Ye Feng doesn't want the people around him to fall into this self reproach mood because of himself. In fact, none of them did anything wrong. What's wrong is ability. Ability comes with responsibility. If you don't want to bear this responsibility, you can't let others know that you use this ability. In a word, you can either be a man with Israel and Palestine, Or take all the responsibilities that come with it, just like the fist of punishment. He is so famous, but he also pays the price of his life because of his fame. If he was just an ordinary man, he would not be involved in the battle between rain gear bears and lose his life. In a word, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This sentence is a blessing, It is also a curse and a responsibility.

Ye Feng once imagined that he could live as he wanted without any responsibility, but this kind of life seemed free, but it was not. Ye Feng has proved this with his tragic experience. You can kill as you like and do what you want. But the difficulties and dangers that follow will make your life a mess, even worse than the life you once had. This is Ye Feng's experience.

He had been so absurd for several years that there were still ghosts from the past bothering him, and he knew that such ghosts would not stop bothering him until the moment he died.

For the fist of punishment, Ye Feng's feelings are somewhat complicated. Personally, he doesn't like this person. This person is too hypocritical. In fact, he is just an ordinary person who is a little obscene. However, because he has the ability of ordinary people, he is always maintaining his image of high integrity, but Ye Feng knows very well that there are no high integrity people in the world, If a person seems perfect, he must hide an ugly secret.

Ye Feng came up with this rule of life after meeting countless people, and so far he has not failed or gone astray. The taller a person seems to be, the more Ye Feng hates him. He knows that some people are benevolent, righteous and moral on the surface, but they are actually full of bad water in the heart. He has met countless such people, so he hates this person from the first sight of the fist of punishment.

But this man died. He died in a battle. He died for the lives of others. Just because of this, he deserves to be remembered and praised by people. Ye Feng's heart is also very appreciative of this behavior. Because the truth that dead Taoist friends do not die poor is particularly true here.

Since you want to die and you want to get those names, it's up to you. I'll be at home and watch people shout your name in panic, or cry for your name and feel sad for your departure.

Ye Feng still has some regrets. He once had countless opportunities to scold him as a villain and an idiot in front of the fist of punishment, but eventually these opportunities disappeared. He originally wanted to give them a dirty word to the fist of punishment or Catherine as a farewell message when he left the headquarters of Europa sword. This opportunity did not appear in the end. This is also a small regret in Ye Feng's heart. He wants others to know his true feelings about these people, rather than secretly competing in his heart. What's the significance? You must scold them and tell them, so as to deeply hurt them. Even if you can't hurt them, you can make yourself more comfortable.

However, things did not end like Ye Feng imagined. On the contrary, things had just begun. At noon one day, Gemma suddenly knocked on the door of Ye Feng's room. Ye Feng was taking a nap in bed. When he was awakened, he got up angry, pushed open the door and looked at the talented girl standing at the door. Ye Feng's tone was not very good. He said, "what's the matter? You."

"Ye Feng, come and have a look." jenma rushed into Ye Feng's room with her laptop. No matter how ugly Ye Feng's face was, she put the laptop on the bed, focused on tapping on the keyboard, and shouted to Ye Feng without turning her head: "come and have a look."

"What, I was sleeping just now."

"It's definitely something unexpected for you." jenma said excitedly. "Look, Ye Feng, who do you think this man is?"

A picture of a strong man is displayed on the laptop screen. The man's skin color is very dark and looks like a black man. Although he wears a hat, he can see that he is actually bald. He wears a pair of huge black sunglasses on his face, covering almost the whole face. The man is also wearing a mask on his mouth, Almost all his facial features are hidden under the decorations he wears, so that people can't see his true face.

Ye Feng stared at the man's picture for a few seconds, and then impatiently looked at Xiang zhenma: "who is this? Star? Dress yourself up so tightly."

"If you look at your clothes carefully, you will recognize him."

Ye Feng looked back impatiently. He looked at the picture on the computer screen carefully. It was obviously taken by the roadside camera. The clarity of the picture was OK. It should be that jenma made some adjustments in the picture, so that he could more clearly reflect all the details of the man in the image. Ye Feng stared at the man's figure and looked at it again and again, Still didn't find anything worth his attention.

He looked impatiently at Gemma again.

Jenma waved her finger and pointed to the position of the man's neck in the picture. Ye Feng looked at it and saw that it was a tattoo. It seemed to be a corner of an angel's wing. It looked quite vivid.

"What is this, Gemma, what do you want me to see?" Ye Feng's tone has been a little impatient. Gemma heard Ye Feng's impatience. Seeing more grievances in his eyes, Ye Feng immediately gave in, and he apologized again and again.

"I'm sorry, Gemma. Just hurry. Just tell me what you want to tell me. Please, I don't have your high IQ and can understand such a complex thing."

The cloud on jenma's face finally dissipated. She pointed to the man in the picture and said, "Ye Feng, don't you think this man is the fist of punishment?"

This sentence stunned Ye Feng. He didn't react for the first time, and then he felt his back cold. "The fist of punishment, how can it be? He's dead. Is it possible that this picture was taken before his accident?"

"Look at the date. It has a time stamp."

With jenma's fingers looking at Ye Feng, sure enough, she saw an accurate time stamp at the top right of the photo, and the time was accurate to seconds. It was taken at 02:56:32 p.m. yesterday. It was in an ancient city on the European continent, so the scenery in this photo looks classical.

Ye Feng was stunned. He stared at the picture on the screen and was stunned. He didn't speak. After a long time, he closed his mouth and recovered his ability to speak: "you mean this man is the fist of punishment? And he was photographed by the roadside camera yesterday. Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. You finally understand why I'm so excited."

"So..." Ye Feng was still a little stunned. "Maybe the fist of punishment is not dead? No, he must be dead. No one will survive the nuclear explosion."

"Didn't you survive?"

"Am I an ordinary person?"

Gemma shrugged and continued: "It must be him, it must be the fist of punishment. Ye Feng, look carefully at the tattoo on his body, which is very consistent with the tattoo on the fist of punishment. Moreover, look at his wrist, he is the watch he wears on his wrist. The fist of punishment has also been worn before. Look at his shoes. Those shoes are only 50 pairs of shoes limited in the world, which the fist of punishment once wore This pair of shoes has participated in the program. This pair of shoes is on the man's feet right now. Do you think these details together are not enough to prove that he is the fist of punishment? "

Ye Feng shook his head: As like as two peas, we can see that the details are only details, and we know that the punishment is dead. The man may be just a fanatical imitator. He wants to imitate everything he has and punishing the fist, even the skin. You see his skin is black, but I have seen the color of the punishing fist, which is lighter than this black. The skin color is almost brownish yellow. The skin color on this person is obviously much darker, just like black charcoal. This alone shows that this person is not a fist of punishment, but someone who looks similar to him and is his fan. Just so, how can you prove that the shoes on his feet are real 50 pairs of shoes in the world? You know, it's fake now Shoes are everywhere. If you want to buy them, I can buy them for you now. "

"No, Ye Feng, you can't deny these details. The tattoo and his ornaments, physique and head shape are all right, and he has covered his facial features. He hides all the places he can help, which obviously shows that this man doesn't want others to see his appearance, that is, he may be the fist of punishment. But he has now changed his name Here we are. "

"Why did he do this, Gemma? He has completed such a difficult feat and become a hero in his mouth. People all over the world are mourning his death. Why did he hide? If it was him, I would jump out immediately and take all the glory. After that, no one knew my existence and no one knew that I had played a great role in this task. So what Some auras and all honors will be taken away by him. Why should he pretend to be dead and hide? I talked to the fist of punishment. This man is a real villain, and he can't hold it in front of such great fame and wealth. "

"Maybe it's because of some of his greater interests. As you said, if the fist of punishment is a villain, he may pretend to die for some greater interests to create an illusion of his death. Who knows, we haven't met such things. There are many strange people in the world. Who knows what the fist of punishment is thinking. In short, I You can be 100% sure that this person is him. "

"How are you sure? This man is wearing a mask and glasses. He can't see his face at all. Maybe after you take off all the masks and glasses, you find that this man looks like me, not like the fist of punishment."

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