick would never contact him, but somewhere in his heart, there was a voice saying you were worried about that old bastard.

Yes, Ye Feng knows that this sentence is true. He is worried about the old bastard. This may be a bad fate, a fate you don't want at all, but you have to face him. Sometimes you even feel something different because of him.

Well, Ye Feng is really tired. He is destined to have a good dream tonight. I wish him a good dream.

The gear of life will continue to rotate, and Ye Feng's adventure is far from over.

As for what wonderful adventures will await him later, Ye Feng doesn't care at all.

I will talk about it at approriate time.

It will happen anyway.

Will become a reality.

No matter how incredible things are, it is not surprising for Ye Feng.

He has seen the world,

He's the one who fell with the orcs,

He has seen countless aliens.

Ye Feng has to say that the forms of life are really diverse.

He has even seen aliens without any eating and excretory organs. Ye Feng doesn't know why these ugly things live. Is it to drift forever in the universe?

Who knows.

Ye Fengyong uses this precious time to relax his mood. He knows that the future life must be colorful and even make him collapse. Therefore, when he has a precious rest time, he will grasp this time and fully relax his body and mind.

Then use full mental state to meet the critical blow of life!

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