Kou Bi doesn't know when she last added energy. If this armor runs at low power, it can last for a long time, but if it runs at ultra-high power, it may run out of energy after more than ten minutes of fighting.

When Ye Feng borrowed this armor from her, it was close to the war, so Kobi didn't have enough time to replenish ammunition and energy for this armor.

Moreover, Ye Feng is not clear about the armor and is a little rusty in operation. He just uses his super defense and the super offensive nature of the armor itself to deal with the enemies. In fact, this is enough. As long as he hits a unlucky person with his fist, the person will be killed in an instant.

The only thing Ye Feng should worry about is that he must not let his death be too miserable, because if his death is too miserable, the audience will see that his strength is too different. And his enemies are not on the same level at all.

In fact, many people have begun to doubt how Ye Feng did all this. Now Ye Feng must be cautious. Don't let him be too obvious, and the ubiquitous camera has completely transmitted his every move to everyone in the world. Some people have begun to adjust Ye Feng's danger level from the ordinary level to the highest level.

Although people are wondering, why does this maple leaf have such strong strength? What was he doing during his silence in the previous years? Why didn't he use his powerful strength to make the world a better place?

In fact, if they know the truth, they will sigh that it is lucky that Ye Feng did not come out, otherwise he will only make the world more chaotic. Ye Feng is not unknown, but there are too few people who know what he has done. Those who really know the inside story and what he has done are actually only a few close people around him.

Ye Feng spent most of these years with Dick. He ventured in those outer space planets. He even had to worry about things on the orc planet, so he really disappeared from the eyes of most people for some time.

They not only wondered what Ye Feng was doing during this period, but did he just live in seclusion, as he said? Most people don't believe this explanation. People are doubting and guessing that maple leaf may be performing some arduous and dangerous task and working for the well-being of all mankind.

But in fact, they don't know that Ye Feng doesn't care about the well-being of all mankind at all. Even if everyone will die in the next second, he doesn't care about him. It's enough to make sure that his real person can survive. Ye Feng knows that if he tells people his ideas, he will face great trouble, so he has been playing a role set in the script, a weiguangzheng, a hero in people's mind. Although Ye Feng feels very funny, he has been faithfully playing this role, He paid a lot of money for the role planned by a famous screenwriter.

Everyone's heart was tightly clenched. They wanted to know whether the trend of this battle would be a complete crushing victory for Ye Feng as everyone expected in advance, but now it seems that it is not.

Although the first scene was so shocking that everyone thought that the battle would end soon, this was not the case. At this moment, those who had no strength had been eliminated, and the rest were those who had strength, brains and real combat literacy, These enemies are not so easy to solve.

In fact, if it was Ye Feng, he already felt that there were some difficulties. These people were not easy to deal with. These people are far more difficult to deal with than those he killed before. They are like chopping melons and vegetables. It is not difficult to kill them, but even if he kills these people, Ye Feng has to pay some price, which is not so easy.

The temporary counterattack of these people is so terrible that Ye Feng's heart is a little frightened. In fact, Ye Feng is not a timid person, but the problem is that even if he has such a strong strength, his heart still can't match this strength.

He will still be afraid of hands and feet in battle. After all, for Ye Feng, he doesn't enjoy such a strong combat effectiveness. He can only fight instinctively according to his combat experience. And his instinct will inhibit the exertion of his real strength to some extent.

It's like asking a three-year-old child to lift a Gatling machine gun. Weapons are good weapons and their lethality is also very strong. But the problem is that the three-year-old child can't fully use and exert the power of this weapon, so that there is a powerful force in the air, but it can't be put into practice.

Ye Feng's limited combat power makes him a little angry, but Ye Feng knows very well that he must keep calm because the enemy is eyeing him. With a little carelessness, he may fall into an irreparable situation.

He has begun to feel afraid. From the ecstasy at the beginning to the trembling at this time, he has begun to look for a safe place in the field. He is running. He is trying to find a place where he can breathe a little.

Too tired.

An hour or so has passed since the beginning of the battle, but for Ye Feng, this hour is too tired. He doesn't even have time to catch his breath. All he could do was run, fight and kill the enemies one by one, because he had no choice but to do so.

Facing dozens or even hundreds of villains flocking to him, the visual experience of this scene is so terrible that Ye Feng has never experienced it before, and he never thought it would become a reality. He has to say that he somewhat underestimated the danger, difficulty and possible challenges of this battle. He thought everything too simple.

In fact, some of the people who came to trouble him were really difficult to deal with. Most of these people have super combat experience, and none of them is good at stubble. They are the enemy that will become very difficult if they really master the terrain and the situation. This enemy frightens Ye Feng and he can't win easily.

Ye Feng's biggest problem is that his psychological quality is too poor and can't bear pressure. Many times, there is still a lot of room for transfer. He has given up himself. People familiar with Ye Feng's character know this very well, but Ye Feng can't restrain it.

This kind of character limitation that always wants to give up and always falls into pessimism. In fact, for Ye Feng himself, this situation is so boring and irritating, but he can only endure. After all, no one will really blame himself. The person in everyone's heart is himself. Ye Feng is a very narcissistic person. For him, making himself comfortable is far more important than anything else.

Unable to overcome his weakness in character, Ye Feng can only desperately enhance his strength and give him more confidence.

But in his bones, he is still a timid man. Although he always strongly denies this point, Ye Feng will always retreat when facing a real decision. His sometimes cowardly and sometimes strong character makes many people feel a headache. Anyway, he feels a headache himself.

In fact, he thought in advance that he might face the situation of one when one hundred, but when this scene really happened, it still shocked his heart. Hundreds of fierce looking villains rushed to him, shouting all kinds of fighting and curse, which overwhelmed Ye Feng.

He subconsciously wants to escape these people quickly. Even if he has the strength to kill all these people, he can't help it. He has been caught by the fear in those, so that he can't make a correct judgment. At this time, he can only rely on himself, and others can't give him the correct answer. As he planned, his friends stay safely in her house to avoid being attacked in this case.

Ye Feng can only rely on himself. As for the rest of his partners, they are also in a anxious battle at the moment. Because they don't want to kill too much, these people don't kill in the fight. At most, they just cripple the enemy, which makes their efficiency a little slow.

And those people fought back desperately, so that everyone was overwhelmed. The battle became white hot. More than 200 of the nearly 500 villains have fallen, but the rest can no longer be easily defeated. These people are ferocious, resourceful and resourceful. Their fighting instinct supports them. They can surprise Ye Feng and his partners in the chaotic battlefield. This kind of damage is acceptable to Ye Feng, but for others, Their defense is not as strong as Ye Feng. Even a bullet or a knife may cause fatal damage to them.

These people may have unparalleled attack power, but their defense is not so rebellious. They are still not separated from the category of human beings. Yes, compared with ordinary people, these people are indeed very strong, but the enemies they face are not ordinary people, but fierce villains.

These people are murderers licking blood on the edge of the knife. Killing is like eating and drinking water in their eyes. These people will not have any fear or timid heart, because they have already thought about it when they come. They come to play with their lives, either others or themselves!!

Therefore, compared with Ye Feng, these people are conscious. They know very well why they will end up, so they don't have any hesitation when they act. Some are just crazy.

No one wants to be the soul of others, but the truth sought in wealth and danger has deeply become the philosophy of these people. What they want is an opportunity to soar to the sky, and Ye Feng just gives these people such an opportunity to fight with their own life.

A fight, a bike becomes a motorcycle.

These gamblers are duty bound to participate in this grand carnival

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