Such a thing makes Ye Feng feel at a loss. He didn't expect that he just wanted to help a little, and he would evolve to this extent. Perhaps all this was just his illusion, but he still felt at a loss. He can't leave this damn building. Although the other party prevaricates him for his safety, the fact is that Ye Feng's personal freedom has been restricted. He can't leave. He can only be imprisoned here.

The sugar coated shells wrapped by the other party shot at him one by one, and Ye Feng could only accept it passively. He was helpless, far away on the European continent, which was the territory of Europa's sword. Even if Edlin got the news he sent her, she could not save Ye Feng from Europa's sword.

If the battle between two huge organizational swords is triggered, the damage and loss will be incalculable. This is the result Ye Feng absolutely doesn't want to see. He doesn't want to hurt Edlin's career because of his own affairs. If possible, he hopes that things will really be as the lowly people of Europe say, After they finish the task, they can all be happy, and then the two sides shoot and break up.

Ye Feng is very contradictory in his heart. He expects the task to come quickly and the action to be implemented immediately. At the same time, he is worried that any accident in the process of walking will lead to incalculable consequences. He doesn't want to die in this case, not for his friends and family, or even for himself, but for others and for the interests of others, This is definitely not the end Ye Feng wants.

The night before the action was officially implemented, Catherine came to Ye Feng's lounge. At that time, Ye Feng was just taking a bath, preparing to drink a can of beer, and then went to bed early.

When he heard the knock on the door, his first reaction was that Gemma and Chu Qian came back, but on second thought, he had told them this morning that he would never return to the headquarters of Europa sword during this period, so he knew that the visitor was not his friend, but should be the person of Europa sword.

When he opened the door and saw Catherine standing at the door, Ye Feng was not surprised. He knew too well that before such a major action, the direct person in charge of the action would appease the emotions of every member, especially Ye Feng, the most important member and the most difficult member to control.

"Are you here to do ideological work for me?"

Ye Feng looked at him standing at the door, leaning against the door frame in one hand and holding a bottle of beer in the other. He didn't mean to invite Catherine in, but Catherine pushed herself into the room from beside him.

"That's right. I'm here to see you and see your mood."

"Yes, I may be a little nervous the night before the major action, and sometimes I can't sleep all night, but don't worry. It won't affect my state, because I'm at my best all the time."

"Really, so that's why you stay in the house and watch the animal world alone? Relax?"

"That's right." Ye Feng turned off the TV, and the living room suddenly became quiet. He sat in a chair and didn't see Catherine, but tasted the taste of cold beer.

"I want to see you and make sure you are qualified for tomorrow's task."

"I have no problem. I have said it several times. I believe that the big black man of the fist of punishment must have told you what I said to him, so you should be very clear that I have made my commitment."

"Commitment is not important, what matters is your actual performance," said Catherine, who did not deny his connection with the fist of punishment. "Ye Feng, you know that tomorrow's mission is very important. If you can't complete it, we must send another person to take your random transmission -"

"I can finish it, and I firmly reject your proposal. I won't let anyone take my random belt. I can tell you this clearly. If you want to throw away some small means, believe me, I will send it from here immediately. As for where to go back, I don't care, as long as it's where you can't find it. I know the whole European continent It's your territory, but you can have a try. How long can we play this cat and mouse game? At the same time, will the giant bear stay in the sea waiting for us to kill it? "

Catherine stared at Ye Feng without saying a word. The cold look in her eyes was too familiar to Ye Feng. It was a natural premonition of the prey to the hunter. She knew very well that he was the prey at the moment, and the Europa sword represented by Catherine was the real hunter, but his prey was not a prey that would be caught without a hand. He will fight back and at least escape, which they can't guard against for Europa's sword. The only thing Ye Feng is worried about is that if he conflicts with the people of Europa's sword, Gemma and Chu Qian will eventually fall into danger. They don't have random transmission devices and can't escape the siege of Europa's sword smoothly.

From Catherine's eyes, Ye Feng knew that if things went to that point, Chu Qian and jenma would become trumps in the hands of Europa's sword to contain him. At that time, Ye Feng may not even have a choice, so even when he said these strong words, he still had a smile on his face, which didn't make the atmosphere awkward.

"We will try our best to avoid this situation, as long as you can keep your promise, Ye Feng. You know that we don't trust you. We trust Adeline, and she trusts you, so we have no choice."

"Well, now that you've been honest, I'll tell you. I suddenly don't trust you. I don't think you're a good partner. At least for me, you've done too many small moves. I'll tell you clearly that I'll leave you with my friends immediately after the task is completed tomorrow. If I see your people anywhere after that. Maybe I I feel threatened by you. I will fight back. Is it clear? I will fight back. "

"Don't worry about this. As long as the giant bear is solved, we won't have any interest in you. We will never come into our sight again. There are even many people who hope you can get away from this building forever." Catherine said coldly.

"Clearly, those people look at me very badly, but what can they do? They can't kill me. They just like to see those of you angry, but can't move my eyes." Ye Feng said with a smile, "Believe me, I've seen more scum than you've ever eaten, so I know what you'll do and what actions you'll take. You're restrained. You just made some small moves. At least you haven't directly caught me and forced me to hand over the belt. I believe it's because you can't use it and dare not be in such a sensitive place If I destroy the transmission, you will have no hope. Since we both know what the other party is, we won't do these unnecessary things again. I'll finish the task and leave, and you just need to cooperate with me and don't use any crooked ideas. "

"Yes, then have a good cooperation."

"Cooperate but not happy."

After sending kaslin out of the room, Ye Feng closes the door and leans his back against the door panel. He knows that there is only one choice in front of him. He must help Europa's sword complete the task, otherwise his personal safety and Chu Qian's Gemma will not be guaranteed. Ye Feng doesn't know their fall at this time. He did it on purpose, but he knows very well that once Europa's sword wants to find Gemma And Chu Qian's whereabouts, their speed will be faster than him, and things will be difficult to clean up at that time.

In a word, Ye Feng hopes that tomorrow's mission can be carried out smoothly. Then he and his friends leave this damn place, or even leave this damn continent, return to the city they are familiar with, and never come again. It's too hard to be in other people's territory. People cut me for fish and meat, and there is no ability to resist. All he has to do now is to eat early Go to bed, save energy for tomorrow's battle, make all preparations, and then seriously face all the details in action to finally achieve the goal.

After sleeping until dawn, Ye Feng was awakened by a violent knock on the door. Standing outside, he was a person he didn't know. The man took him to another room, and then he put on all his equipment. These equipment looked very cool clothes. Ye Feng knew very well that these things were not necessary equipment for him However, one more layer of protection is another. He has no objection, but wears all his equipment neatly.

Everyone is busy. The headquarters building of Europa sword seems to be alive. People are walking fast and discussing fiercely all the time. Ye Feng can even smell a smell called tension, which fills the building, so that everyone can't stop or think seriously. They can only act by instinct and memory machinery Wait.

Ye Feng is probably the most ordinary person among all people. He looks on coldly. He just sits quietly in his own position and looks at all the people around him or other core personnel. These people keep exchanging their opinions, determining all the details and trying to minimize the unstable factors. Ye Feng immerses himself in his own world with headphones In the world, listening to music, he went over and over in his mind the tasks he should complete and the details he should pay attention to. These things have been staged countless times in his mind these days. At the moment, when it was really going to happen, he still felt a little nervous. This tension was full of complex emotions. He was thinking about Chu Qian and Gemma and worried about accidents in his actions, Either they are worried about changes in their actions due to their own reasons, or they are worried about the failure of the task due to others. In a word, for a large task with the cooperation of hundreds of people, everyone may become the key to the success or failure of the task. In general, everyone is very nervous. Even Ye Feng's heart is not calm.

When he first got on the transport ship to the action site, Ye Feng's tension became stronger. He looked at the punishment fist sitting only a few places away from his confidant and the big black man with closed eyes and headphones. He couldn't help wondering. He didn't know what the punishment fist was thinking at this time. Would he feel nervous like him?

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