In this regard, he was a little overwhelmed, but there was no way. Both sides felt a little uncomfortable with each other. Ye Feng was an extra person. He was not even a guest, because he suddenly changed from a stranger to the absolute core that everyone must obey his orders. This is unacceptable to those who survived the battle of the giant bear, There is some emotional imbalance, and for Ye Feng, he doesn't want to command so many people and take responsibility for so many people's lives.

In fact, Europa's sword is also very embarrassed to hand over the command of this task to Ye Feng. They have heard of Ye Feng's style and know that he is not a person worthy of trust. This person may have miraculous effects at some time, but he will also have irreparable consequences.

In short, this person is a trouble maker. If he is allowed to challenge some seemingly impossible tasks alone, he may receive miraculous results, but it is too much responsibility for him to become a commander who needs to command hundreds or even thousands of people.

Finally, after discussion, combined with the opinions of both sides, Ye Feng finally did not assume the responsibility of the commander-in-chief on the battlefield. Although the task in his hand is still very arduous, he needs to issue a withdrawal instruction so that everyone can safely evacuate to a position far away from the nuclear explosion. However, the commander-in-chief of the battlefield will no longer be undertaken by Ye Feng. Although there is an additional channel for communication, this is the best choice for Ye Feng, as well as for the sword of Europa.

The person who communicates directly with Ye Feng is the most famous and powerful hero of Europa sword. He is famous. The fist of punishment. The fist of punishment is a black man. He is more than two meters tall and weighs 300 pounds. However, he does not look bloated, but capable and strong. For everyone on earth, the fist of punishment is an absolute idol. This black man is not only strong, but also extremely handsome, You can't tell his age from his handsome face, but he has been active on this stage and in the spotlight for nearly 20 years, that is, at least he is over 40 years old, but the handsome uncle seems to have escaped time and left any impression on him. He is not only very young, Moreover, the strength has not retreated for so many years, and even increased steadily every year.

His ability doesn't sound complicated. He is born with the ability of blinking. His blinking distance is not far, only about ten meters, but after years of practice, he can keep Shunyi dozens of times. In other words, in a short time, he can teleport to a distance of several kilometers away, which is as simple as routine for him.

This ability can play an unexpected role in combat. When you are facing the attack of the punishment fist, suddenly in the blink of an eye, he has come behind you. Your back hole is wide open and has no defense at all. He can easily defeat you, or even kill you with one blow. Countless people die under the action of the punishment fist, Even if everyone knows his ability like the back of his hand, there is nothing you can do with him in the process of fighting, and the reason why the name of punishment fist is so loud is that his fist is so explosive.

This is practiced bit by bit. There is no shortcut. His fist is the fist of ordinary people, but after decades of training. Now this extremely lethal fist, anyone and any defensive weapon are vulnerable in front of this fist. As if it were the sharpest spear in the world, but the shield that could match it could not be found.

Ye Feng heard this man's name many years ago. At that time, he was still unknown. Compared with the fist of punishment, he was just an unknown junior. But now, decades later, he has become a man on the same stage as the fist of punishment. Ye Feng can't help feeling that time is really interesting. It took some things away and gave you some gifts. In a word, looking at the punishment fist opposite the desk, Ye Feng's mood is somewhat complex, some excited, a trace of melancholy and a trace of pride. He is satisfied with the result he has achieved through all his efforts over the years. He was alive, and the obstacles in front of him had been crushed by his own hands.

Sometimes, who lives long and who is the real winner, a temporary victory does not represent the final outcome of the battle. You are the winner only when you stand in front of your opponent's tombstone.

The punishment fist's attitude towards Ye Feng is very cold, which is expected by Ye Feng. After all, the punishment fist is the real boss, and he is just an unknown person who suddenly airborne. Ye Feng didn't tell others that she was the God of death. Simply, Adeline didn't tell anyone about it after drinking. So they only know that Ye Feng is the aid given to them by Edlin, but they don't know that Ye Feng is the God of death that attracted the attention of the whole world some time ago.

Ye Feng knows very well that if his identity is exposed, it must be more trouble than opportunity to find him. He doesn't want to get into trouble now, because a hard won holiday was disturbed by a damn giant bear. Now, in the process of fighting against the giant bear, he doesn't want to create new problems, face attacks or sneak attacks from others. To keep focused and make the plan implemented normally, Ye Feng has to do his best. If he worries about whether others will stab him in the back, Ye Feng will not play a normal role at all.

If he can't accurately deliver the miniature nuclear bomb to the giant bear's body according to the plan, the result of this battle will undoubtedly end with the tragic defeat of the members of the Europa sword. Even if he saves it to the giant bear's body according to the plan, he must calculate the withdrawal time, otherwise once the nuclear bomb explodes, the people involved will die together with the giant bear.

How to minimize the combat damage is the key problem that everyone is struggling with at present. Few people question whether the giant bear will die in this plan, because ye Feng has seen the miniature nuclear bomb - it is said to be miniature at the age of, but it is actually as high as half a person - the explosion equivalent can definitely blow the giant bear to pieces. Similarly, if those who have not been evacuated to a safe place will not have the chance to be rescued, and all people and all lives will disappear within the scope of the explosion.

In this regard, Ye Feng constantly comforted himself and told himself that everything would be safe and there would be no accidents. He had his baby random transmission belt, which could definitely deal with all the current accidents and situations, but the problem was, what if the belt suddenly became uncomfortable when the plan was really implemented.

Facing this problem, Ye Feng has no solution, so he can only avoid it as much as possible. This belt has been with Ye Feng for a long time. He doesn't know what energy this belt depends on. Ye Feng thinks maybe this belt also has the function of supplementing energy. Who knows, if this belt suddenly fails due to lack of energy, Ye Feng can only curse his mother.

Although the probability of this possibility is not large, it is a small probability event, but anything can happen, and any possibility must be considered. If this happens - Ye Feng has not met him - how to deal with it?

The answer given by Catherine on behalf of the sword of Europa is: do it yourself. In the face of this response, Ye Feng can only sulk himself in addition to smiling bitterly. He knows very well that if the plan is not successfully implemented, hundreds or even thousands of people will die. His life will be insignificant among these dead people, but what Ye Feng really cares about is his own life, So how to ensure absolute safety is his biggest concern at present. As for whether this giant bear will die and whether the plan can succeed, he only ranks second.

People are selfish. Of course, Ye Feng is no exception, and he is the best of the selfish. He doesn't have the noble quality of sacrificing for others. Ye Feng has always claimed that he is a real villain, not a hypocrite. He sacrificed his life for the sake of righteousness and gave up his own interests for the interests of most people. It's better to let others be such a hero. Ye Feng still continues to be his dog squatting at home.

But in addition to complaining with Jemma Chuqian, Ye Feng can't tell others. There's no doubt that the people of Europa's sword don't trust him. They just rush the ducks to the shelves and have no other way. When things go so far, there's only one expression on all people's faces: let's finish this thing quickly, damn it.

Yes, everyone is very anxious, because they lost too many people and horses and too many casualties in the battle with the giant bear. Even if it happened in front of everyone, it has completely shattered their self-confidence. For these people, they don't have much expectations for the plan, especially

The core of the implementation of the plan is still to be undertaken by an outsider, and Ye Feng doesn't seem to be a particularly recognizable person. His careless behavior and his broken mouth make people's expectations of him lower and lower. In fact, Ye Feng feels very clear about this, but he doesn't care, He always scoffs at the wishes of others.

Just take care of your own affairs. I'll take care of my affairs. He wants to write this sentence on a note and stick it on his forehead.

Edlin would call him almost every day to talk about the progress of things. Ye Feng can clearly feel that Edlin is cautious about himself. For this, Ye Feng feels a little distressed, but at the same time, he also knows that he must give Edlin a little punishment to let her remember that there are some things to say and some things she can't say.

Edlin seems to know what Ye Feng thinks. She doesn't have any excuse for her mistakes. She just accepts Ye Feng's advice from love and responsibility. Of course, there is inevitably a trace of complaint. Ye Feng always attaches great importance to his privacy. He doesn't want too many people to explore his life and know his existence, This is the battle of the source of Ye Feng's sense of security. He hides in the shadow. Others don't know him, but he can peep at others. Although Ye Feng looks a little abnormal, this is the dark side of his character.

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