It's like something you have to do. You want to ignore it, but you can't do it at all. This idea reminds you all the time that you have to face it. There's a man you have to kill. Dick, the replica of this life, has been living for too long. He is eager to get rid of this bondage to himself.

This idea was implanted into his mind, so that he had to think about this. He wanted to put this idea aside completely and live his own life, but he couldn't make it again. In Dick's eyes, he was just a tool for revenge. At least he had to pay everything for it before revenge was completed.

His idea of changing his current life is so strong that nothing is more important in his eyes than revenge. He knows that this is because of the idea engraved in his genes. However, in order to get real freedom, he wants to finish this thing and kill the other party. Even if the final result is that he is killed, he has no regrets, Because this is the meaning of his existence, although he has no choice.

He doesn't want to exist like this, but the fact has become like this. He has no choice but to be a tool. Now that he has accepted the fate of his tools, please make a fool of yourself before death or freedom. These are all the ideas in Dick's mind. These ideas support him to today and finally support him in front of Dick who killed his own noumenon.

The feeling of this moment is so wonderful that the replica immediately feels a rare peace. This peace is the life he pursues. After paying so much, after so much, dormant for so many years, he finally got all this. This delicious taste made him unable to extricate himself. He knew that he might not survive today. But the opportunity is in front of you and you have to fight for it.

His attack mode seemed powerless in front of Dick, but the replica Dick was not discouraged. He tried hard to tear Dick's defense with all his attack means. He worked so hard and went all out, which also made Dick feel a thorn, of course, just a trace, The technological gap between the two sides was even greater than the replica Dick imagined. He didn't expect that since Dick could break out such a powerful force, even if he was only defending and didn't attack, it also made the replica Dick feel extremely difficult. All this became out of reach in his eyes, as if his dream was about to be dashed.

No, no, this is my territory. I've been waiting for it for decades to drag you to hell. I did it. Replica Dick smiled coldly, and then he started all the attack programs in the room. As he expected, when all the tools and programs started at the same time, even Dick showed a trace of panic. She seized this opportunity and suddenly rushed to Dick's consciousness to tear him to pieces. But it was not as simple as he thought. Even in absolute danger, Dick rope maintained a strong resistance.

Ye Feng watched the two Dick standing face to face in boredom. He didn't know how fierce and cruel the battle was. He only knew that all this seemed to have stalled. The two monsters applied face to face and silently stared at each other, but there was no action, not even a trace of scolding. They looked at each other calmly. This was beyond Ye Feng's imagination. He took out his dagger and silently walked to the replica Dick. He didn't know whether the replica Dick noticed her little movements. If he saw a dagger hidden in his hand, the replica Dick might kill him at the first time, but he kept staring at the dick in front of him, He may not notice the gadget in Ye Feng's hand.

Whether he saw it or not, Ye Feng quickly walked behind the fake Dick. When he detoured behind the fake Dick, Ye Feng's heart was about to jump out. The process was only a few seconds, but it seemed to him that it was so long. He was worried that suddenly the fake Dick turned to look at it, and then he hung up in the blink of an eye, It's not like this.

It happened that Ye Feng came behind the fake Dick, but the fake Dick didn't respond. He was still concentrating on the duel with his enemy. He didn't expect that the third person in the room would do anything to him. In fact, he wasn't worried that someone would disturb him at this time, but he forgot one thing, that is, he didn't notice Ye Feng's actions, but Dick noticed that he noticed that Ye Feng had walked around behind his enemy and immediately drove all his forces to suppress the actions of fake Dick, making him tired, Just when fake Di tried his best to resist the attack from Dick, there was a loophole in his defense system.

As for whether Ye Feng can take advantage of this loophole, Dick can't control so much. At the moment, he is also desperately resisting the attack from fake Dick. Playing against others at home is undoubtedly a natural disadvantage. This disadvantage almost smoothed the gap between him and the other party, which made him cope with it very hard. Although he is still struggling, Dick doesn't know what will happen in the long run. He came in a hurry without any preparation, but the enemy had been preparing for this revenge for decades and waited for him to appear.

Come on, boy!

As if hearing Dick's heart, Ye Feng waved his dagger and cut off the neck of the fake Dick. He wanted to kill him. Although he didn't have such confidence, it was always the most practical way to swing the sharp blade to the key of the enemy. Dick thought so, and Ye Feng did the same, Ye Feng thrust the knife into the neck of fake Dick. He didn't think it was like cutting tofu.

In his opinion, all this should not have been discovered, because he once tried to sneak attack Dick and use weapons such as knives, but found that they had no effect at all. The knife would break and become a burst of metal dust before touching Dick's skin, and Dick imitated Buddha and did his own things without feeling it, It was only after a long time that he said something to Ye Feng coldly. He was not allowed to try again in the future. It would be very stupid.

In short, for Ye Feng, he didn't expect his knife to kill the fake Dick. Even if he was a fake, it was also Dick, but he was unexpectedly successful. His knife was inserted into the fake Dick's body without hindrance, and a burst of green blood splashed on Ye Feng's face.

Ye Feng was stunned. He didn't know Dick's blood was green, because he had never seen the bastard's injury and bleeding. At the moment when his face was splashed with green blood, he screamed. There seemed to be some force burning his skin in the green blood.

Ye Feng roared and screamed, retreated several steps and fell to the ground, struggling painfully. All this developed too fast, completely exceeding his expectation. He didn't expect that he would hurt Dick, let alone that the fake's immediate blood would be this color, and it was like a flame burning his face.

Almost half a minute later, he stopped the struggle test and completely fainted in pain.

Ye Feng was able to hurt the body of the fake Dick, because the fake Dick was trying his best to resist the attack from Dick, so he didn't pay any attention to his body in the physical space, which made him unprepared in the face of Ye Feng's sudden attack, so his body was easily stabbed, In fact, this type of injury is not fatal to him, and it doesn't even need any tension, but at the most critical moment of confrontation with others, this instant distraction is enough to lead to a change of hands.

Facing the sudden distraction of the enemy, Dick didn't give up the opportunity. He used all his strength. In almost a millisecond, he captured the consciousness of fake Dick and completely erased his consciousness. The fake immediately uttered a few meaningless howls and fell to the ground. Everything in the room seemed to be unchanged, but Dick knew that at this moment, all the defense mechanisms in the room had been damaged, and this floor had become no different from other floors.

With the death of fake Dick, all this has come to an end. Dick sat on the ground and breathed heavily. The battle was far more difficult than he thought. He lay on the ground for a long time regardless of his image. Then he reluctantly got up and walked to Ye Feng. Ye Feng's face had been completely melted by the pool of green blood, and his injury was still getting worse, Dick knew that this blood would restrain the healing factors in maple leaf.

In other words, Ye Feng will die and die ugly. Therefore, the urgent task at present is to send Ye Feng into the life support cabin, and then think again. Dick cursed, opened the time and space door, and returned to his own laboratory with Ye Feng. In the laboratory, Dick found a dilapidated life support cabin, and then stuffed Ye Feng in.

After starting the life support module, the situation of maple leaf will not continue to be serious. In this time, Dick can find a way to heal his injury. There is no doubt that this green blood contains some super powerful destructive factor, which is causing almost irreversible damage to maple leaf's body. Dick must find a way to deal with it in a short time and create a cure antidote. This is not a very difficult thing for Dick, but he wants to solve it with his current state, That might take some effort.

At this time, he is not in good condition. After a big war, he feels exhausted and can't afford to think again. However, for Ye Feng's life, he must cheer up to deal with the current problem, which is almost unimaginable for Dick. He never forces himself to do something for others, The probability of this happening is very low, but there is no doubt that this is the case today.

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