Laugh if you want, Xu wenweak said to himself in his heart. It doesn't matter. This is my choice. This is my choice against the world.

Xu wenweak is trying to find the girl's way out and dig out her hidden past experience. Ye Feng is also announcing that he will return as a god of death and will deal with all ghosts from the past. He has released many news messages on his social media, which only means that those who want to retaliate against death or Ye Feng should come together. Let's stop wasting time with each other and agree on a time and place, Let's solve all the problems at once. After that, we don't owe each other. From then on, we don't communicate with each other.

Although Ye Feng's idea is somewhat idealistic, such an opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for those who struggle to pursue his whereabouts. All people who know Ye Feng or who have heard his name know that Ye Feng is a person with brain circuit problems. He often makes actions that ordinary people can't understand. Therefore, although many people don't understand the enemy meeting he held this time, many people realize that this is an opportunity that must be grasped. Maybe it's up to them to avenge.

The man in black has killed all the names given to him by the old man. Only the names Ye Feng and Xu wenweak remain. He once asked the old man, why not start with these two people first? The old man said the two men should stay until the end. Just like hunters usually put the smallest prey to the last and fully enjoy the process of hunting.

The old man's words seemed a little boring in the eyes of the man in black. But since someone else pays, do as he wants. When he told the old man that only these two goals had not been achieved, the old man told him that it was time. What remained was how to find the location of these two people and kill them.

The man didn't say anything about it. He only knew that his task was to kill, and the rest was left to the old man. He believed that it would be the same as before. The old man gave him an exact address, and then he went to the door to kill the people in the house. Then he left without leaving a trace.

And as long as the two men are killed, he will complete all the tasks. At that time, a large amount of money will be added to his bank card, which will be the beginning of his happy life.

Although there is some dissatisfaction, the value of Xu wenweak and Ye Feng is even more than that of all the people he killed before. This makes the man can't resist this temptation. He knows he must complete the task and kill the two people. Then take all the money and live the life he wants.

But the old man didn't give him the news of his next action. He had been hiding in a high-end hotel for a week. During this period, he stayed in his room as much as he could. On the one hand, he didn't like to find some fun in the process of action. He knew that once people drank too much, they would say anything. So it tends to be rational. The man kept himself in the room all the time.

Although he is very eager to contact the colorful world outside, and the money in the bank card is enough for him to do anything he wants to do, he is a person with some obsessive-compulsive disorder. He will not do anything detrimental to his actions until the task is completed.

So this week he had a very boring and boring life. He held a fire in his heart and wanted to finish it quickly. But the old man seems to have lost his chain, and he hasn't been able to give him the action information he needs.

This seems a little rare to men. Before that, dozens of people and the elderly have clearly touched their information. Where are these people hiding? The old man seemed to know the specific house they lived in.

But at this moment, the last two people and the last two task goals, but there is no information from the old man's mouth to the man's hands. Without information, he can't act and can only stand still. As time goes by, he knows that his risk is also increasing geometrically.

He wants to quickly leave the city, leave the country, go to a place where no one knows him, and start his new life there. As long as he stays on this land, he may expose his identity and be caught. Although this possibility is small, it does exist.

He will really relax only when he takes his luggage and embarks on a journey abroad. Only when he comes to a completely strange land can he feel real security. At this time, he is eroded by the fear of being caught every minute and every second. He doesn't like this idle state. For him, every minute and every second at this time is so painful. He is eager to kill and calm himself with blood.

But the old man never called him, which made him very angry, but there was no place to vent. What the man in black didn't know was that the old man was even more angry than him at the moment, because he found that his adopted daughter took action behind his back.

She didn't open a new life and expand her life width as she asked. Instead, he was involved in the dispute, and what made him very angry was that the girl approached Xu wenweak and even met Ye Feng, but her action failed in the end. This added fuel to the old man's anger.

On the one hand, he was angry that the girl did not listen to his advice and participated in this matter. On the other hand, he always taught the girl that no matter any behavior, any action or any action, she must win the final victory and achieve the goal set in advance, otherwise, she should not act easily.

But this time, the girl was too blind and too anxious, which led to the failure of an opportunity. Even if she doesn't need the old man to blame the girl, she knows that she has completely screwed up this time. If she can calm down, she can be professional, and she can be calm, maybe the matter will be over.

She has countless opportunities to kill Xu wenweak, and even she has a valuable opportunity to kill Ye Feng. She could have made more choices and more rational choices, rather than just fleeing from that place. Like a lost dog, she did nothing but exposed herself.

The old man knew that the girl's move had broken all his plans and would put him in absolute danger. He knew who Xu wenweak was. As long as such a person gave her a little information and clues, he could send out all the dark scenes and all the facts.

So from this moment, from the moment he heard of the girl's failure, he was ready for the failure of the whole operation. His only hope is that before Xu wenweak finds out his true identity, he can give the executor accurate information and let him find Xu wenweak and Ye Feng and kill them as soon as possible. Only in this way can he fulfill his long cherished wish and go to hell with all the people he wants to kill before he dies.

The old man's urgency and anger are far above those in black. But he was unable to grasp the whereabouts of Xu wenweak and Ye Feng.

Xu wenweak and Ye Feng usually stay in that absolutely safe house. Any possible temptation and exploration can't penetrate the wall of the house, that is, as long as they don't make mistakes, no one will know where they are.

Xu wenweak doesn't go out at all. If Ye Feng goes out, he uses a transmission belt. The old man may be able to find the place where Ye Feng stays or appears, but he can't find Ye Feng's residence.

If only for his own safety, Ye Feng may reveal flaws, but his whereabouts are related to all the people living in his house. So he was on high alert all the time to prevent his whereabouts from revealing the exact location of the house.

And for Ye Feng, he also has a killer mace. As long as he determines that his position has been exposed, he can send the whole room to a place he doesn't even know. Although this may cause more trouble. For example, the whole house suddenly appears in a crowded downtown area, which will be completely exposed, as long as the conveyor is continuously started, a deserted place will always be found.

In other words, as long as Ye Feng doesn't die himself, he will be in absolute safety. He can kill all his enemies, but he doesn't intend to do so, because he knows that with the passage of time, Ye Feng's relationship with others may be slowly discovered. In this way, those who have a relationship with him will face the same end as those who have a relationship with him: they will be found and killed.

Therefore, Ye Feng wants to solve the problem at one time, so he will choose to call all his enemies to the same place and let them deal with himself together.

Ye Feng's abacus jingled. Of course, other people who hate him are not idiots. Everyone began to connect, know and don't know, know and don't know. All these people came together because of the same belief - kill Ye Feng - and became a loose alliance.

The existence of this alliance has only one meaning. Kill Ye Feng. As for how to kill him, Ye Feng himself has given the answer. He will appear at the agreed place and at the agreed time, and all these anti Ye Feng alliance people will also appear on the set, and then kill Ye Feng.

As for whether this scene will happen or not, in fact, everyone's heart is uneasy. Only Ye Feng knows whether this strange game will be staged or not. For him, he wants to play this game because he believes in his strength. In fact, he believes more in the strength of his friends. Instead of letting his friends be attacked, he might as well let them fight with those bastards.

Ye Feng has selected the strong alliance he needs. With the help of these people, he can face anyone's challenge with confidence. Even if all the bastards gather together, they are just a group of slightly scary bastards.

Ye Feng has Kobi and Jane. There are too many people who can help him. He is ready to call them together to have a big party with the ghosts who have been following his past.

It has been too long. For decades, too many enemies have died and too many enemies have poured in. Ye Feng is tired of a man coming out from time to time to kill him. He has no expectations for such people. He knows that as long as he reveals a flaw, these mad dogs will rush up and bite him to death.

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