After the super large typhoon, the whole city seemed to have been thoroughly washed, and the air became particularly fresh. The dust on the leaves had disappeared. It was rare for Ye Feng to go out of his house and come outside to breathe fresh air.

Although unwilling to admit it, he was a little upset at this time. A person he knew died late last night. There may be no one around the dead person. He may die worthless.

But such a person was once a person who could give his back to protect Ye Feng. Thinking of this, Ye Feng was not only a little melancholy. He went to the bench in the park and sat down. He watched the dogs running and tossing happily on the lawn alone.

Life is like this. A person's death will not have any impact on the whole world, or even on those who know him. There seems to be no change except some sad thoughts. When people die, they die. The world will not stop rotating because of one person's death, and even the death of all people will not stop it.

Life is so cruel and fair. As soon as it ends, all your marks in the world will disappear in a short time. Maybe a few people will remember you, but one day you will become more and more blurred and invisible in his memory. Finally, he remembers you, not the real you, but you in his memory.

What does Mike mean to maple leaf? In fact, Ye Feng doesn't know. But there is no doubt that he at least occupies a certain position in Ye Feng's heart. Although there is only a small part, there are still some. In fact, Ye Feng suddenly realized that he didn't want to hear the news. He didn't want to know what happened to people he knew in the past. He was afraid to hear it.

For example, like now, he knew this man and suddenly died. Moreover, without warning, such a sudden made him unprepared. He had almost completely forgotten this person, but when he heard the news of his death, he would still feel sad and sad for him. He felt that the world might not be as good as he imagined. Of course, he also knew that the world could not be as he imagined. He was not a God. He was just an ordinary man.

Ye Feng always said that as long as it was not birth, old age, illness and death, there was no major event and there was no obstacle. But in fact, even if it is life, old age and death, time will always dilute all this. He will only make you feel sad and painful at the moment when things happen.

After that, the best doctor will slowly heal your wound. Even if you are a close relative, you will only remember and will not hurt any more. This is people's sorrow. The one you love most will always be yourself.

Recalling the news Xu wenweak told himself yesterday, Mike died in Xindu. Just as he lives in this city, Mike is a wanderer, and the end of his life is here.

Even if he knew Ye Feng lived in this city, he would never come to find Ye Feng. The man was a real tough guy, but he was completely broken.

Ye Feng not only recalled the thing that separated her from Mike. Mike had a daughter whom he loved very much, but the daughter died because of him.

Ye Feng has always opposed retaliation or other similar acts, because he knows that it will only make things more difficult, but unfortunately, some people are like this. They always want to completely solve an issue through retaliation to vent their pain and anger, but they know that retaliation can only lead to more pain and more retaliation, All those involved will be punished.

Mercenary this special industry will inevitably encounter some things. Mike is no exception. For him, a task is a task, just a job, but for some people, you hurt the people he knows. He will hurt the people you cherish.

Mike's family, also his daughter, was hurt by Mike's enemy.

This event completely defeated Mike. The death of his daughter made him realize that life is not like what he imagined. Everything is based on integrity and depends on strength. He realized that life was so cruel.

Mike is actually a good man in his heart, so for him, such a blow is unbearable. He can only deal with his inner pain with escape, decadence and negativity. Ye Feng knows all this, but he can't do anything, because he knows this kind of thing. Any persuasion by others is meaningless, and he can only overcome it and come out by himself.

But unfortunately, Mike didn't seem to come out until he died.

A bell interrupted Ye Feng's meditation. He took out his cell phone and took a look. The call was from Kate. "Hey, it's me. What can I do for Ye Feng?"

"Ye Feng, I found the man."

"Which man?"

"Mike, the man who died last night."

"How are you sure that man is Mike?"

"Because someone found a knife wound on his body. A knife wound was fatal on his neck. He was killed. There was an ID card in his wallet, which proved that his name was Mike. I heard the conversation between you and Xu wenweak and knew that an old friend named Mike was dead, so when I saw the body, I paid special attention to it It should be your friend. "

"Well, I see. I'll go right away. Where's the body now?"

"It has been transferred to the ice warehouse of the general administration. Just come to the general administration."

"OK, I'll be right there."

"Ye Feng, you --"

"I'm fine. Let's talk when we get there."

"OK, I'll wait for you."

Put the mobile phone back in his pocket. Ye Feng stood up from the park bench and walked to the exit of the park.

Alas, it's such a thing again. Ye Feng knows that this is probably not an end, but just a beginning

This is a revenge against Mike himself, or does this person's goal not just Mike? Ye Feng doesn't know, but it happened in Xindu city and in the city where he lives, which still makes him feel a little uneasy.

He knows that he is like a magnet, attracting countless troubles to him. These troubles may be committed by himself or caused by people he knows, but in any case, the troubles will always find him to pay the bill.

A taxi arrived at Kate's office. Ye Feng called Kate and he soon came out to pick him up.

"You came very soon, Ye Feng."

"Well, I took a taxi directly. There was hardly any traffic jam on the road. Well, let's go and see the body."

"Well, OK.

”The two walked side by side to the cold storage where the body was parked. Ye Feng didn't speak all the way. Kate didn't know what to talk about. The two walked in silence.

After arriving at the cold storage, Ye Feng finally saw the body. The body looked no different from normal people because it had just died. If he could block the ferocious wound at Bo's neck, he looked like he was asleep. It was really Mike's rough and crazy face, his messy golden hair, and it was indeed one of Mike's symbols.

"People are really dead." Ye Feng whispered.

"Ye Feng, are you okay?"

Kate went to Ye Feng's side and looked at him with some worry.

"I'm really fine. I'm just sad. This man used to be my friend. I spent more than a year with him. During that time, he protected my back and I protected his back. We can be called. Strong and strong work together. He is an expert and I am also an expert.

"In front of Mike and me, there is no task that cannot be completed. Maybe you don't believe it, but I have to say that I refreshed a lot of task completion rates during that time."

"Well, Ye Feng, you really don't look like nothing."

"It's a little sad, but it's far from making me cry. Well, who killed Mike? Do you have a clue now?"

"There are no clues. It's impossible to leave any clues in the heavy rain like wandering in the night. There are no fingerprints, footprints and video data recorded by the camera.

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that no matter who the murderer is, his techniques are extremely vicious and sophisticated. This man has rich killing experience. You see, Ye Feng, this blade can't be cut out by anyone."

"Kill with a knife. It's clean and neat. There's no hesitation. It's really left by experts."

Sure enough, Mike, although you were killed, you were not killed by ordinary people. You died like a wild dog, but you were killed by a fierce wolf.

It may be strange to think so, but when he heard that Mike was killed by a professional, Ye Feng's sadness decreased a little. If Mike was killed by a random gangster, Ye Feng would feel sorry and worthless for him, but if a professional killer came to kill him and end Mike's life. Ye Feng could barely accept this life Luck, after all, all those who step into their special circle will not foolishly expect that they can complete their life. Whether they are killed or kill others, this is the sadness of the people in their circle, and it is also the root of Ye Feng's desire to break away from that circle.

The problem is that sometimes if you want to break away from that circle, that circle will automatically find you. It's not that if you say a word and wash your hands, you will draw a line from your past actions. Any action you do will lead to subsequent consequences, which you can't bear and face, but they will always find you.

Mike, your consequences will come to you.

Hey, will my consequences end me in the same way as you? Looking at the cold body in front of me, Ye Feng suddenly felt very flustered. He didn't know whether he would end in the same way. If so, he hoped that day would come later.

It's best not to come.

But life is like a dream. According to the damn Murphy's law, the more things you don't want to face, the higher the probability of it happening. Because in your subconscious mind, you have learned that these things are possible, and your escape doesn't play any role at all.

People are always so submissive and dare not move forward.

How many people can be truly extraordinary? No longer troubled by worldly things.

Ye Feng is just a layman. He can't do that at all.

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